Are you looking for something out of the ordinary?

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Maybe some of you are interested in seeds from other parts of the world, like Australia, India, South Africa or eastern Europe.
More specifically wild/native plants, vegetables, herbs, but also annuals and perennials. I recently met some people who are able to aquire these sort of seeds. Please let me know if you are interested in something. I can't promise they have something you are looking for, but they have a lot of seeds.


North Hills, CA

I'm into Hot peppers.
Could the seeds have been from a hybrid jalapeno plant(or something) the person grew and got the seeds from.
If so your plant could be any form of whatever variewties they crossed along the way to get their hybrid.Plus if the hybrid wasn't issolated you can add another variety to the gene pool.
Or are they just seeds that are grown in places all over the world?
Pure seeds from whatever.Just wondering if the seeds are from their plants or they are venders.

This message was edited Oct 8, 2008 12:21 AM

This message was edited Oct 8, 2008 12:22 AM

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Jonna,

I'm always interested in the unusual, especially if it comes in some quantity. Do you have any examples of what seeds you could acquire?

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Jonna,

I love unusual plants.
Are they looking to sell or trade?
As Tuink asked, any examples?


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Smokemaster, they have no hot peppers, only capsicum annuum 'sweet chocolate'
Tuinkabouter and Danita, These people owe me quite a lot of seeds. Some I will use myself, but I am entitled to more.
These ones I want to use to trade here. Depending on what kind of seed I will ask for, they will send me 5 - 100 seeds per packet. F.i. they have a lot of Aulax species and Leucospermum species and Erica coccinea from South Africa. Baksia coccinea and Anigozanthos bicolor from Australia. Amorphophallus bulbifer and Gloriosa lutea from India, Oryza sativa from Thailand. Veronica beccabunga, Linum capitatum, Silene colorata and Centaurea scabiosa from East Europe.
These are just a few examples.
So you must let me know what kind of seeds you are looking for, so I can ask them if they can provide them. The biggest assortment is seeds of European (wild) plants, but they also have hundreds of from India, Australia and South Africa.
I will ask them to send me interesting seeds anyway and I will put them on my have list.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Well done , Jonna!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)


I would be interested in the European specimens, either (bi)annual or perennial. Besides that I'm absolutely besotted with protea's, salvia's, digitalis, and monarda's. No matter where they come from!
To be honest, anything that will grow in our Dutch climate (which you are very familiar with!) would be splendid.

Eh, you didn't mention it, but what could I do for you in return?

This message was edited Oct 8, 2008 12:33 PM

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Tuinkabouter, I'm sure I can find something in your collection to trade for.
I need a few days to find out which seeds I am going to ask for and after that it will take about 2 weeks before I receive them. I'll keep you updated.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Thank you!

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

They also have seeds of a lot of trees. If someone is interested, let me know

Ripley, MS

I would be interested in any salvias you can get.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't think I have anything anyone would want as a trade but if you have anything in the way of perennials that would grow in zone 9 and that you just want to get rid of I would love to try them in my garden. I will send postage with an envelope.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

slcdms, I will ask if they have salvias. I have a few in my have-list and in the next weeks I hope to be able to harvest seeds of: salvia viridis pink, salvia longispicata x farinacea, salvia farinacea.

bobyrd, don't think too fast you have nothing anyone would be interested in. What do you have?
US stamps are useless in Belgium.

Ripley, MS

I love any kind of salvia and agastache, I am trying to get the established as we are seeming to have more dry summers and once established most of them do well with little water.


I would be interested in perrenials or tree seeds. Let me know once available what you have coming in. Thanks.


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Rebecca, I will let you know what they will send me. If you are interested in trees: I have Sambucus racemosa, Sambucus nigra and Syringa vulgaris white. But if you let me know in which trees and perennials you are interested I might be able to get them.

Salvias I guess for the perrenials since I am not sure of everything you will receive. I think for now, I will pass on the tree aspect. Thanks so kindly in advance.


New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi there Jonna,

I just relocated down to Texas. And I would be happy for something out of the ordinary; to grow in this heat.

I really do like unusual plants too.

~* Robin

Roermond, Netherlands

I'm interested in unusual Impatiens species. If you've some I'd like to trade.
Saw on your trade list Scarlet runner Bean and English Pea are they still available?

Groetjes uit Nederland

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I keep my eyes open for Salvias.

Naturewalker , I just sent in my list to them. I did not order much tropical plant seeds, because I thought there was no interest. But I'll have another look for you.

An57, They have no impatiens species. I only have Impatiens glandulifera, but you can hardly call that a unusual species. The Scarket runner bean and englisch pea are still available. If you want them please d-mail me (in dutch)

Jonna, Have you any contacts in Turkey? I would be interested in any seeds of native Turkish salvias.


's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)


I have loads of tropical seeds in my seed box that I cannot use over here in zone 8. I have too few of them to put them in my shop, but maybe you could make good use of them......

If you're interested, you can send me d-mail!

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Joseph, I have a contact in Turkey, I will ask him. But I think he does not know anything about plants. Can you tell me which species you are looking for. It will make it easier to ask him.

(Zone 7a)

Jonna, Salvia cyanescens? It germinated from a February 2007 wintersowing here, and made a low, spreading, silver-leaved plant that did not mind the clay soil, humidity & partial shade here (S. chamaedryoides behaved similarly, except not winter-hardy here). I'm afraid that that summer, I let Japanese morning glories get out of hand (covered my hill like kudzu!), which did in that wonderful sage. Would love to grow it again - Gerris, you should pounce on that one, too, if you can.

I'll work on my trade list and dmail you - am also very interested in Salvia, Agastache, Plectranthus; herbs - medicinal, culinary, fragrant, ornamental; silvery leaves that can take Maryland humidity, partial shade & clay soil like the above sages and Plectranthus argentatus.

Do you have a list of what types of seed you'd be interested in for trade?

(Zone 7a)

Punica granatum Nana (dwarf pomegranate - is great for being both medicinal/culinary and ornamental and potentially hardy in a local microclimate)

anything within family Convolvulaceae?

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I googled a bit and found out that Turkey has 88 species of native Salvias. I will try to get some of them. Might take some time.

They do not have Punica granatum Nana and the only Convulvus they have are C. arvensis, C. tricolor and C. remotis

They might be able to supply me with:
Salvia afriana
Salvia dolomitica
Salvia chamelaeagnea
Salvia lanceolata
Salvia muirii
Salvia repens
Salvia hispanica
Salvia miltiorrhiza


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Jonna. I too am looking for all types of salvias and also the following if ya have anybody with these.

Berkheya purpurea
Cephalaria gigantea
Astrantia species
Lobstemon fruiticosus
Morina longifolia

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

starlight I will send you d-mail


Any of the native salvias would be most excellent to try to obtain and grow out. I along with many others are keenly interested in Salvia kronenburgii. It is endemic to eastern Turkey, in Van Province. You can see a photo of it here:


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Send me your list & I'll send you mine. I have some unusual ones. Thanks

This message was edited Oct 20, 2008 12:30 AM

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I would definitely be interested in the sage or salvias even if they are tropical zoned.

I am still trying to get a hold of cassia rain tree (Golden Shower Tree, Purging Cassia, Golden Chain Tree, Indian Laburnum
Cassia fistula) I have ordered this seed from several places and it is never this tree. Usually it is Texas Senna

Pink Shower, Pink Cassia, Pink Lady
Cassia javanica

Pink Shower Tree, Coral Shower Tree
Cassia grandis

Rainbow Shower Tree
Cassia x nealiae

thanks Cindy

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Hello: I am always looking for tropical seeds. anyone have any they can spare? I will update my list of seeds available in the am.
Thanks Dave

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Riverland, I will try to find something for you
Pughbear7, I can obtain a lot of tropical seeds, but since I am not interested myself I must have a idea of what you are looking for

To all:
- I will leave this open for demands until November 1st
- The people who are looking for Salvia's, Agastache or Sage , please let me know which ones you already HAVE and in which ones you are NOT interested. So I can try to obtain seeds of other species. I don't like to obtain seeds where nobody is interested in.
- I contacted all my Turkish contacts for native Salvias. You must realise that Turkish people hardly say NO if you ask them for something, but after that you do not hear anything, they take their time and -in this case the greatest problem- my contacts do not know anything about plants. But still I hope at least one of my contacts will help me, because they are really helpfull if they can. Don't be surprised if it takes a year to obtain some seeds of native salvias.
Next week I expect to receive the following (in my opinion out of the ordinary) seeds:
Anthyllis vulneraria var. coccinea red
Centranthus ruber Albus
Cortusa matthioli (pekinesis)
Dierama dracomontanum
Edraianthus graminifolius
Gentiana lutea yellow
Sisyrinchium striatum white
Aconitum ex ivorin
Actea simplex atropurpurea
Andosace lactea
Cenolopium denudatum
Clematis inegrifolia
Clematis stans
Darmera Peltata
Draba sakurai
Dracocephalum grandiflorum
Galtonia candicans
Gilenia trifoliata
Globularia repens
Hesperis lutea
Hieracium intybaceum
Iris setosa
Ligularia vorobievii
Lilium regale
Linaria purpurea 'Canon J.Went'
Mimulus ringens
Patrinia gibbosa
Penstemon hirsutus 'Pygmaeus'
Primula elatior
Silene caroliniana ssp wherryii
Silene keiskei (indien wit)
Silene orientalis
Silene pusilla
Sphaeralcea incana
Stachys grandiflora
Strobilanthes attenuatus
Thalictrum chelidonii
Trachelium caeruleum
Trollius asiaticus

I do not know if I get enough seeds to trade, but if you are interested let me know how many seeds you want to receive as a minimum.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I am mostly looking for gingers, heliconias, alamanda and hibiscus and maybe a few airoids (elephant ears). If you can spare any of the following say 5 to 10 seeds of each if possible, I would deeply apreciate it.

Sisyrinchium striatum white
Actea simplex atropurpurea
Dracocephalum grandiflorum
Mimulus ringens
Penstemon hirsutus 'Pygmaeus'

Your whole list looks fantastic, you are lucky to have a source for them. Anything you can spare I would love to try out.

I think any sage collected directly from Turkey would be fun to grow Jonna. I can wait a year and more, I am a patient hamster.

Thumbnail by
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ahhhhhhh very cute Gerris! : )

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I'm quite new to salvia's and agastache, so any will do. Especially Agastache Blackadder!

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)


Iwould be interested in at least five from any ok in zone 5. I have a new trading list, butit is not posted. I could email it to you.


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Pughbear7, you have very little seeds in your have list (sending roots, cuttings, etc. to Europe doesn't work). I prefer to exchange seeds (especially the rare ones) , but sometimes I need a few dollars or american stamps to trade in the USA. It might be a suggestion to trade with you this way if you can't offer other seeds.

Gerris2, thanks for your patience, you will need it. I might make a trip to Turkey next year, but since I do not know when the salvia seeds are ripe (and if they are ripe, how do I recognize the different species?) I'm not sure to collect them myselve. By the way: is it your hamster? If so, you must hug him for this beautiful picture

Macsie, please mail me your trading list and let me know which ones you are interested in. I do not make any promises.

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