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Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Extreme Ninja Dahlianut. I have noted the instability of which you speak. We must keep a careful watch. Possible delusions of grandeur. Are you in need of Chocolate, EN Dahlianut?

Dallas, TX

....Is anyone else more confused then when you skip an episode of Lost....
just me....


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Gimme Males an Chocolate... and I am happy...

Oh!! Nevermind.. you can have the chocolate and the Human males.....

Touch my coop Dahlia and you will wear a set of dentures in the rear of your Ninja Suit...They will however be attached to my 90 pound Service dog...Ummmm... She gives * No Quarter*

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sir as as mercenary and a lurker I must admit that I am a little crushed over the lack of chocolate offers. Not to complain sir but I am a big fan of the bad hair life forms and have done all the training and I just thought that maybe sorta there might be chocolate bribery involved sir.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I have been wanting Generals coops also. The history that building has. I could just sit in there and relive the history. I do not want a boot in the back side tho.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

On the double, troops, get some chocolate on its way to Calgary. EN Dahlianut is in serious need. This is not a drill. This is an emergency. She must keep up her extreme ninja skills for use in our nefarious chicken plot to take over the world. Forget "on the double", this calls for "on the quadruple" or more!


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

You know what, Mom went to Switzerland and guess what I tried to steal tonight, CHOCOLATE, I got frisked at the door before I could leave. How dare her not share chocolate with me. I have to learn how to steal chocolate better. tomorrow is another day.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

sorry didn't want to start a chocolate frenzy but then again I'm chocolate challenged and can be bribed.... ^_^

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Two glasses of wine later... man could I use some chocolate... is there any left or did you gals eat it all and go to bed?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Lazy. I thought I was hinting pretty big time about chocolate. ok I have some from my last bribe that I've just sent your way. Nite nite.

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