Photo Contest is On

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The photo contest is on now. Find the link on your home page. Get your best pics in one and all cuz the RM forum is gonna kick butt with our scenery and hardy perennials for sure. Sorry paj, you take your chances in the Bulb, Rhizome, Corm catagory cuz I'm gunning for dahlias (what a surprise LOL).

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

I will enjoy this duel...

Laporte, CO(Zone 4b)

Ok- for the pets category- which one? Both are baby Athena - age 24 hours. (She was born May 21)


Thumbnail by KathyCoRanch
Laporte, CO(Zone 4b)

Or this one- a bit more esoteric.

Thumbnail by KathyCoRanch
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That's a toughie KathyCoRanch. They're both so good.

Laporte, CO(Zone 4b)

Thanks! I think the rule is you can submit 2 for each category only. But I am not sure about both horse photos? I am kind of leaning toward the sleeping one, however, it is harder to tell what it is from a thumbnail, and I am not sure what people see when they go to vote? Guess I had better go check.

Laporte, CO(Zone 4b)

Ok - I submitted the sleeping baby one. But I need to work on some of the others-LOL! There are some super photographers out there!


Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Sleeping baby was my fav. Nice shot.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I've been perusing my stash and its tough to decide. Of course I luv ALL the dahlia pics ^_^

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Gosh. I don't know what to submit. I will have to think about it. I love the sleeping little horse. I really like the one with him peeking out from his mother, but it might be to subtle for this kind of contest. DN, I don't see how I could outdo your dahlias. Not sure what to submit.

This message was edited Oct 13, 2008 3:23 PM

Santa Fe, NM

Just found this thread! KathyCo. I submitted a horse one, too! I like the sleeping baby. I like the other one, also, but on my computer it looks a little over-exposed. I have only entered two pic's so far. Dahlia, you've got to enter dahlias! I need to go back and look at tulips. Moved them to a disk.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I just looked at last year's photos and was totally intimidated. They are knockouts!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I hear ya paj re: last years winners. Some of them were pretty fancy/dancy.

Laporte, CO(Zone 4b)

Thanks Ray and Mulch! I am lucky moma mare likes me since I had to basically crawl between her legs with the camera to get that one. And flash too. She is a pretty nice horse. She wasn't when we first got her, but some nice human attention and kind words went a long way. She was someone's special pet until she got injured, then became a broodmare and was just let out in a huge pasture with tons of other mares and left alone for a couple of years.

Santa Fe, NM

Horses are such beautiful animals. There was a story on the news last night about the wild horse population in New Mexico getting too large. Every year they do round up some and put them up for adoption but now they want to try birth control. Which would be better than euthanizing them, I think. Which was another option they talked about. What Should happen is they should find more room for them. On a more cheerful note, Here is a prairie dog photo!

Thumbnail by roybird
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Roybird, what a great prairie dog picture. He/she looks so sweet and innocent. I know an iris gardener in Taos who thinks of prairie dogs about the way I think of gophers which is about how Dahlianut thinks of squirrels -- and some of you others.
I just read about a product on the Shepherd's Garden website which is supposed to drive gophers, voles and moles away with its smell -- made of citrus and pine essences. I am going to order some in the spring and apply it liberally. It is supposed to last for years! Yea!
It is organic and biodegradable and it isn't very expensive. Aroma-torture for gophers.
I hate to feel that way about any creature, but I have to admit that I go all Caddy Shack when it comes to gophers.
Until you watch gophers sucking pea plants down their holes before your very eyes, you really don't understand how gophers can get to you!
But I love prairie dogs. They don't seem to be so ...... prevalent.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Roybird, what a great prairie dog picture. He/she looks so sweet and innocent. I know an iris gardener in Taos who thinks of prairie dogs about the way I think of gophers which is about how Dahlianut thinks of squirrels -- and some of you others.
I just read about a product on the Shepherd's Garden website which is supposed to drive gophers, voles and moles away with its smell -- made of citrus and pine essences. I am going to order some in the spring and apply it liberally. It is supposed to last for years! Yea!
It is organic and biodegradable and it isn't very expensive. Aroma-torture for gophers.
I hate to feel that way about any creature, but I have to admit that I go all Caddy Shack when it comes to gophers.
Until you watch gophers sucking pea plants down their holes before your very eyes, you really don't understand how gophers can get to you!
But I love prairie dogs. They don't seem to be so ...... prevalent.

Oh, and I love horses, too. I have been close to getting one on more than one occasion. But when you get right down to it, I think I had better just admire them from a distance. I am already spending enough on vet bills for my dogs! Still a horse is a beautiful creature and a delightful friend, if treated properly.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I would like a horse or a zebra. I'm not picky.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I am with you DN. A Zebra is a horse with a wild color scheme. I would love one. I have to tell you my deepest love, though is for elephants. I figured out that elephants can live in the South of the US. There is an elephant preserve in Tennessee. I could get an elephant for my farm. DH was horror struck when I figured that out. The biggest problems I see are:
1) Proper housing -- the elephant(s) would need a warm barn for cold nights -- even though it doesn't get very cold very often there.
2) Vet bills --I just thought my dogs were expensive. And how many vets in Mississippi know how to deal with elephants?
3) Food. I am not sure if 120 acres would be enough to feed an elephant or two. I would probably have to have more than one or it would get lonely.
4) Order. It is hard enough for DH and I to control our 25 pound dog. How on earth would we manage an elephant?
I should never have gone to Thailand. I always thought elephants were cool, but then I went to Thailand where they are almost sacred and I fell in love with them. They really are smart and sweet, but they can do so much damage!
So, I will probably stick to dogs no greater than 40 lbs. They are good, too.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

An elephant would be tough to care for I think. Well I entered my pics. It was really tough to narrow down the dahlias to ONLY 2

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

It does seem an unduly harsh requirement to only allow two entries per category! But DN, I suspect you will do very well, even with those harsh requirements. Your dahlias are so beautiful.
I know that irises are in the same category and I will definitely enter 2, but I don't really have such spectacular photos of them. I was more in the mode of recording what was going on in my iris beds than shooting for spectacular pictures, though I will focus more on good photography in the future. I can't believe I am even considering entering a photo contest!

Laporte, CO(Zone 4b)

I got a couple of good ones of various flowers covered in snow and ice yesterday morning, I need to go and look again at least years to see if mine will make the grade. I guess close up is best!


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

You have some luvly iris pics paj to enter. I hear ya though. I've been mostly trying to take pics for PF entrys so they are pretty basic solo shots. I have made my final, final decision on dahlias. Now I have to look at lilys to see if I have any that will fit in the garden landscape catagory cuz, bummer, they are in the same catagory as dahlias. KathyCo winter interest shots will be a great entrys. I don't think you should worry about last years entrys cuz every pic is special.

Santa Fe, NM

Paja, I am a huge fan of elephants, too! You have a farm. I was trying to figure out how to have one in town! Kevin knew that was a lost cause so he wasn't nearly as bad as when he vetoed the chickens. He knew I didn't really want to clean up after an elephant. Still. A burro might be a nice pet. And how cute! Or llamas. You could have llamas! No frost yet and today has been sunny and warm.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I love burros, too, but not as much as elephants. I like llamas, too. They are so soft and cuddly. I once rode an elephant in Thailand and they said one of us could ride on his neck instead of in the howdah. I naturally had to be the one. Grady didn't mind a bit. He was totally happy in a howdah. His big old ears flapped back over my legs and were soooo.... soft. It was like a baby blanket. I never dreamed an elephant's ears would be so soft. At the end of the ride we bought a hand of bananas from a vender for 5 baht ( about 15 cents at the time.) The elephant devoured them happily. We rode through a bunch of banana orchards when we road and since the Thais absolutely adore elephants they put the banana leaves in the trail for the elephants going by to eat.... which they did. As our tour guide said, when an elephant wants to eat-- he eats!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I thought llamas were like camels; stinky and they spit on you just because? Do burros have soft noses? One of my fav things about horses is their soft noses. Is elephant poop good for the garden? That would be a HUGE bonus.

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Wow! Elephant poop for a garden! I am awestruck!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Me too mulch. How cool would that be!!!! But tough unless you lived on the farm all the time paj and we would hate that. How does one adopt/aquire an elephant in NA I wonder? From a zoo if they have too many? OMG I can now see me inquiring at the Calgary zoo to see if they need a zebra rescue. My true luv would definitely keel over. I just know it.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Our true loves, no matter how wonderful, do have a certain, shall we say, lack of imagination. I am not sure it would be all that hard to adopt 2 elephants because there are a lot of people rescuing elephants from circuses and zoos in northern climates which give them arthritis. Of course, you would have to provide adequate everything and that might be a bit of a challenge. But I think Southern Mississippi would be perfect. It is even hotter than Tennessee where they already have a thriving elephant rescue place. Because elephants are so social, I doubt that having just one would work.
Zebras -- I don't know much about adopting them in the US. I saw a show on Animal Planet about a lady who adopted them and they are rather complicated in their social needs. Not that I think it would be impossible.
Llamas are wonderful and sensitive, but I think they do spit. I could be wrong. They are used quite a bit around here as pack animals and for their wool, but I understand they are sort of temporarily traumatized by being shorn of their wool! Maybe that is a myth but someone told me that.
Here in New Mexico, I would choose a llama or a burro. In Mississippi, I would go for an elephant or a zebra.
And as for the poo! Wow! What a treasure trove! One could really collect a lot from an elephant. I have actually collected llama poo from our local horse stables. It is rather like deer poo and is totally non-burning. I would guess that zebra poo would be like horse poo.
There used to be a company that collected poo from zoos and sold it molded into the shapes of various animals. It would eventually fall apart and fertilize the soil. The name of the product was Zoo Doo. But frankly, it was a bit overpriced and I haven't heard of it in a while.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well who knew! Zoo Doo! Garden ornaments that go both ways; prettiful and useful. I think I would have to have a herd of zebras for healthy dynamics. I wonder about horses now. They are herd animals in the wild. Do horses get lonely if you only have one KathyCo?

Santa Fe, NM

I want Zoo Doo! Good idea.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I wonder if the Zoo would agree to filling up a pickup truck? They have to do something with all the doo.

From what I've heard, Llamas are somewhat like camels but not as bad. Zebras are pretty ornery and will nip and don't take to being ridden like horses do.

I think women have an instinct to want to take care of things and men have/develop an instinct for how much work is involved. Elephants are certainly owned in Asia, so an investigation into their process may help. As an alternative, perhaps you could dress your dog up as an elphant for Halloween! ^_^

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The riding part won't be an issue dparsons. I can barely hang onto a horse without falling off so I can't picture myself saddling up a zebra.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

dparsons, you are right about owning elephants. In Thailand they say it is both good luck and bad luck to have an elephant. Having it is good, but you will be poor because it eats so much. They do eat a lot. And the cleanup would be terrible.
I understand zebras are shy and they look to small to ride to me.
My poor dog would never forgive me if I dressed her up like an elephant. Once she was supposed to wear a tiny cowboy hat for a parade and it was gone in minutes.
I am not sure what the zoos do with their pooh but I have heard of people who worked there taking it home. Probably worth asking your local zoo.

Laporte, CO(Zone 4b)

Sometimes they do- but surprisingly they are ok if alone if they have contact from you. My Annie is fine if ALL alone, but if she can see other horses but not get to them she runs the fence and screams her fool head off. She will do it for days too. Silly creatures, horses. Wonder why I like them so much-LOL!

Santa Fe, NM

I could try to dress my parakeets up like elephants! But, I'm afraid it would be a lost cause. They hate wearing shoes.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

He he! Parakeets as elephants. I have heard it all now. Maybe they could wear slipper socks instead of shoes! How undignified!

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

I keep shoes in a trunk. Maybe the parakeets could do the same...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I wanna see, I wanna see the elephant parakeets ^_^ I can just picture the big floppy ears. Funny about Annie and the other horses. She must like to socialize.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

We all do.

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