Pecan dropping nuts?

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

My pecan tree has been dropping nuts all summer. Of course, they were small at first, but now they're almost full sized, I think. There are still many nuts on the tree, but we've been in a severe drought for 2 years now. Is there anything I can do to help the nuts stay on the tree? The Black Walnut is dropping nuts, too, but I don't even know how big they _should_ be.

Any thoughts?


Anna, IL

I am a bit north of you but it is time for black walnuts to start dropping here. I noticed this weekend that sev. of mine are on the ground which is normal. I have no experience with pecans but all trees will drop excess early in the year and will then drop wormy, diseased and otherwise unhealthy or non matured fruit as the yr. progresses.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Red :). I guess it's getting to be time to learn how to dry and hull the Black Walnuts. I understand the my car will be involved :)

Anna, IL

That is what I use. Just dump them in the drive and then wash them or wait for a rain. Let em dry and store them. My mother still makes a delicious black walnut cake and nothing is better in divinity candy.

Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

I was fishing near Asheville, NC on Oct 7th and was amazed at the noise the black walnuts made as they dropped into the river. These trees were growing at the river edge so were getting all the water they need despite the drought.

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