Fall garden scenes

Smithfield, NC

Dahlia Rothsay Reveller (now blackened by frost) with Brazilian Blue Sage and Pennisetum Hameln.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Smithfield, NC

A view of the back part of the big perennial bed.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Johns Island, SC

These are absolutely GORGEOUS gardens/pics! More, more, more...

Selma, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Stono!

Sweetbay- I think it's a maple.

Thumbnail by chamthy
Selma, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm trying to get past the learning curve in Photoshop w/o DH's help. Let's see if this is a closer image of the tree.

Editing to add- I'll try again later,lol.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2008 10:30 AM

Thumbnail by chamthy
Smithfield, NC

That's a red maple.

Smithfield, NC

Sir Robert Lipton in foreground, with Aromatic Aster, Clotilde Soupert, and Old Blush. The brown twigs on the right are spent Phlox paniculata blooms.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Smithfield, NC

Climbing Old Blush blooms until very late in the year.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Smithfield, NC

Pineapple Sage, Muhly filipes, Chrys. "Venus", fall-flowering Cosmos, and Queen of Siam Basil by the wheelbarrow.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Kannapolis, NC

You have a beautiful garden, Sweetbay.

Smithfield, NC

Thank you. :) I still have a lot of work though.

Another view through the trellis.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Kannapolis, NC

Oh, how beautiful! And look at that Callicarpa! Wow! I'm overusing exclamation points here, but you deserve it!

Selma, NC(Zone 7b)

Callicarpa dichotoma has lost its leaves but the berries are holding on.

Thumbnail by chamthy
Selma, NC(Zone 7b)

My Forsythia has nice fall color this year.

Thumbnail by chamthy
Smithfield, NC

The Callicarpa looks really good with the Miscanthus, and that Forsythia has beautiful color. Mine is just green.

Here's a wide view of Miss Bessie's Aster, and part of the garden.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Smithfield, NC

Seedheads of Joe Pye Weed, with Miss Bessie's Aster and roses in the background.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Smithfield, NC

Miss Bessie's Aster with Rose Foxi Pavement to the left and Muhlenbergia filipes to the right.

Thumbnail by sweetbay103
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Sweet B
What is that spray of purple/blue to the far right ? Is that Muhlenbergia filipes? Is it a grass?

Smithfield, NC

Yes, that's Muhlenbergia filipes, an evergreen grass.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

its beautiful
and you're in Smithfield, so I know I can grow it. I have a small area in back that I want to fill in with grasses. I saw a grass today....it was unbelievable in the sun. Thick --like a bottlebrush and bright bright yellow/gold. Any idea of its name?

Selma, NC(Zone 7b)

Sweetbay-Miss Bessie's is beautiful in full bloom. Not much going on here now. The Buddleia that I got from you is the showiest thing in bloom now other than the grasses.

Thumbnail by chamthy
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

My new orange shrimp plant fits the season well.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

First flower on Sasanqua 'Leslie Ann'.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Firebush, Hamalea patens in a neighborhood butterfly garden.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

A local and very colorful farm.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

No flowers but such a pretty sky beyond the Hunting Island Lighthouse today.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Smithfield, NC

missingrosie, the bottlebrush grass sounds like a Pennisetum. Does it look like this? http://www.nichegardens.com/catalog/item.php?id=1724

Shari Miss Bessie's Aster is great but she's leggy. She kind of leans every which way. lol

Beautiful pictures ardesia. I especially like the camellia.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Sweet B - no doesn't look like that. It doesn't have the think green blades coming up. If you took the shape of the bottle brush flower --- fattened it up and lengthened it.... it starts from the place it emerges from the ground ---and continues right on to the tip. Then painted it bright bright yellow/gold. That would be it. I am going to try to get a photo tomorrow on the way to work. Hope the sun is up and bright. Its shape is like your Muhlenbergia filipes but thicker 'brush' and of course the color is different.

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