Welcome Newbie's introduce yourselves

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

very cute place general. is there room for the chickies? :-)

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Praying and packing...That will be the winter house for this winter...The Farmhouse is still occupied.... ;-((

Clarkson, KY

It'll come. Probably just as well to be snug for winter plots and plans anyway. I'm imagining curling up with a hot Cuppa and scheming the winter nights away...
What is your critter count, btw? I can't remember...I know who you covet, but that doesn't count.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

It'll be 1 Pug and 3 Poodles, 1 Chinese crested/Westie mix and 1 feline that has delusions of being a canine...Yes, I covet Merlot...but he won't be born until the end of February, and the farm should be in the sights by then...and it will take some time to wean him also, but Son has the acreage and the barns and stalls for him till Momma can get him...That, of course bears on the fact that it IS a HE and that Moxon will sell him to me...

How did you like that fireplace on the patio??? Neato eh??

kent, WA

im a newby!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

welcome fuzzy!!! so glad u could join us!! whoever said about my pics, thank u! i love takeing pics of all my kid's,lol. i enjoy shareing them with everyone.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Fuzzy tell us about yourself

Clarkson, KY

Thought you'd posted a bit before? Tell us do...You hold the blather stick! (won't necessarily stop us, but it does give you SOME rights!!;-)

Clarksburg, MO

Hello to all of the newbies. It is nice to have you here. I am mom to DD, 5, DNephew 4, DS 2, and DNiece 6 mons., I also have about 200 chickens that i raise to sell hatching eggs, chicks, breeding stock, table eggs, and meat birds. I also run my own independent scrapbooking business and make premade pages for sale on ebay.


Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

kns that is kool!! what breeds do u raise and what is ur id on ebay so i can have my sister and aunt watch ur listings they love scrapbooking.

(Zone 7b)

Well i guess i didn't introduce myself to the newbie's Sorry.

Hello Newbie's and welcome to the poultry/livestock forum my name is Harmony.
I raise Old English Game Bantams and i currently have 75 breeders in 14 different varieties and 15 self blue chicks i allso raise Old German Shield owls i have 6 breeding pairs in 4 different colors and only 2 pairs of Fantails I have ring neck doves in 8 different color varieties and i have about 60 of those and counting. I have just traded for 2 pairs of diamond doves and 1 pair is sitting on a nest as we speak. I'm looking into breeding or just owning Pheasants, Gambrel quail, Turkeys,and Peacocks.
I have been doing this for 7 years and started with 2 chickens I now run this as a small business and for fun and when people ask me do i work i say yes this is my job.

Valencia, PA

Ok, thank you for allowing me to have a 'formal' intro:
I'm new to chickens, so I've been reading this site whenever I have time, t/o the summer.
I have 3 Ameracauna hens, but only one lays green eggs, one lays brown eggs and one hasn't yet begun (6 1/2 mos). I've tried to make them free range, but they have chosen to lay eggs everywhere but in their nest boxes, so I've been confining them to their henhouse. Any help on this would be great.
I am also a gardener (BS Hort PSU '89), and have 5 cats, 3 dogs and 3 horses, one of whom I am training (a backyard foal who is now a colt).
I've got way too much on my plate, but the hens are the only productive pets that I have, so I guess I'm headed in the right direction.
I'd like to order more Ameracaunas next year from a reputable hatchery (not the local feed store) and I'd like to try some Buff Orpingtons, if they get large enough.
I'm also thinking about getting a saddleback pig next year, ......


location: Western PA, zone 5b, probably becoming 6; wooded, reverted from farmland from the 1950's, alot of dying White Ash trees thanks to the Emerald Ash Borer, etc.

Thumbnail by Patti14P
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I am a newbie! I have been participating in conversations for a week or more. I am hooked. Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome! I am new to chickens as well, but learning everyday! I read as many books I can and have been "lurking" on all the old posts and new ones. I am thankful to have a place to come where people can share what they know and learn what they dont!
I have about a dozen chickens, two roos. My breeds are not pure. They are mixes. It seems I have a Brahma mix, A wyndotte mix, Black and copper maran mix, and black maran mixs. I love them all.
I live in Central New York with my husband and two kids. Many other critters.
InnBetween...what do you do in your spare time? Just kidding! hehehe You sound like you have your hands full.
Thanks for the forum to say hello Harmony. I feel like I am getting to know everyone a bit better everyday!

kent, WA

i hane been here for a month or so, and i love this website. when i have a question i get answers very fast. i can tell you guys all love your animals very very very very very ect. much!!!!!!!!!:)

kent, WA

opps! sorry i ment haVe!!!!!!!!!!;)

Clarkson, KY

Glad you're back Fuzzy! You know, holding the blather stick is a responsibility as well as....well, blather on! We're listening!!lol.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I'm sorta new too. I don't have chickens right now, but I used to have New Hampshire Reds, Auracanas, Gold and Silver Wyandottes, and Buff Orpingtons. All homestead birds, for meat and eggs. Anyone here do just ordinary chickens?

I also did Bourbon Red turkeys for a couple of years.

Then I moved to coyote country and I haven't gotten around to building a bunker for new chickens.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Fuzzy, its nice to see (read) you! I agree, this is a great group with so much knowledge! I look forward to popping on in the morning to just catch up. I do learn a lot here! I hope to see you around!
Blather stick? hmmm....Is that real?

Clarkson, KY

Bunker is right!! Yes, Jay, I do just plain ol' ordinary chickens. Black sex-link, barred rock, and crosses. Would love to try out the Bourbon Red turkeys if I can get my bearings and get after it in time...

Clarkson, KY

There is a blather stick (actually there's a Native American tradition I can't quite recall...) He who holds the stick has the floor...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Jay, great to meet you too!
I just watched a show on Turkey farming last night.
Interesting stuff there!
I sure hope you get to have your chickens back soon. You
must really love them. ;)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay, I know the tradition, especially in meetings right? was it called a blather stick?
Interesting stuff. I am taking a class in Native American History currently.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Well, I think it would be a stretch to say I loved my chickens like the folks here love their chickens... But they do have their uses, and some of them are awfully pretty. And tasty.

Oooops. Is that Politically Incorrect here? Y'all beef eaters, save the chicken sorts? =0)

I've already learned a lot on this forum. My chickens were always healthy, so all these diseases and troubles are new to me and very interesting. Well, they were healthy except for when something killed them.

I feel so sorry for those turkeys they use for industrial farming... so deformed they can hardly walk, no sex, and stoooopid to boot. Drown in a heavy rain.

I've always heard it called a Talking Stick... though blather is more apt, IMHO.

So what's the deal with sex-linked? A neighbor down the road has some, but he has no idea, it's just what was at the feed store when he was ready to buy chickens.


Clarkson, KY

Little boy babies have an obvious head spot -you can sight check for gender.

"Blather" was my word -there is a better one for the real McCoy...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

It is indeed a Talking Stick or ..Wo-ne da-ga-los-ti in Tsalagi...
That is typed phonetically to aid your pronunciation...

My last name in Tsalagi is Udaolunusti which means Walkingstick...

A talking stick is given to one in the Council meeting who wishes to speak...Unless the stick is in your hand, you are to remain silent...In this manner, there is no way for an argument of opposing views on a subject...Each may speak one at a time, and when one is finished, the Stick is returned to the Elder of the Council...Unless the Elder passes it you, your voice will not be heard...

Da General

Clarksburg, MO

Can someone make me one of those sticks for my house. I am having a little trouble getting the 5 and 2 year old to stop talking and listen.

Anyone that can make one and guarantee it's power will win the million.


Clarkson, KY

Hey there! Been missing you two!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Being out here in the SW, the Tsalagi are new to me. Care to tell me a little about them... range, culture, are they a tribe/people or clan or ?

Enjoyed the info on the talking stick. How is the Elder selected?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I believe any stick will do...The power is in the Thump! Just kidding...No guarantees on its power. I guess you will need to be the Elder and wield your power...yaaaa, 5 and 2....Good luck with that. hehehe

Thanks for all the good info Dusty!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Tsalagi is Cherokee in the Cherokee language

Clarkson, KY

Somehow wrong that we should not recognize Cherokee...

Jay...we do have "freezer camp" for some of the chickens around the forum -not my term, but omnivorous habits are perfectly acceptable -sometimes hard to implement but perfectly acceptable.lol.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Ah, thanks Wren.

That's like Dine, which is what the Navajos call themselves.

=0) Jay

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Freezer camp! Love that. lol

Had the same problem with my goats... had a friend I would trade with. Easier if you don't know them personally. Still, sending them to goat or chicken heaven is not the fun part, that's for sure.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

LOL, took my awhile but I got it! "Freezer camp"

Dallas, TX

I've been around since last year but Im only on sporadically and Ive never officially introduced myself. So I figured I would now!
Hello all!

I live in the burbs of Dallas Texas (yehaw) and I have 3 little chooks all about ready to lay. Miss priss (barred rock) who is very snotty, Delilah and Lucille(both white americaunas) and who are the sweeter two.
We have fostered alot of dogs and cats in the past and have had many good and bad experiences there. We have had a pit, a chocolate lab, a cocker and a pyr who haved all found new homes. The two rescue dogs that we kept are Charlie our black lab (we nursed him through distemper after saving him from the pound and he still has some residual nervous system damage) who just turned 2 and Chorizo (an interesting mix of German shephard and Shiba Inu - a japanese breed that our groomer told us about when she saw him and figured that he was part that), a stray we found and who we fell in love with who is probably around 1 1/2. We also have 3 cats Silo, Kalashnakov(Clash), and Trigger. And my sister who just started her first year of college moved in with us and brought her 2 cats (kiki and turnip). So needless to say its a full house and.....
We have a baby due in the summer! Yay. We are expecting our first baby and we are so excited. Ive already started sewing blankets and knitting scarves etc...! We find out Wed what my due date is!

So thats pretty much us in a nutshell. Aside from fulltime animal caretaker I am a teacher and my husband is a journalist.

I dont know if anyone will read this whole thing but thanks if you did and Its nice to meet you!

Clarkson, KY

Thanks for chiming in! Seen you around, bit you're not loud like some of us...Welcome!!

Dallas, TX


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

meg_e. Scarves in Texas??? Just wonderin. Although I was watching the snow thread on the Texas forum and you folks sure got flakey recently.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Congrats on the baby!!!! How exciting!
Are you going to peek and find out what it will be?
We didnt with either of ours but most people choose to so they can decorate according.
It is a wonderful time for you.
Nice to meet you!

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

I have been reading the poultry section for about one year. I don't have any chickens yet but plan on getting some next fall. I have been wanting to have chickens all my life(many, many years) but have never been in a situation where I could have them. Mostly lived in the burbs. By some miracle I moved to Texas to be near my brother and extended family and purchased 8 acres to build a home. I am so excited about getting some chickens,(more than building a home!) Ameraucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks and New Hampshire Reds. I read where these breeds are more gentle in nature than some others but I think they are beautiful and good layers as well.(maybe a few Silkies? they are so cute, cute, cute). I can't tell you how much I have learned from you all and I thank you for that.

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