Orchids then and now. The story of 13 orchids and counting..

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I have a Miltonia that smells wonderful when it blooms and hope that I can persuade it again. Now every time I see one in a store, I have to run over and stick my nose in the pot!

Marine Parade, Singapore

Hi all,
Thanks for the welcome!
Jenn, you're right, I get very little direct sun, except right at the front of the balcony.
I think the trick with Phalaenopsis is just to be patient. For ages, mine just produced keikis rather than flowers, which was nice if irritating. Then, tragically, one phal produced a flower spike which some careless person brushed against and broke off before the flowers opened (grrr).
Finally, after a couple of years (!) two plants flowered, but just before I left to spend Christmas with my sister! LOL
This is a shot of the other phal

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Alexandra, here's another mystery orchid which is blooming right now. I can't even recall what species this is.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

And for all orchid lovers out there, here's a photo from an orchid show organised last year here in Singapore. It's a good job I only took a limited supply of cash with me, or I'd have been bankrupted!

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

I could die right now and I'd die happy! Such beautiful blooms!

My take (but I'm absolutely no expert) is that your mistery flower is a brassavola, but I don't know which. Is it fragrant? Brassavola nodosa (I have one but no blooms yet) is said to be.

Just lovely, Gangajay! Yeah, I kinda know what you mean with the bankruptcy... he, he!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

If that's what that white one is, Alexandra, I want one! Very pretty and, like you, I like fragrant orchids.

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Beautiful pics Gangajay and welcome. I have killed one Phal and I have one other that seems to be OK but then I haven't looked at the roots on it. I don't want to jinx it and have it die too. It was a gift and I've no idea what it is either. I need to mount it but the last one died when I started messing with it so I'm a little leery. Do you have yours in some kind of medium or mounted? Patience eh? Maybe that's my problem.

Marine Parade, Singapore

Hi all,
Yes I think it might be a brassavola. I think it's night-scented (some orchids here are like that).
Hi Extranjera. Most of the orchids are mounted, with a little moss tucked among the roots to start them off. Some of the dendrobiums are in pots with charcoal. I'm not a particularly patient person myself, but I think I gave up thinking about them for a while, which seemed to work! :)
The photo shows the block of fern root the orchids are mounted on. They are next to a water-feature.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

WOW! all these orchids are so awesome!!! i love the catleya's the most, anyway i posted a thread on my vanda so if you can help me over their i'd apreciate it!!!!

Keaau, HI

More Dendrobiums!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Wild bunch! Another shot of the Philippine Ground Orchid, Spathoglottis plicata.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)


I think my remaining Phal is sending out new buds on the old bloom stalk. I didn't cut it off when the blooms faded and now I see buds starting again. I really need to take a look at the roots and perhaps mount it, I think I'll wait for the rains as it is so dry and hot now it is hard to spray them often enough.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Dave, beautiful as always! You make it look so easy!

ArchAngeL01, hello and welcome! I'll go to your thread, but I'm no expert... my most desperate dream is to keep my orchids alive and happy!

Hi Gangajay, do I detect a Syngonium in your latest pic's?

Enjoying the pic's from Singapore!


Eugene, OR

Here's the Phals I have blooming right now. These are all plants that were given to me by people who had gotten them as gifts and couldn't get them to bloom again. No tags, but pretty anyway.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Eugene, OR

This spike has 15 blooms on it.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Eugene, OR

This is one I grew. P. Taisuco Ladylip. Only 6 blooms on this spike.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Eugene, OR

This cute little hybrid has been blooming for months.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Arrrghhh! Why did you get all the plant genes in the family? Glad you have a lot of pretties around you, though, Sis.

Sally_OR, is about to send some in a Lust zone factor;-)

Your doing real good Sally_OR!

Eugene, OR

I have my orchids, but you have that fabulous garden!!

Eugene, OR

Thank you, it's hit and miss sometimes, but it's fun.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

how hardy do you think the decidious dendrobiums could be? call me crazy but i haven't seen a decidious dendrobium in about 4 years ,:( i do love them tho , thnxx for the welcome! hehe , does anybody have any cuttings of decidious dendrobium that i can have? thnxx , sorry if i missspelled a buncha stuff lol

Keaau, HI

What is a decidious Dendrobium?

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

it's a dendrobium that goes dormant in the winter and drops it's leaves ,like a deciduous tree lol read this article (the last paragraph)

Keaau, HI

Thanks ArchAngel, I didn't know they did that. Apparently many species are like that. I do have a number of Dendrobiums that have dropped leaves!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

and after the resting period(dormancy) they are suppose to bloom as if it was spring

Marine Parade, Singapore

Rachel, if you're asking about the photo with the water feature, then the tiny orchid plant next to the phal is an ionopsis paniculata (at least I still have the label for this one!)
Those photos are great - I love those dendrobiums Metrosideros! And the phals put up by Sally too.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey, Sally! Great flowers!

I've had no idea about the leafless ones either, Gangajay. Live and learn, all my life. I'll have to read into them...

I have never heard of an orchid going into a decidious period either but heck....I think I learned that some plant's here do as well though. I need to get out more;-)

Gangajay. Maybe we are not seeing the same two plant's that I was referring to?

This one, you do have showing in your latest pic's ;-)

Thank's for sharing all that you grow there.


Thumbnail by
Eugene, OR

Thank you. My dendrobiums mostly loose their leaves, but bloom on a new cane. Sometimes on an old one, but not often.

Marine Parade, Singapore

Hi Rachel,
Yes of course you're right. That'll teach me to post a reply before I've had my morning coffee! There are two clumps - one in the big terracotta pot, and the other in a smaller pot next to the water. It really appreciates the extra moisture. I have another variety which has pink-tinged leaves.
There's another small orchid which is just putting out two stalks. I'll put up a photo once it's in bloom.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Just beautiful!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

does anybody want to share any dendrobium canes/cuttings?

Ganga, thank's for adding the "tip" on this certain Syngonium plant. I have several but the one that I posted seem's to thrive better in a more humid environment. The leave's feel almost like velvet vs. the other's that I have. I will place this one near an in-door water fountain that I have.

Thank's much and I will look forward to viewing more pic's from you;-)


Marine Parade, Singapore

Hi all,
Here's the latest set of blooms.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

And here's a close-up. I bought this at the orchid show last year. I also bought an ionopsis paniculata last year which is about to bloom for the first time! It has very pretty flowers, like pale pink lobelia.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

There are several stalks blooming at about the same time on this orchid (yet again I've lost the label). It blooms fairly frequently here. The picture's not very clear, but you can make out three stalks.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Beautiful, Gangajay! Looks like a very healthy plant, too.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Gangajay, they are beautiful! You're doing good!

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