NaNa's Jungle - The Hut

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

There are many different parts of the garden that need some restoration after IKE, but my "hut" had to be No. 1 after the initial cleanup!

This is my third hut that DS has made for me in the past five years. It is my dearest reminder of the time my family and I spent in Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii in the sixties while my Dad was in the Marine Corps; that stay was the inspiration for my garden! Hopefully the design of this hut will outlast our Fall windstorms; another hurricane.....probably not!! However long it lasts it will be treasured!!! Now we just need to light the Tiki Torches and put on Brother IZ!

FYI: In the past the hut has doubled for a "makeshift" greenhouse as well by enclosing it with commercial grade clear plastic shower curtains. This year we are going to cover the swingset frame (as previously seen on DG) using the same type materials. If we can fill it up with everything that needs to be protected then I would like to leave the "hut" open. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. Each day is a "new" day......

Parts of the garden, like the patio cover, and pond, will have to wait until Spring for their restoration. There is much to do so I will add pictures periodically.

And now...."My Hut"~~~~~~~~~Aloha!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Looks great!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Pepper!

One of my plumeria trees has a seed pod on it! I am so excited! I have seen a beautiful very small hummingbird in the yard, so I would think it is the one responsible! It takes many months for it to be ready to pick, but it will be worth it!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I've only had one plumeria tree germinate from seed. It was about three years old when it was snapped in two by IKE. I let the small upper part that broke off dry out and then stuck it down in the pot with the other part. Now the broken part is putting out new leaves.....already.....just a month later!

I don't think the other part has had a chance to root yet. I'll just let it be for awhile!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Plants are lined up "all in a row" waiting to go into the new "makeshift greenhouse". Plumerias, tropical hibiscus, some house plants, and baby papaya trees.

The orchids will come in the house.

This message was edited Oct 21, 2008 10:06 PM

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Jeanne, your hut looks very Hawaii, very clever to use up your fronds and make something so pretty!

The garden is looking very nice, what a load of plants you have to get into your "greenhouse". Aren't plumeria wonderful with the abuse they can take - like the rabbit that can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!

I hope you are keeping well and not trying to do too much since beastly Ike's visit.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Jen! Those plants are definately survivors!

Today I banged and cut the toe next to the big toe on my left foot. I don't think it needs stitches, but may have to get a tetanus shot tomorrow. It is really swollen and painful. I washed it really well, put peroxide on it and antibiotic ointment. I'll wrap it to the next smaller one to keep it still. I told my Mom that I was having sympathy pains for her, because she banged hers last week and could hardly walk on it!! I was moving slow to start with, so this really doesn't help matters any.

Edited to say I got a Tetanus shot today so now I'm good for 10 years! The toe is not as swollen or painfull so I'm sure it will be fine!

This message was edited Oct 22, 2008 4:57 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jeanne, oh dear really needed that didn't you! Maybe you need to wear clogs when out in the garden. Your plants all look so wonderfully healthy and lush. Even just lined up waiting for the new home, your garden looks inviting and friendly. The hut looks different than last year, but maybe it is just the angle? Still looks cozy and islandish though! Jenny will be wondering about your luck with pots as she does me....of course I have no choice, and you need to keep some things portable. We aren't as lucky as she is with soil and weather, huh?



Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

No, I didn't need any help.....going any slower. Today it was Dr. appt and errands. We did go to our favorite Mexican Taqueria to eat. Neither of us felt like cooking. DS had a migraine...and as he predicted we did get RAIN this evening. I was conversing with Randy when it started coming in and just got the puter shut down in time before the major thunder and lightning hit!

This hut is made with the fronds from the Mexican Fan Palm. They are a little thinner than the other palm fronds we used before. We could have used a few more, but that was all we saved back in the clean up. We'll probably add a few more here and there later.

All of my plumies need repotted, but it probably won't happen before they go into protection tomorrow. It is nice that they are portable actually. But It would be really nice not to have to worry about them getting cold!!!! Being that we are close to the water it seems to be more of a damp cold. For example, my banana trees will turn brown where as 30 min from here in Pasadena the banana trees stay green all year long....... (Their temps are the same as ours......)

I'm glad that y'all like my hut. I LOVE it! It is so relaxing to sit there and look at the garden.....or "Nana's Jungle" as the grandkids call it! It's amazing to see how much everything has grown in the past few years. I was looking at pictures from
2004 and the yard looked bare comparitively speaking. The Mexican Fan Palms were only a couple of feet tall, and now they are above the fence!!!

Yokwe y'all and Aloha!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

No kidding - you guys and your pots amaze me!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

The hut is now a "makeshift greenhouse". The two largest plumerias had to go in there. I can still open it up on nice days.

I'm going to start another thread for the swingset "makeshift greenhouse".

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Clarence, NY

I LOVE it Texgal!! My dad built one too a long time ago. We keep it covered with old coconut fronds and rocked the babies to sleep in the hammock underneath in the heat of the afternoon. My daughter always called it "the happy hut" and the name just stuck.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

That is a great name Deb! I like it! The two plumria trees and some of the house plants are very happy in there tonight! It is supposed to be in the mid 40's. They will be plenty warm. I only wish that we could have let it be "the hut" just a little longer before it had to be the GH again! It is my favorite place to be in the garden!


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