Ike and Gustuv Storm Helping Hands Swap

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I am looking just not finished cleaning up. Huge job for me being disabled. I fell the other day. Really sore and bruised. It will pass.
So I am waiting till I am finished first.

TY all for being so generous.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

please be careful. don't get hurt anymore

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yes, take your time. We ain't going anywhere. I noticed on news today that Houston flooding again and that it will be awhile before some folks get cleaned up and can even think about what they need to replace.

There is this one and will keep posting threads for the victims to get seed and plants, so don't worry. We all will plenty to have to help ya out. Just take your time and becareful.

And if ya don't see things on lists people put up, pelase don't be afraid to ask, cuz between all of us, we sure to have what ya looking for and need.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Thank you so much. After hurricane Rita 3 yrs ago she destroyed almost everything but my DH was alive then. I promise to take my time and if it takes till spring it will take to spring. The repairman fixed the button on my Garage Door yesterday and he lost so much. He said he is having a time getting help from agencies. He was not in the flood plane but the surge was so high his home took on 18 inches of water. They don't want to replace tools, lawnmower, or even fix the garage. It is not living space and anything like tools, lawnmower, etc not necessary to live. How sad. He told me he has learned a little at a time. He said He looked just like me at first so overwhelmed. But he said concentrate on one area and do it and move to the next.

That is what I will do. I am still stoved up falling. But that with the bruises will go away soon.

Thank you all so very much for all you are doing for all of us. This is well there are no words, just tears. I took a ride yesterday and the trees down all over and blue tarps on roofs. And I can't imagine the ones who got the surge. And 4,000 animals died. They have to get the cows gathered up and put in a pit to burn so as not to spread any disease. My best friend took a ride the next day and the water had come over the trinity River bridge and washed 3 wild hogs up that hogs drowned. To come over that bridge it had to be high. huge carp washed up dead from the fresh water being over taken with salt water. It will take awhile to even get back to some kind of normal and some never will. It is really sad.

But TY all again for loving us and helping things be a brighter.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Does anyone want/need Ipomoea purpurea ‘Star of Yelta’ seeds?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have already mentioned to Starlight that i will be sending her these seeds for Hurricane victims == BES, Mex Hats, Cosmos, Eastern Coneflower, Stella D'Oro day lily seeds.

But here is my HAVES list == > http://davesgarden.com/community/trading/list.php?list=have&member=tcs1366

those of you who may need some seeds - take a peek and if there is something you'd like, let me know and i'll see how much i have. A few of the heavy seeders... i have A LOT of seeds to spare.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Since we have had just a few ask for seed on this thread, it probably woudl be better just to send to yoru seed to the ones that have asked individually instead of sending on to me.

I have received some dmails from other victims and wil be hosting the Seed Feed fenzy/Piggy Swap that wil be starting up at the beginning of december. Folks are gathering and cleanign seed for this massive swap. Any and all Storm victims will be welcome to join and ask for any othe seed offered up. Ther gonan be thousands of seeds offered , so either send me dmail to be included in the swap or keep your eyes open for it next month and just join in and feel free to ask.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star -- how ever you want to handle it.

If someone contacts me personally -- i'm happy to donate ... otherwise, i'm sending much of what i have [requested seeds] to the Piggy Swap.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yes, Victims, please feel free to keep asking for stuff. As logn as we have seeds your welcome to what we have.

That great TCs. Just for the few who have reguested seed now, think it easier for us to send our seed out to them individually instead of sendign to me first and then me to them.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Tons of stuff to offer. I will get them in the mail ASAP ^_^

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'd missed this thread, but do have seed to share (and plants, cuttings, divisions, etc.). I would love to see some want lists from those effected by the storms- come on y'all, don't be shy!

Humble, TX

I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of all of us that were too busy to ask for seeds. What a great idea! DH and I did most of the repair work ourselves, so I haven't had as much time to play in the garden or go online. Now that our roof is replaced, the fence up, and the tree removed, I have started to clean out my beds and check out Dave's garden again. Although the damage from a hurricane is devestating, it is always beautiful to see the generosity of others and how neighbors come together to help each other in times of need.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Madrid.... In Nivember we had a piggy swap and had lots of storm surviors and several whole communities , I learned is the correct word now, that we were able to send seeds too.

Take a look at the seed list, I may still have some for the seeds that was on it, or list other seed your looking for.


soem of the others in the group may stil have some seed too, not sure. but wil be glad to ask them if you let me know what your lookign for.

We all over in the cottage forum thread, with our piggy label, so ya can't miss us, but will be glad to send ya some seeds if ya say what ya lookign for.

Hester, LA(Zone 9a)

I'm new and just bought probably $3,000 worth of seed in Dec. & Jan. Gustav hit us dead on pretty much. Ripped off part of the barn roof, sent green pecans flying like machine gun fire all over field & barn. A couple months before I missed the farm census, so I couldn't recoup any losses & it's 5 more years 'till the next census. Rare cooking pumpkins, okra, cukes, fall brassicas all ripped to shreds and flooded for over a month. Evacuated my fall tomato, pepper,etc. seedlings - but they ended up stunted, planted them anyway & got killed by a real early freeze. Luckily we got money we were waiting on for 4 years in Dec. or we'd have nowhere to live or restart our business back up. I grow only rare edibles, so I don't really need much of this - just wanted to say THANX to all that are ready to help others

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Luzzianna. Awwwwwww. I knwo Rita tore my place all to piece s and then the baseball ice storms did the rest. It take s years to recover.

I lost alot of plants was more upset over them than the damage to hoem and vechile. Folks helped me replac e some plants that was precious to me and said then that I would pay it forward always.

I know alot of us do veggies, btu none of us that I knwo of do rare edibles. I got a catalog the other day for different somewhat rare edibles, but haven't ordere d anythign yet.

Let's hope this year that everybody has a good year, just ebough rain to keep the crops watere d and just enough sun so as not to fry the plants.

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