Anybody ID this plant?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

This rather pretty plant has been growing under an old fig tree since we moved in 6 years ago. It seems to be a very slow grower, and I have never seen any seeds on it, so it hasn't become a pest. I wonder if anybody knows what it is?

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Here is a close up of the flowers. I wonder if it is a native Hawaiian plant?

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Keaau, HI

Good Morning Jen,

Your mystery plant is Galphimia gracilis, "Spray-of-Gold".

It is a native of Mexico, where it is known as "Rama-de-Oro", and it's leaves are used medicinally. It is a member of the Malpighia Family and is a close relative of the Acerola Cherry (Malpighia emarginata).

Have a nice day!

Aloha, Dave

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Dave, you are a fund of knowledge! You amaze me!

Off to look it up now, mahalo, mahalo, mahalo!

Clarence, NY

They call it Thrysallis here, but I've always called it by it's genus Galphimia. By the way, the botanists got cute with this one. Galphimia is an anagram of its family Malphigia.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the info - I have learnt that my plant should be growing in the full sun, and should have seed pods! It is in such an out of the way corner in the garden that I have never noticed seed pods, now I am going to check it more carefully. Good to find out that I can cut it back too as it is getting rather large, maybe I can try to root some of the cuttings and plant them in the sun. This plant really does bloom all the time even in it's current position in shade.


Keaau, HI

Hey Jen, if you put the plants in full sun, they will get more flowers, but will require much more water.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the tip, Dave! There are enough flowers now - I think it's going to stay right where it is - I don't need to use anymore water than I already do!

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

It's a darn little beauty, whatever it it. Hi B.H.M.! I've been kinda out of the realm lately. I hope all is well with you!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha LA, nice to see you back, hope all is well with you too! Are you still having medical problems, or are you all fixed up now? Welcome home!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Know very little about the geography of CA. Hope you are NO WHERE NEAR to fires.

Hi, Jenny, hope no fires in your backyard either.

Weatherman in the background is talking about freezing temps this weekend. Guess it is time..almost Thanksgiving.

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

No the fires are up in the hills , rich land, Never effects 90% of us, the media makes it look like the whole darn place is on fire,
It's funny Lou, on the west coast the entire area west of Arizona looks like its entirely being wiped out by hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and the west coast is wiped out by earthquake, and fires, and guess what, neither one is right. We all get exagerated news reports. In my 50 years I've actually physically seen 4 fires, and 3 large earthquakes. People say California is "disaster city"! We get a quake about once every 20 years (1971, 1994) and approximately 60 deaths rsult. In the east tornadoes, hurricanes, violent storms, lighting, blizzards, kill MANY, MANY more! We don't have hurricanes (2) in 100 years, no tornados, no blizzards (except in the high sierra of south, central, and No. Cal) where 60 feet of snow is not uncommon , but nobody lives there. I will definetly that the rare earthquake anytime!
Pic- Blizzard in paradise (central, South California) a few years back.....9,000 ft.

Thumbnail by LApalms
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the information. It indeed looks as though everyone needs to move as far east as they can. Tornadoes are a regular thing here in the spring. We have lived in this home for 42 years + and have weathered 3 tornadoes. The last in 1994 and the adjuster we had came straight from the LA earthquake. His opinion was that a tornado was more devastating and terrifing. Would rather no one had to compare them.

Take care and we will all be Thankful for your safety...and our own.


Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Lou, you're right there all awful. When I lived in FL I observed 3 tornadoes. But those ones are wimps compared to the masive OK, TX, KS tornadoes, etc. WOW, I watch Discovery channel and, oh my god, they put they fear of all into ones psyche. But strangely beautiful and mesmerizing. Ithink Greensburg KS was wiped, and those brave people will rise again!!! The American way. Bless them. OOPS, another pic...

Thumbnail by LApalms

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