babies, babies and more babies!!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

alright i know how u all love to hear about hatches and see baby pics,lol. someone asked me to start a thread but for the life of me i don't remember all commands and ranks, rotfl bare with me ....

qfff silkie requesting all hands on deck and to be on standbye. we have a big order up from the chicken fairy. i repeat a big order of 44 eggies to deliver,lol. the calander says they r due to hatch the 12th but my GQF says a day early usually. they have been transported to the birthing tray and r wiggleing about and quiet stll. humidity is holding steady at 75% and temp at 100.5. anticipated arival of white silkies and showgirls, buff silkies, seramas, blue/black/splash-sizzles/silkies/showgirls and can't remember if i added any others oh partridge silkies/showgirls too. so excited and can't wait and i hope all the aunties and everyone is ready for the new arrivals!!!
will post updates as often as possibe and pics!!!!!
silkie out

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Wren here (will have to look up my rank, old brain not working) ready to cheer on those new life forms

(Zone 7b)

I'm Sorry LT Major Harmony has retired and will be here as a observer only can't wait to see the pics;)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Mother Bird reporting for duty! I love these missions! Bring em on Silkie!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Chief Petty Officer Moxon reporting. Congratulations Queen of the Fluffed and Furled Fowl! So happy that you are doing a hatching mission! They are fun!

Reminder thread for titles!

Wren, you are Chief of Wild Bird Operations (CWBO Wren)

Let's get those pics going and have a fluffing party! Hooray!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Commander Catscan is hiding out on a secret mission... Maby a lil team effort will pull her out of hiding.. and maby even get her to post pics??

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Catscan, you get your fayoumi-buyin' butt out here and do your duty or else we're gonna come over there and haul you out for 20 lashes with a wet noodle.

Photographic evidence of your secret mission is requested. We are all at the "need to know" stage here. What's that? Did I hear the word "maran" echoing across the country all the way to Iowa?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL @ Moxon

Go get er Claire!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

woke up to one buff silkie with a good pip and extra cracking but little thing is stll not out yet. got in the mail today 12 bantam barred rock eggs, a serama x sebright egg and a bantam rir egg. to kool my bantam barred rock daisy needs a flock for her so hopefully we'll get some babies in there too!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oooooh! Serama X Seabright! CPO Moxon is envious....

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Commander Catscan is now my hatching pilot... All Mother Bird's eggs are going to the secret location as to keep mother bird's hands out of the bator and really get a hatch! LOL

Commander Catscan is a chick slave right now.. Oh to be overwhelmed with fuzzy life forms!

Okay.. I told.. Sorry Commander.. I was forced.. LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Aye Aye CWBO Wren back to duties. Was out rescuing some epies. May have to go on another run Wed. to get the other three. Poor plants!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Where did you rescue them from CWBO Wren? Were they in a hazardous big box environment?

Mother Bird ZZ, Commander Catscan and I have had a secret penedesenca mission ongoing. Let's call it, Secret Mission P. It has been highly successful!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Acknowledged. AM involved in that mission, to a lesser extent... and alternate source..
Congratulations for a successful win Secret Agent P I mean.. Ummm

Continuing mission P.. standing by. *confusing self*

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

They where in a Ace store nursery. Not the right soil and too much light. the Rhipsalis separated into two plants. So with these 2 now 3 plants and two cuttings I get in the mail that brings my total of epis to----drum roll please----201 epis and 18 Christmas cactus and 1 easter cactus.

CWBO wren

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Holy guacamole CWBO Wren! That's akin to a hatching addiction! I love my Rhipsalis campos-portoana, but it is the only one I have. I would like some other Rhipsalis species. I have 1 Christmas cactus, and it is presently flowering. :-)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

My christmas cactus are budding up. And you are right it is addiction. I do not know the full name of the Rhipsalis that I get but it is hand written on the label "Twist" Iit says fall Blooms yellow-white

If you would like some cuttings from it d-mail me and I would gladly send you some.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Lieutenant LL 020179 reporting for duty

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I am dyin to see a showgirl chick.. Just think that would be the cutest thing ever!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ninja Dahlianut reporting for duty sir. Aliens have fled and all steady as she goes in the coops. Ready at the go to man the TWT.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

alright still on first pip, bummer, but it is 2 days early so i'm not messing with it. i have been checking every so often and it is peeping, has a breath hole and still wiggleing. it will be awhile for this first baby but i see a beak and it is chattering!!

they r not here yet for me to show u pics zz but here is siblings from the last hatch for ya to see. these r all showgirls although some look silkie,lol

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

pip #2 is a white silkie egg, woot!!! buff baby is doing good. i took flashlight and looked in at the membrain and it still has veining so it pipped to early but should be fine all looks good. watch those little turkeys will all start zipping and popping after i go to bed, ugg i hate that. then i miss it all and wake up to a bunch of babies, it's just not the same, lol.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Oh Oh.. I love showgirls.. I just love em! They are so cute Silkiechick! Thankz for the chick pic fix till the current mission is complete!

Oh lil booboo babbiez... chicken babiez.. come on chicken babiez... LOL (If I were outside, I'd be attacked for saying that.. ) LOL

Clarkson, KY

{{{CovertOpGrow is secretly watching from the wings in fear of being asked to behave properly}}} Love the pics...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Da Genrul is watching.......

Huggggs Moxon....

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

rotfl, i love u all ur a hoot!!! i got a killer migraine and can't think at the moment, i can't wait for hatching but i hope they r not to early.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm sorry you have those silkie.. the computer is killer when I have one.. I know.. it's so hard to read.. or focus.. I hope you feel better very soon!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i hate them they r not actual migrains it is from probs in my back from old injuries which cause migrain effects which r actually 100 times worse. sometimes i have bad spells so bad they r like have seisures when my back starts to spasm bad. they frighten me it can get really bad. i'm hopeing my meds work so far no luck. yes, light, comp, noise, everything kills my head and back.

going to check the sportsman again see if anything new. i just set more serama eggs and all my eggies i got shipped in. i do not have serama crosses so i'm actually excited to see what hatches from that one!!

here is another last hatch pic. i love to snuggle and kiss them on there hot tiny necks,rotfl. love, love to spoil showgirl babies!!!

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

#3 pip is a serama!!!! buff baby is finally slowly starting to crack around a little from pip. white still looks same but all r chirping happily!!! i can't believe i got 3 pips this early, holy cow! come on little babiez!!!!! momma can't wait to spoil all the fluffies!!!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Feel Better Immediately Silkie...Thats an order...I hate to see you down in the middle of a Mission especially....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hi Silkiechick - hope your head and back will feel better soon. I recommend a hot bath - that usually helps my back, but mine is usually muscle/tension related.

Here is a basketful of your chicks. :-) They are all adorable. One of the buff ones has stripes on its back - might be a bit partridge-ish? They hatched from Friday through to yesterday. They were actually due on Thursday so I had been nervous but they came through fine. :-)

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here is another picture of them. I just love them all!

General Dusty. Thank you for the hugggzzz! I send some back your way too! We hatching crews must keep each other supported sometimes.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Covert Op Grow. Please come out from under your rock, or you may be accused of improper behaviour. ;-)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here are my 2 hatches of gold laced cochins from this past few days.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

This is just their heads. I love the coppery top on their head. Any guess on M/F?

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

hmmm. what initials were on the eggs?? either i sent u extra colors or someone messed up marking eggies cause now i think of it i thought i sent u all whites and buffs. the only other thing could be is if they threw some partridge cause not seperated long enough. i think it was u who asked me when i listed them i said it was possible if they hadn't been seperated long enough but if that's the case i'm surprised there is no showgirls that color. however u got a splash and a blue in there that is what is confuseing me,lol. let me blow them pics up again. by the way they r very beautiful so glad u shared pics with me!!!!

i'm feeling better some but my pills r makeing me loopy and i don't like it, can't think.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

if i'm not mistaken i believe u got-
1- blue
1- splash
3- partridge at least the 2 darker ones i'm pretty sure r. the light chipmonk one mabe a buff partridge.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

houstan we have a baby hatched!!! the buff silkie has officially zipped and kicked it's way out and it peeping mad!!! rotfl, omg it is so cute!!! it is kicking around the egg carton mabe the sound of it will intice the others to come out while it is working on drying. still same 2 pips left the serama and white silkie. mabe by morning we will have at least 3 of them hatched. i can't wait to see this one all fluffed up!!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

last check before i fineally go to sleep,lol.

total now is -
buff silkie hatched
white silkie half hatched
serama pipped
splash/blue/black- sizzle/silkie/showgirl egg now pipped
another buff pipped

looks like all morning and tomarrow a bunch will be hatching, woot!!! come on little fluffies!!!!

night all will report updates tomarrow!!!

Belchertown, MA

Great pictures!!! Love how cute those little chicks are!! Makes me want some!

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