Missing everyone

Is it true that they use Ice Cream bean trees to shelter the coffee? or is that only here in Australia ...
regarding the food you can grow in the tropics ...looking pretty good to we Southerners ...we have just been told our food bills will jump by 30% next week because of you know what ...so I think we should all grow whatever we can ...besides fresh is good! they build fruit cages around their food in Italy because they cannot afford to "share" with the birds since the growing season is so very short and people would starve.
I love the idea of solar living but what happens when you have a whole year of very little sunshine as what happened to us last Spring /Summer ...does it still work?
I guess in the tropics you would have to fight off the critters for your share of nature's bounty ...I think every place must have it's plus's and minus's ...no fruit fly at the North Pole I guess.

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

We have solar panels on our roof, and make out own electricity - but we're connected to the grid. We still make some on cloudy days, but less than on sunny days. We've got some credit on the grid, but this winter we might draw more than we've made .... or not. This is our first year, and we started later than we wanted to. My husband had to 'shop'
for 6 months to make sure we got the best deal on the panels and installation. Next year will be better.


Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Wow, so many tasty fruit, so much coffeeeee, you are living in paradise! I've been contemplating the purchase of a coffee plant, do you think it would do well in a pot?

Having your own non-polluting source of energy must be great! I admire everyone who does the solar or wind energy "collection". I want my own house!

Well, in the morning, dear hubby made some changes in the house. It's one of the bedrooms that was declared office space, told you about the good light...
Well, this is before:

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

and this is after. Tomorrow I'll start bringing things in. It is much more light, actually, but it's against camera and its automatic program dims the lighting...

Thumbnail by goofybulb
(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Your dear hubby is worth his weight in gold! What a nice thing to do for you.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Yep, he's good!
I'm the problem... I finally posted my orchid story for who wants to see: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/914550/

In the afternoon we went to a winery in NM (well, it's just 25 miles away from our home, but still we crossed the invisible state line!). They have a harvest festival this weekend! It was fun and I saw new plants (they are mentioned with some pics in Chrissy's singing thread).

You need a whole lot of coffee beans to make enough coffee ...if you can grow gardenias you can grow coffee ...a beautiful fragrant plant ...but if you want to make your own coffeeyou have to do a lot of work to prepare the beans and then make sure you don't burn them while roasting them ...good luck ^_^

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Well, I don't really expect to have coffee from my coffee plant. I would have to have a whole plantation, considering the amounts that I consume on a regular day!!!
But decoratively speaking, the leaves look good by themselves, the fragrant flowers would be bonus!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I believe coffee trees make good houseplants Alexandra, and you're right about how nice the flowers smell!

Carol's (Aloha Hoya) DH does make his own coffee from his trees....am I right that the coffee from Kona is different than the coffee from Hilo area?

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

As I understand, there are about two coffee species cultivated, C. arabica as most frequent, but the taste is different depending on the soil they grow in. Apparently, Kona has something very special food! I still have to drink some Kona first, but I don't think people talk for nothing.

How many coffee trees/bushes does Mr. Aloha have? Just curious... because I'll definitely not have more than one, at least not until I get settled in one place and get my own house!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I don't know how many trees Bob has, but I do know that we grow the Arabica here in the Islands - so it must be the soil as you say...so called Kona coffee is served all over the place here, but I think that some of it isn't the REAL thing. You really have to be a coffee lover to drink Kona - it's very strong to my taste (not being a coffee drinker). Sometimes Frank will pick a bean off the tree and chew on it ....

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sniffing or chewing a coffee bean is a palate/olafactory cleanser. Will often find the beans at the perfume counters of high-end department stores. Like you, Alex, it would take a coffee plantation to fuel my caffeine addiction. We are pretty picky about the flavor.

Good Sunday Morning.


Keaau, HI

The soil that coffee is grown on is highly important, as well as the type of fertilizers used, and climate.
Coffee gets it's best flavor when it is grown in well developed soil, is fed organically, and gets ample but not too much rainfall.
The best coffee I have had was grown in Upper Kula, on Maui. Commercially, coffee from Moloka'i is some of the better stuff I've had from Hawai'i. My daily brew is San Francisco House's Organic Rainforest Blend from Columbia, Mexico, Guatemala, and Indonesia, but this is not sustainable so I'm getting coffee growing at home (I like to mix coffee with cacao beans and make mocha).

It is stimulating to see all the coffee bordering the gardens at Carol and Bob's place, I imagine they grow enough where they don't have to buy any, but Carol could tell us more about that!

Time for another cup!

Aloha, Dave

Kealakekua, HI

The farm I work at is at the 1600' elevation. Elevation is really the key to good coffee. The main thing is to make sure the coffee isnt a "blend". 100% pure Kona is the best. Also make sure its "estate" coffee. Otherwise the farm buys from all over the place and is not consistent with their product. My youngest is seven and knows good green beans from bad....lol

Keaau, HI

Please excuse me Mlassi, some of the Kona coffee is very good!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

What great information, it constantly astounds me as to what a difference elevation makes to growing things in the Islands - I have no idea why, it makes sense. Perhaps it's because I have never before lived in a place that has such diversity, sea level to mountains, arid to rain forest, calm bays to wild, untamed coastlines. How very special Island life is, there is something for everyone.

Working on a coffee plantation sounds like a wonderful job, and what a lovely view you must have from your office. Fancy your seven year old already having a discerning palate Mlassi!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Never been to HI, but it sure sounds like paradise! I found on one of the company sites several coffee seeds for sale, each priced differently, of course Kona coffee among them. They were all C. arabica. No matter how many of them I would buy, they will all be El Paso coffee!!! Hey, maybe it would make a great varietal coffee!

Right now, I'm eying Kathy-Ann's coffee plant on DG Marketplace. It's $10. What do you all think?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Morning Alaxandra - or have you gone back to bed?

I think $10.00 is pretty reasonable for the plant, depending on the size. However they are pretty easy by seed (bean) too, at least they must be because I am constantly weeding out the babies from under the trees. I probably can sent you some seed if you want to try for yourself. Someone will have to tell me at what stage the seed is ready, when they drop off the trees, I imagine LOL! I really haven't paid much attention to the germination, all I know is that they are suddenly there...will go and look this morning before work.

I suppose "Paradise" is in the eye of the beholder - we live on the dry, calm side of the Island - all beaches and warm, sunny weather (and jobs!). If I had my 'druthers, I would live on the other side of the Island in the rainforest, or at least "upcountry". I cast envious eyes at Carol's place!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Compared to North Central Texas....dry and calm Maui is definitely Paradise.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

This is the plant: http://davesgarden.com/products/market/view/3830/
I would love to have a couple of coffee beans to start, don't know how easy they are, but I love starting from seed.

It's so interesting to know what the differences in the surrounding nature are, so far I've been surprised to watch the changes from Southeast to Southwest, as we drove through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and the huge Texas, the latter being so versatile by itself.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Morning, Christi!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Morning, Alex.

Going to the Texas Gulf Coast for 11 days and will be off PC.

See everyone after Halloween.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Have a good trip (vacation?), we'll be waiting for your return!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Have a wonderful time Christi, are you going with your group of friends? We will miss you!

Alexandra, looks like a good, healthy plant to me! Will send you some beans to try too. D-mail me with your address...


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, Jenny. Going with the couple we have been friends with for 42 years. We rent a 2/2 condo on the 5th floor directly on the beach. They just missed the wrath of Ike. Have read some Christmas decorations have washed up on the beach and it is some 200+ miles from where Ike came ashore. So sad. Hope we don't come across anything like that.

Mid November is the Golf Group.


Princess Kilikina

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha PK, sound fabulous, nothing quite like being on the beach with good friends (and a bottle of champagne!) I hope the drive doesn't stress your back too much - frequent breaks?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

It is only bout 5 hours drive. We can manage to turn it into 10 real easy. Notice how Texans measure in hours, not miles. hahahaha.

One thing that you don't have to worry about....on the boardwalk to the beach there is a sign that says: Watch Out for Rattlesnakes.
Saw the same sign in Florida some years ago.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Christi, I think it's the perfect time for a vacation!

Jen, thank you so much. D-mailed you.

Anybody seen the Polar Bear recently? I miss his joyous persona!

Have a great time Christi it sounds fantastic ...we have different signs too like No Dogs Permitted and a picture of a White pointer, dogs forbidden due to the fact that they attract the sharks.
Wombats Crossing ...Koalas Crossing ...Warning Crocodiles ...
What are some of the strangest signs you have ever come across?
it would be fun to hear about them ...rattle snakes? yikes!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hi everyone! Christi - just my luck, I get a break in the projects and you are off on your annual. Well, have a wonderful time ( I know you will), and I will chat with you when you get back.

Alexandra...one way to help with the humidity levels in the house would be to put shallow trays on those lovingly installed shelves, fill the trays with pebbles, and then water. The pebbles will keep the plants themselves from sitting in water, but the moisture in the environment will really benefit the green life. I'm gonna go read your orchid story in a bit - trying to get laundry done ...some housework just must get done I guess.

All these wonderful conversations about coffee etc. I loved the coffee Bob made for us at Carol's place. But then, I love coffee! Each different type has its good and bad points, and trying all the different types was a fun road trip on the Big Island.

Jen, the Ohana sounds like it is going to be wonderfull!

I have missed you all so much! It's good to be back!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Alex, Shari is an expert on orchids. She wrote a very good article some months ago. Go to the articles thingey and look it up.

Remembering the days in Jungle Heights. Soooo good.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Shari, thanks for your advice. I'm looking for some stones, I also have some shells (I carried a bout 3-4lbs of them to remind me of the beach) and I'll do that.

Christi, Shari's article was wonderful, it actually made me believe I could grow orchids! I remember it appeared a couple of days after my first orchid! I trust my orchids and my abilities when she's around.

And, if I'm to slide on memory lane, the first thread I lurked in this forum (when I wasn't a subscribing member) was BHM's Morning Glory... I had such a good time reading your bets on when and what color would flower!

Oh, this is such a nice place to be!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

and your prescence certainly adds to it....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

No expert... I just grow a lot of them. Alex, mine are flowering now, and I only have a few in hanging baskets...( the rest are in pots). I can imagine what the shower of color will look like when yours are all in bloom...glorious! I love that yellow one you have - the chrysotoxum. So bright and cheerful! But gee...that was back in what...March or so that it was blooming? They know you love them, and they WILL be fine. You might try a fan in the bright room too...they do like air flow. Oh - and shells work great! Good idea!!

I was looking at the TGF threads...WOW!! I have a lot to catch up on! It will be fun seeing what everyone has been up to this summer.

Yokwe my friends,

mulege, Mexico

Good morning, all.

I was remembering BHN's thread on MGs yesterday as the MGs I planted when Inspired by the thread are now blooming! They have grown well but had very few blooms until the last few days. It might be a heat thing as it's much cooler now than it was even two weeks ago or maybe length of daylight. Whatever, I was happy with lots of green on my chain link fence and I'm a little happier with flowers.

My baby Hawaiin woodrose is making it's way along the fence, too. I love the big leaves.

Lots of work to do now that the weather has cooled off.

I'm up to nine dogs. The last three from the dump are getting big and a neighbor's dog has decided he likes the food and the company better here. The puppy Jenny (named afterBHM) loves to get into any container of water she can find, then play in the dust that is everywhere (we're in a desert) and then find me to tell me what fun she is having. Like, her namesake, she is irreststible but I have asked her not to jump on the bed while covered in mud even though I know she only wants to share her happiness.

Off to move more rocks and dirt.

Have a good day, everyone.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Welcome home, Shari! We have missed you! And yes, Alexandra, don't listen to her - she IS an expert on growing Orchids, hers are just breathtaking!

LOL, Katie - Jenny (the pup) does sound rather like me, all wet and muddy after being in the garden! The dirt just seems to jump off the ground and stick on me - it was always that way. Must have been a grubby little boy in a previous life!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Aloha, my friends.

As I was just saying on RJH's garden reconstruction thread, I have been away from TZG in the last weeks. It is so nice to be back. How I love to hear about my dear friends in Hawai'i. Oh, so many things are going on all around, not just Hawai'i.

Then, you started talking about coffee... Oh, when we walked into Costco's warehouse in Honolulu. They roast, grind and package their own Kona coffee right there in the store. The smell was just wonderful. And at $8.00/lb for freshly roasted Kona coffee, we knew we were in heaven. Oh, so many wonderful memories! We had to purchase an extra suitcase to come back home. But the, we were at Costco so the new one matched the ones we had purchased at Costco on the mainland 2 weeks before, LOL.

We have been busy with many things these last 2 weeks but our main concern was this internet travel agency we have just launched this weekend: Bears on Waves: http://www.ytbtravel.com/Lourspolaire

Even if you do not plan to travel in the coming months, you could register for our email newsletter that keeps you abreast of our weekly specials. For more info, please D-mail me.

Don't work too hard and take good care of yourselves.

Sylvain, A.K.A. as Pu'ole.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh yes! I have missed this site and all of you so much! What a wonderful vision!....

Jenny covered in muddy dust jumping on Katie's bed while Sylvain rides waves with a polarbear... now THAT is a definate LOL!


Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Awww, Christi! Wishing you a nice vacation!

Jen, of course I don't believe her! To me, if somebody can have orchids and keep them happy, it's an expert! Doesn't need to know fancy names, or have a special lab for seed starting (hmph, I should have thought about that before finishing my experiments...).

Got some temporary trays, until I find something fancier but affordable. I also discovered I have some clay. I kept looking for those little porous "marbles", the nursery people call them lava rocks, I don't really know if that's what they are. I never found them for sale (maybe I didn't know where to look on the internet). So I decided to make myself some! To put them on the top of the bark in my clumsily repotted one. So the orchid doesn't dislodge every time I water. Started the fan the minute I brought them in there. I hope they will like it. I will take a few pictures tomorrow.

Hubby will be very happy when he comes home, to see that I will actually use the shells for something.

It was spring when D.C. flowered, checked, it was really in March. Now wait a minute,Shari? Did you pass by and didn't stop by my place in March?

Katie, good to hear you. Pics with jenny? We need to see the resemblance with the Braveheart Godmother!

Sylvain, that's a beautiful name for a travel agency! It really suits you. Lots of luck, and I'm happy to see you again.

Said I'll be short today, trying to be just about 1 hour total at the computer.
Nighty night!

Kealakekua, HI

goofy, coffee takes a long time to germinate. FYI I was born in El Paso! I have a great view from my office too!

Thumbnail by mlassi

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