Subject of Seeds...and misc things to "share"

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) apologies if ya'll have already covered this...but:
Are "we" considering another winter seed get together? If not...I have various seeds I'd like to offer "here" first - if folks are interested in them. Seems my Cannas (first year) have been kind enough to produce seeds for me...not sure if that's something that folks would want or not. Obviously I only know what the mama plant is - can't help with what the seeds will grow into...LOL (I will have tubers avail in spring - planted Canna in a not so good spot so they'll need to go...variegated leaves - sure they'd be pretty in the "right" area). I also have a Sweet Autumn Clematis that I'll sadly need to chop and dig up...anyone with "extra" space for her? Anyone wanting Passis next year? I can give you some volunteers coming up for you to over winter for spring planting...before Jack frost does them in. Let's see what else....plenty of Cypress Vine seeds as well as that mini orange MG that the hummers love so much. My night blooming epi finally bloomed this year (yipeeee) but is now in desperate need of a haircut...anyone interested? These are very easy to root!!! I have double yellow and the double purple/white datura seeds recently collected as well. IF I have to cut my brugs...anyone wanting to give a shot at rooting? I know as soon as I hit "send" I'll remember something else...ugh!!! Needless to say I have plenty of indoor cacti still needing a home...I'm going to be taking a "truckload" (LOL) to a prev. neighbor unless I hear from ya'll....and have a monster Red Trigona in a huge pot available. Alrighty - that's all for now...I'll add on as I make my way through the yards....ugh!!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

What kind of epi do you have I am interested. Also I never give mine haircuts should I? I have 4 at the moment.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I NEED to - in order to bring it indoors...LOL I'm not sure which Night Blooming Epi...I do have pics of bloom at home...but honestly it could be 2 different types in the same pot. They're the large, fragrant, white blooms...if that helps at all. ^_^

Alexandria, VA

I wasn't able to make the last get-together, so I'd love to do a winter version. We'll be moving sometime in January and I'll have to leave a lot behind, so I would be grateful to adopt anything...

I can bring cuttings (maybe rooted) of my Hardy Argeratum if anyone is interested.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heya, Chantell! Sorry I didn't see this earlier... we've been a little distracted here lately.

I don't know if anybody else is putting a gathering together, but I'm planning to organize another midwinter seed swap in February. The Chinese buffet seemed to work out really well, and I'm thinking we could make a longer day of it by including a Dutch Plant Farm stop in the morning and then possibly heading over to my place after lunch for a winter sowing clinic (I'm still kicking that idea around as an alternative to just hosting a tea here... we'll see what develops).

If we're doing a lot of plant swapping as well as seeds, we might want to do plants at the house rather than overwhelm the restaurant space with them. I know I've been bad about propagating lately, but hopefully I'll have some rooted scented geranium cuttings by then as well as some African violet babies.

I haven't picked a date yet. I know the weather is dicey any time in Jan or Feb, so maybe we'll go for a date earlier in February this time... That way, we could reschedule for later in the month in case of a weather cancellation. We could also put together another gathering (in a different location so travel logistics are better for some) perhaps in March when weather will hopefully be less of an issue. There's no reason to limit ourselves to just 3 or 4 events per year, after all! :-)

OK, looking at the calendar now... I'm thinking maybe Saturday Feb 7, with a possible "rain date" of Feb 21. (Valentine's Day is in between, and I figure folks might be otherwise occupied that Saturday.) I know there's been some discussion of Saturday vs. Sunday dates, but Saturday works better for us (I may not work outside the home at present, but Jim does, and his Mondays start early). Maybe we could put together a Sunday gathering at another location in March.

I know this thread was more about seeds/plants than about schedules, so I don't want to get off-topic... The short answer is yes, "we" have at least one midwinter gathering in the works to my certain knowledge. :-)

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