Lodi Launch Initiated.

Lodi, United States

Hi Harmony--I totally agree with you. I never take my chicks out of the incubator for at least 24 hours and I don't feed or water them for at least 48 hours. I;ve heard that that can be harmful. I think it is hard to comprehend the reserves they have from the yolk since you don't see it. I've never had a chick die or have crooked toes after hatching so I think those rules are excellent ones.

On the "flicking"--well I got unnerved by the death of the big white egg chick which was active and pipping when I left and dead two hours later when I got home. Just checking to see if the two cochin/OEGs were still alive. They pipped over 24 hours ago and are fine still--With my hatcher you can get the the temp and humidity up within a minute or two--but on the whole I never open it without definite need till the hatch is complete.

What would cause a staggered hatch when all the eggs were incubated at the same time in the same incubator?

Lodi, United States

Commander Catscan reporting successful ejection of third alien life-form from second Big White Egg.

Commander Moxon--what is your rank when not commanding?--NPGC was not issued instruction manual for imaging technology and has only choice of schematics of: face, running man, man in front of building, mountain, star with moon, happy couple, or auto. Requesting enlightenment--Also very hard to focus through condensation clouded chick actualizer window!

Nanny, Nanny, p........Oh!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

go girl go!!!!!!!!!

Lodi, United States

Fourth hatch! Flicked egg escapee doing well!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Pictures Commander Catscan, more pictures!

I'm thrilled for your babiez... Can't wait to see them!

The relocation project for 4 handsome roos successful. Gratitude abounds.. The "guyz" piled in and went to bed without fuss.

Alternate Lodi Mission due to start countdown Wednesday. 21 days will be Friday.
Please CF.. the 2 seramas and the 2 showgirls just have to be okay... I will love the Millies just as much... I've been talking to all of them to encourage them to come out and meet me. Please let them be okay.

Sorry Commander Catscan.. got sidetracked there..

londonderry, Australia

harmony i agree with u but i break a lot of your rules (i know us aussies are rule breakers) but i dont have a problem with raising weak sick or injured chicks most of the time i can get them back to good health i only raise chickens for fun and for eggs not for profit so i dont need perfect chickens. i know u arent ment to handle them but i do any way i just cant resist it and until i have a problem from doing it i will probably continue to because i get over excited LOL But u are right about everytrhing you sure do know your stuff you are a great value to this site

Lodi, United States

Oh, you naughty Aussie!

londonderry, Australia

yep i get my slap on the wrist

hey Major Catscan do u guys use the term "Yank" over there or is it insulting or what a lot of Aussies refer to Americans as that i have just always wanted to know

Lodi, United States

We don't use "Yank"--that is what we hear ourselves called in old Word War 2 films.

"Yankee" is used, but that refers to people who are from the North, as in above the Mason/Dixon Line during the Civil War. I grew up in California (the West and not involved in the Civil War), but when I visited my mother's family in Tennessee (the South), people thought I was a Yankee (the North) because I didn't have a southern accent. It is not exactly an insult--but Northerners don't really call themselves Yankees.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Word War 2 films? LOL


londonderry, Australia

oh ok

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Catscan. I have no idea what my rank is when not commanding. Would you like to assign me one?

Lacking instruction manual for imaging technology is highly irregular. Suggest search of imaging technology make and model on internet for PDF download version. Macro is usually indicated by small "flower" schematic, often resembling a tulip (if you squint really hard and have a good imagination). Macro button usually not part of dial with other schematics, ie running man, etc. Usually located elsewhere on device.

Commander (or not) Moxon

Clarksburg, MO

Captian Williams reporting to congratulate Commander Catscan on her hatchlings.

Captain Williams needing a slap on the wrist or demotion. I did not know not to feed or water for 48 hours. Had never heard that before. I do understand why now and will follow the great leaders in their advice. I had always thought that you offer both and the chickies will eat when their yolks run out. Thank you for all of the great advice and will continue learning til I die.

Captain Williams...........................Over

Lodi, United States

Commander Catscan's final report.

Hatch appears completed with mixed results.

Failures: Three eggs failed to pip (leaving in escape module for another diurnal rotation).
Four pipped but failed to complete escape procedure: Two OEGs and two unknown

Successes: Six escapees giving affiliations as: 2 Silver (?) Cochin Bantams
1 Black Jersey Giant certain.
3 Black chicks with head spots refusing to give names or ranks and coming from 3 brown eggs and one white.

Images have been recorded for their files but glitch in computer/imaging link makes transmission impossible at this time. Will attempt from remote location.

De is jist da qwutest ittle tings! (key to coded message available upon request and official clearance).


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Moxon has mathematical glitch trying to understand how 3 black chicks came from 3 brown eggs and one white. Did one chick come half from the brown egg and half from the white egg and require some assembly post hatch?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Congratulations Commander Catscan

Lodi, United States

Okay--its very early in the morning here in the NPCG, Commander Moxon.

Erratum: Four (4!) chicks from 4 eggs:0)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thank you for the correction Commander Catscan. Moxon is now able to do said equation in her head.

Moxon concerned that you have not assigned her a rank for when she is not commanding. Moxon unsure if she knows what to do when not commanding. Possible uselessness....

Just dont call us yankers LOLLLLLL
I don't think anyone really gets insulted by it . I think its cute really i do
oh oh williams you might end up in the Brig for that . :)
Ag T standing by for any active duties that need
tv guy showed up and we got a signal
sorry don't mean

Lodi, United States

Commander Catscan assigns Commander Moxon the title of "Chief Petty Officer", for obvious reasons, when not in actual command of a mission.

Keep up the good work, Officer Moxon, we would descend into lexicographic chaos without your valient attempts at clarification.

Lodi, United States

Lodi Lauch final transmission:

Alien life-forms contained under immobilizing red-light shield.

Thanks to all the efforts of out world-wide ground crew: Mission completed.

Thumbnail by Catscan

I was cut off . Enemy lines initiated a go gadget manuever on me (tv guy came ) but i repremanded and got away .
Back to report
great pic of alien life forms , glad to see they are doing well. Light sheild should stay up . :) they look well protected under your watch. that is all.
Ag. T

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Taynors - excellent evasion tactics concerning go gadget maneuver. Congratulations.

Commander Catscan - alien life forms very enticing. Suggest purchase of more encapsulation modules.

Chief Petty Officer Moxon over.

londonderry, Australia

commander (am i still a commader on this vessel) Josh reporting

so far one pip of the 6 eggs all are through the air sack


Lodi, United States

NPGC reporting for duty, Commander Josh.

What is the name of your Mission?

londonderry, Australia

dont have one i have never had my own one before

umm how about Aussie space lauch sounds good to me i will go with the whole space theme like every ones else

This message was edited Oct 14, 2008 2:31 PM

Lodi, United States

"Aussie Space Launch" entered in the Official Log.

Carry on, Commander Josh!

londonderry, Australia

i will

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Good luck with Aussie Space Launch, Commander Josh. Please try to restrain yourself from too much egg picking! Let those little guys make it out on their own steam and they will be much healthier for it!!

How many eggs do you have Commander?

Midwest Ground Control doing coffee ups and standing by.

Oh how exciting Josh !! oh i mean Commander Josh .
Agent T reporting in for duty sir.

londonderry, Australia

well 4 chicks are out i re-introduced them to there mother and she pecked there eyes so i have them back at the house but ones is left done ther and i still have one up here from the hatch on sunday that hatched with the yolk sack still out

2 more to hatch


Lodi, United States

NPGC is monitoring your progress. Mother ship encounter noted and extreme caution advised....


londonderry, Australia

i have been checking if any are blind the eye is not pierce but there is blood around there eyes so i am not sure


Lodi, United States

One mean momma!--I hope they are okay. If the eye is intact they probably are.

londonderry, Australia

i hope so i have taken all remaining eggs (2) and put them in the incubator then when they are hatched i am going to try putting all (6) of them under a different broody and i am breaking the pecking broody up. it will be the first time i have done this but i just cant trust the hen near chicks after this

Lodi, United States

No, I wouldn't trust her either. I thought my Silkie Pullet, Riley, might like to foster my Plymouth Barred Rock chicks, but she took one look at them, hopped out of the brooder and absolutely stalked away--no maternal feeling there. Some just don't have it in them.

londonderry, Australia

yep she is a bad mama

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Definitely a bad situation. Might be because she is new at it, but otherwise I might send her to freezer camp. Can't trust a hen like that. Either that or if she has great offspring, just keep her for the eggs!

(Zone 7b)

I'm confused here are you trying to put incu eggs back with the mother they came from. If you are a hen only bonds to eggs she has physically sat on.
Hens do not recognize any chick whether it be from their own egg or not if you remove them they will not except them back and will peck to death what they see as an intruder.
Sometimes we tend to associated human feelings where hens are concerned they don't have or express feelings the way we do thier maternal instincts can be very limited.

Please don't attempt to place chicks under a broody hen unless she has been setting on fake eggs then place them right after they hatch then there is still no garentee it will work.
My outlook is either let the hen hatch them herself or put them in the incubater but not try and interchange the two.

londonderry, Australia

she was brooding on eggs then jumped of her nest and escaped out of her broody coop
they were cold so i put them in my incubator then they started to hatch so when i found them in the incubator in the mourning i put them down with her i had alreday given her back 3 of the eggs that werent damaged and i found them all bloodyed up even the ones that had hatched under her

i have always put chicks under broody hens and they have taken to the like ducks to water last week i put a week and a half old chick with a broody silkie and she is still looking after it as if it were hers i just think the other one isnt a good brooder

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