Got rebloom?

Ninety Six, SC

I have about 25 or 30 different iris that I kept the names but I never put a marker for them in my beds. This year I have decided to "get into" iris so I am trying to ID these as they bloom. Unfortunatly I didn't start until after spring bloom. However I have been able to ID some because they are reblooming for me!! So Far I have reblooming:
Earl of Essex
Harvest of Memories-this one just keeps on blooming
Pink Attraction-So Pretty
Rosalie Figg-Smells so good
Total Recall

I did add at least 100 new ones this fall and I made sure to mark them this time:) I can't wait to see them next year!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

How nice of your rebloomers to help you out with names! I have some that came with my house that I can't identify but none of them have rebloomed which would have helped a lot. But they are very pretty so I don't get rid of them.

Ninety Six, SC

I have some that were given to me a long time ago and I'm sure that I will never know their names but I'm like you I love them anyway.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

TONS of photos of my iris beds. I spent the spring/summer playing with my new digital camera. Several local photographers were in taking pics of the iris. Young and old. it was fun to talk to them all & give quick demonstrations.

The only thing I hated was when I caught them walking IN THE BEDS. Lost 20 stalks & 6 emerging lilies the first day. How can people be so careless?

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

One old gentleman in a walker broke down in tears. I asked if I could bring him a chair or help him.... No. tears of joy. My sweet old historics brought back the beauty & scents of his mother's garden.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

And the young children just hypnotized by the rainbow of colors. I snpped off blooms for them to carry and enjoy. Sharing the beauty of your garden is ALWAYS worth the trouble.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Do note that these garden are NOT pure iris--just about 1/3 sharing with daylilies, lilliums & other perennials. My gardens look totally different in July & August.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Ninety Six, SC

Wanda, Your beds are so beautiful! I imagine that they stop traffic when in full bloom.
I thought I saw some daylily leaves peeking through the Iris. I have planted all my new
iris amoung my daylilies and other perrenials too.

Port Sanilac, MI

Cantina rebloomed on August 19 and is still blooming! That I like! However, my Roslie Figge probably won't come out for a couple of more weeks and I doubt we have that much time. Last year it was snowing on it. I have a serious problem with it as it has done this for the two years I owned it. That, in itself, wouldn't be a problem IF it would spring bloom. Could any of you experienced gardeners tell me if I can except spring flowering from it ever? If not, I am seriously thinking of getting rid of it.

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Wanda, are people always that careless when visiting your garden or was this an exception? How terrible to have the stalks broken like that! But then, seeing how much joy your garden gave to that elderly gentleman must have made it all worthwhile. That would be the ultimate compliment! You are right -- sharing is always worth the trouble. A beautiful garden is a gift!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I get very nostalgic when I see beautiful iris beds too. My beloved Aunt Helen had such beautiful iris beds, and I miss her so.

Your neighbor needs to do some complimentary landscaping, Wanda. What is that dirt area behind the fence for? Are they putting in gardens?

Cherryvale, KS

I wish I had some garden shots on digital!! I think mine are all old fashioned pics. A couple of years ago my husband walked out on 2nd floor roof to take garden shots! My friend Ruth was there with her granddaughter!! The little girl wouldn't hardly talk to my husband. When she spotted him on the roof, She exclaimed PETER PAN!! After that she chatted like a magpie!!LOL My mom and my aunt Frankie were avid gardners!! When I was 7 or 8, Mom would give me a couple of dollars and off to the greenhouse I went!! LOL Now it is much more than a couple of $$$$. LOL pic of Stahl garden in OKC

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Warners, NY

I am puzzled and and unhappy. I bought a clump of Immortality in the spring of 07. Not only did it not repeat, it hasn't bloomed at all, I don,t know if it doesn't like my soil, the climate or what. I'm about to dig it up, move it, and plant boxwood. Perhaps I need to asc at the flower farm. Darn thing has seven or eight fans too.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Did you plant with compost? If not, it may not have enough of what it needs. Did you add some form of phosphorus with it? Lack of phosphorus will inhibit blooming. Did you give it too much nitrogen. That will make it grow a whole lot of leaves but no flowers.
Of course, moving it in the spring, it may not have had time to get itself settled enough to bloom. Mine bloomed in the spring after I planted it, but did not rebloom, but not all irises bloom the first year after transplanting. In fact maybe only half of mine do.

South Hamilton, MA

Immortality is famous as a slow starter. However it wouldn't hurt to look in to the humus in the bed situration. Planted in spring'07 & no bloom in spring '08 isn't unusual. Look into planting dept, top of rhizome should be showing & amount of sun--1/2 day at least & more is better.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Pic of a blue rebloomer. Only one in my memory was 'Breakers' purchased
from Spring Hill about 5 years ago. First full year after transplant. Frost is
near so I took an early pic.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Couldn't resist posting this pic of a lemon colored dinner plate dahlia measuring
a full 10 inches in diameter. Dahlias and zinnias are still blooming fully. Try
diversifying with fall flowers. Makes the fall more enjoyable after the irises go

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Just before frost last weekend, I got a lovely rebloom stalk from 'Rosalie Figge' (6 buds, 2-3 open at a time). I cut it and brought it inside to enjoy. :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Port Sanilac, MI

We have been skirting frost for two weeks. And our Roslie Figge is just in bud. Really loved your picture, was sure glad to see what it would look like. I have a tomato cage around it and throw a blanket over it every night, talk to her every day and tell her to hurry up.

Roslie has done this both years that I have owned her. Will she ever bloom in the spring? It sure doesn't seem like she is worth the hassle if she can't co-operate in June.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

If memory serves, I did see a bloom from RF in June... have to dig through my photos, although I know I didn't manage to snap a shot of every bloom out there this year.

I'm pretty new at irises still, but I cut some for my mom in June when they were just budding, and any bloom stems that showed even a hint of color at the top of even one or two buds went on in the vase to open every bud.

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