what to plant at base of iris

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

What do you plant at the base of your iris, if anything? I keep my clumps pretty far apart (2-3 feet) and I'd like a filler plant(s). Is there anything dangerous I should avoid?


Cherryvale, KS

If you plant anything, it needs to be airy, and lets the air flow freely!! Don't need any rot!! In AZ, you probably don't have that much problem with rot. Ibet some of the smaller daylillies would look good, and extend your bloom time!!! Another plant that would look good would be miniature roses. Don't put anything right against the base!! Happy planting!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

In warm weather, dwarf marigolds or petunias. In cooler weather, pansies or violas have worked well for me. As NickysIris mentioned, your irises will do better and have less problems if you have good air circulation around them.


Thumbnail by zacattack
Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Thx. I think I'll sprinkle some viola & poppy seeds tomorrow. That will get me through the winter.

Baton Rouge, LA

zacattack, is that mulch around your irises in that photo? It looks like pine bark...


Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

I see a POOL TOO, I am coming over to swim!!!!!!!!!!!!

Millerstown, PA(Zone 6b)

That is mulch..I thought you shouldn't mulch iris. Do yours do good with the mulch around them?

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I mulch around each clump, but not in the clump. My beds are mixed--iris clumps are alternated with daylilies, allium, small asters, short phlox, sedum & other sun-loving plants.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

That's cypress mulch. I normally don't mulch right up to the rhizome, but always have in this bed with no problems. The Iris get splash out from the pool and extra water from washing off the deck. I've had no problems in this bed, but have had crown rot in a few other beds. This soil has lots of organic matter and used to be planted with cannas and hibiscus. The iris planted here grow better than any other place in my garden. I've always used the mulch for appearance... go figure?

Here's a shot of that same bed (nice healthy irises) before we had the pool and fences redone. My wife made me promise... no more potted iris on the pool deck!


Thumbnail by zacattack
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

wandasflowers... that's a beautiful clump of iris.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Had to throw in this photo... it gives a good look at our back yard renovation. The old white table has since been replaced with a smaller black one. Plus, the iris is one of my seedlings that I hope to name after my grandaughter. I was transplanting the small seedling when my son in law called and said my daughter was going into labor, so it would please me if it turns out good enough to name and register.


Thumbnail by zacattack
Baton Rouge, LA

Dan, I love the natural stones around your pool. That's what we're saving our pennies for now. We did make some changes to the pool deck when we first moved to this house. The exposed aggregate slabs had tilted a great amount due to roots from a large oak tree and it created lots of tripping hazards. We rented a concrete saw and cut wide bands between each of the large concrete slabs, then created joints between the surfaces with brick to eliminate the hazards. We ended up with a gently rolling surface that somewhat meanders around the pool. The estimate to break out the existing concrete and repour was $17,000, but we did the joint repairs ourselves for about $700, including materials and rental fees... so yep, MUCH more attractive choice to us! We have the same brick around the coping of the pool (a natural looking tannish peach color) that we used for the joints, but the tile in the pool is a garish sky blue. It's gotta go! I was hoping to use something similar to what it looks like you have in your photo. Did you install the new tiles/stones in your pool yourself or have it done professionally?

Our fence will be replaced in a few weeks (Gustav didn't give us much choice!). I sure wish we could put the pretty side of the fence to the inside like you did, but our zoning requirements state we have to put the runners to the inside of the pool to prevent climb-overs. =(

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Dan that Iris is really nice. Three way branching and 3 open at once. Beatiful flower form and the coloration is devine. Put it out there.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Dan, Excellent pictures, landscaping is something out of Better Homes and Gardens. Babies iris is darling. We bought our home 2 years ago, it was a train wreck when we walked in. We bought it because we loved the log cabin feel of it. We saw potential. It had no toilet and a stove I refused to cook on. Here is a before of the kitchen.

Thumbnail by 1913cat
Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

We gutted the whole house, the 2 of us got it done in 8 weeks, we still have more work to be done, it had been neglected for probably 15 years. Here is the after of the kitchen, we did replace the dishwasher.

Thumbnail by 1913cat
Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Oops that was the wrong picture, we were deciding on colors and that was not the one, we went with tan suede paint, and also put in a sliding glass door where that big maroon wall is, we now have black counter tops and stainless steel appliances.
This picture is the display gardens looking at the house, we just put the deck on and repainted the house.

Thumbnail by 1913cat
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

BlissfulGarden... glad you like the stones, Thanks for the nice comment. I like the sound of what you and your husband did to your pool deck. Very creative. I think the brick expansion joints, such as you've done, really improve the look of a deck. And you sure can't beat the cost! I didn't do any of the work on my pool... all by contract. The pool is about 25 years old, and it had several plumbing leaks under the deck, as well as obsolete/poor equipment, coping, tile, plaster... you name it. We took everything out but the gunite shell, which tested good. Seems they did better work years back. If you decide to do some major work I highly recommend the automated controls that run everything for the pool as well as other outside electrical needs/wants from inside the house. A luxury that is well worth the $.

We have the same fence ordinance as you describe, but I as dug deeper, I found that fences over six feet, or if the runners are spaced over 40" apart (I think that is the distance) you can put the pretty side of the fence inside. You may want to check on this. The City of Fort Worth has adopted the national building code, which I think a lot of Cities have, so you may have the same opportunity. Our fence is eight feet at the back, about seven at the front.

We also decided to extend the fence to take in the side yard all the way to the front of the house (building line) This is legal too. Previously the side yard served little purpose, but it is now a safe, secluded play area for the grandkids. Here's a photo of the front of the fence. We had a standard type door build, and installed a deadbolt, so no one can get in, and the kids can't get out.

Good to hear from you... Dan

Thumbnail by zacattack
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

rebloomnut... Thanks for the encouraging comments on my hybrid. Here's a closer look.

Thumbnail by zacattack
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

That is What I would say is Stunning. What beautiful warm coloring drifting in and out. I would love to have that one if you ever get to that Point. Looks Like "Blueberry Lemonade"

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Dan I also meant to say your grandaughter would be thrilled when she is older to have it named after her.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Cat... Thanks for the nice comments on the landscaping and my hybrid.

WOW... you guys are something else. That's a remodel job like you would see on HGTV. (a home and garden show) It took a strong will to tackle and complete a job like that in such a short time. I love the outside of the house and your iris beds too. Looks like you have a very comfortable home. I'm a little envious of the space you have. I grew up in the country, but am now out of my element in your typical urban neighborhood.

Congratulations on a job well done... Dan

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks again rebloomnut... I'm glad you like it. It will be special to me to name an iris after my grandaughter. She just turned four, and loves flowers. She's with me in the garden quite a bit. I'm hoping she picks up where I leave off. Here's a photo of her and another of my hybrids. I'm afraid she's going to water them too much, but how can I say no.

By the way, this one is growing in an 8" plastic pot. It's not planted that close to the cannas and other weedy mess.


This message was edited Oct 10, 2008 11:27 PM

Thumbnail by zacattack
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I am a fan of HGTV and your remodel is a lot nicer than some of then. Good Job

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

She looks like a little Fairy helping with the flowers. You should make a larger picture for the wall.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank You for the compliements.

Look at the red hair, she is a doll !!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan, I had cannas once, oh my gosh, I recieved 3 from a neighbor, I planted them and they grew to be 10ft tall, and when I went to divide them that same fall, I had 1 huge computer monitor box full of bulbs. I have never seen a perennial mulitply that much, and they were a bear to lift.

What a job on the pool, I cannot imagine the work involved in that. I take care of my moms above ground pool, it is probably 21 years old, and it is alot of work. I just bought these new doors for the skimmer and return spout. I pop this tupperware like lid over the skimmer and screw a cap in the return spout and I do not ever have to drain it. I love it. Take the cover off and shock it and turn it on, no waiting to fill which takes at least 1 full day.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Your grandaugther is absolutely adorable, Dan. Love that red hair!

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