Chickenstock at Jacob's Cave - Number 2

Clarksburg, MO

I wanted to start a new thread so that it was clean for Claire and my pics. We are feverishly packing and trying to tie up loose ends and will be leaving this afternoon. If anyone else thinks that they may come, I would be happy to d-mail you my cell # so that we could find each other. Just let me know. Pray for my strength to not come home with every pretty chicken I see.


Clarkson, KY

You need every prayer, don'cha? {{{Prayer for Sheila to have the strength she needs for what she is about to do!}}}

(Zone 7b)

I will pray for a safe trip there and a safe return trip so my new friends will return safely home i will miss all while you are gone. "Take Care" {{{{HUGS}}}}


This message was edited Oct 1, 2008 10:26 AM

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Clarksburg, MO


What kind of flowers are those? THey are BEAUUUUUTTTTIIIIFULL!


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'm guessing Gaillardia...

(Zone 7b)

Blanket Flowers they were in my garden this spring the heat got them and they died.

(Zone 7b)

Sorry Claire not one for botanical names just whats on the tag from lowes.

Moxee, WA(Zone 4a)

The Gaillardia flowers come in a dozen colors and varieties. I have them here in my garden in about 20 different spots perhaps 10 ft apart. We have a reasonably large flower garden area ... as much as 800 sq ft. I sorta keep track of each flower variety since ... I have the time and interest. The Blanket Flower is rugged. They just need regular watering. The winter here will kill them down to the dirt ... they actually disappear. I've seen them come back from roots an inch or so below the surface .... a few times larger than the previous year. If Gaillardia gets regular watering ... they'll increase in size 5 fold during the year. They also drop seeds which sprout new flowers. In a year ... you can have 50 to 100 times what you start with. My brother gave me a half of shovel full in a cardboard box when I first noticed his Gaillardia flower. Since then he's moved twice to new homes and doesn't have them in his gardens and now I have 20 times as much as he had. Any more ... I pull them out to make sure they don't spread more and crowd the adjacent other flowers.

Kelly in Moxee

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I have 5 or 6 species of Gaillardia (blanket flower) and they are all lovely. One of my faves is "Oranges and Lemons." They make nice big clumps for me and I enjoy their cheery flowers for a nice long season.

(Zone 7b)

They don't do well here because of our hot summers i can get a few months beauty but the june and july heat do them in. I replant them every year because they are so pretty in the garden if only for a short while.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

That is a shame....mine are all perennials and come up faithfully every spring. They are still blooming for me even now. And I thought we had hot summers....LOL!

Frost will get them in the next couple of weeks sometime I expect.

(Zone 7b)

Our temps in summer can range over 100 here and we tend to have very dry periods with no rain. I try to water much as i can being on a well and i also purchase drought tolernant plants like my cone flowers never even blink in the heat. "It's 82 right now"

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b) I remember why I don't live in Georgia! I'd melt!! I use a lot of drip irrigation to try to conserve water because we have dry periods too, but rarely temps over 95 and then only for a few days at a time. My coneflowers do OK but not terrific.

Clarksburg, MO

Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh!

You guys are missing out. I just got home to showeras there are more chickens than I can shake 50 sticks at. I have seen every breed and color. From Banty to Large fowl. Then there are monkeys, sheep, goats, llamas, sugargliders, guineas, doves, pigeons, pigs, ducks, geese and every piece you would need to build your own farm tractor.

I have found what I want to purchase and sold approx. $200.00 in chickens just yesterday. Now I know I didn;t have enough chickens to compete. The guy across from me brought 800 chickens, mostly banties and he has sold about half of them yesterday.

I can not believe my eyes. I have to blink and remember to breathe. Those of you that prayed for my strength not to come home with 200 chickens are not praying enough. LOL

I will try and post pics when I get home Sunday. I am going to hop in the shower and will check back when out.


(Zone 7b)

I'm not going to watch this thread it makes me too depressed and envious and jealous and blue and just about all the feelins a person could have (SIGH) why the h__l can't i live in MO. and have all that!

Clarksburg, MO

Oh forgot to add. Claire, you should bring at least ten cages to hold approx. 100 birds. I forgot to tell you that is the least I have seen anyone leaving with, LOL.


Clarksburg, MO

Harmony, didn't want to make anyone feel bad, but did want to gloat a little on the Chickenstock.


(Zone 7b)

Just Kidden Sheila I'm proud for all yall wish i was there i would probably with my ocd get at least 200 to 300 and be screaming as yall was draggin me back to the car saying "I JUST WANT ONE MORE JUST ONE MORE AND I PROMISE THATS IT!!"

Clarksburg, MO

That's what I am already doing. I found a GQF Incubator for 200 eggs and am probably going to be bringing that home also. This could get REALLY BAD!!!!!


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LOL Sheila! I can't wait! I am bringing 4 cages to hold 2 birds each and that is the max or Kelly will have a fit. We are also looking for another mini goat. Plus I don't have coops for more...

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh dang dang dang, i so wish I could be there. I just cant swing it. Yall have a great time.

Clarksburg, MO

Luvs- You have to come in the spring. If you don't we are banning you, LOL. Just kidding. If you plan to winter all of those banties. They will sell good in the spring.

Claire - Were you trying to say that you needed more cages. Well I have a few extra AND there is a guy here who actually makes cages on site, so that all who come and don't have enough room can completely fulfill their addictions. JUSAT A THOUGHT! Ha Ha.

Give me a holler on the cell when you guys get here tommorrow. Are we still planning on chefing something up for supper on Sat? Or will you need to get those 20 or 30 birds home sooner???? We are planning on cooking some burgers and daugs and maybe a few chickens if we find them cheap enough (only kidding). Would love to have you all join us!


Clarksburg, MO

Oh almost forgot. I didn;t have the camera, but you should have seen us when the trucks were packed. We looked like the Clampits. Cages stacked higher than the trucks. Only thing we were missing was a rocking chair tied on the top. Will try and get pics when we come home.


Clarksburg, MO

I am nominating you as official chickenfest Photographer. Just went looking for our camera and I think my brother still has it with him at the Chuckwagon races. No where to be found.

Do you have a camera???


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hi Sheila,

Yes, I am definitely bringing the camera!

Yes, we'd love to have dinner on Saturday. We are bringing some wine and would love to chip in for dinner. Doesn't make sense to bring burgers or dogs with us. We are going to Kelly's mom's on the way home in Ottumwa, for lunch, so we will leave Sunday morning. Therefore, Saturday would be great!! Can't wait!!


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Just thinking, at the rate of sales you say are happening, maybe all the good birds will be gone and I'll be stuck with the leftover bad birds, sick birds, and otherwise undesirable birds. :-(

(Zone 7b)

Now Claire don't get discouraged and remember everybody think of your birds at home and be careful what you buy so you won't bring any germys home.

I'm lookin out for nilla and butternut and all them other little cuties.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh yes, you betcha. All new birds, if any, will be quarantined right away. If I get a few birds, I will probably quarantine them as a group. I know there is some risk with that but it depends. If I only get 1 or 2, I can quarantine separately, but quarantining 10 birds individually would be hard for me.

They won't get anywhere near the little ones. :-)

Clarksburg, MO

The good birds will not all be gone. Just think of how many people will not be arriving til tonight after work. Mnay have to work on Friday and will be bringing new birds Friday night and Saturday. Trust me there will be plenty to choose from. Just talked to Hubby and he just found a lady coming in with a beautiful Buff Orp Roo. We have been looking for one all summer. He got him for $5. I am so excited to get back down. Just got all the feedin done and headed to the shower. BRB and then back to the chickenfest.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Cool, you are right, I feel better now!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yes for sure come heck or high water I WILL be there in the spring with $$$$ in me pocket. And I will look like the clampits also, chickens packed in the truck. May even bring the rocking chair. I think we are going to sell alot of birds this week and in the next few weeks to come. Down size a bit and just keep the ones we want to breed and ones we have promised to others.

Eat a dog and burger for me.

Clarkson, KY

Ps. Sheila, I prayed for you to have strength for whatever you ended up doing -buying 3 or 300 birds. I was very careful...

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

he he he yep me also. Just think IF I was there there might be a cat fight to see who would and could buy them all up. Ok when I can cure my compulsive chicken buying disorder I can make it to one. Hope it is cured by the end of October as we have on here in Oklaoma. Anyone wanna come. I will only be able to go for Saturday.

Gao, Mali

Even the CF may be there with luvs! We can have a grand ol' time...

Wishing you all the best of fun. Had duties Down Under, Josh's chickens are a handful of spoiled rotten feather holders!!!

***********************************************HAPPY TIME*********************************************

(Zone 7b)

Has everyone left yet i wanted to say have a great time and buy a beautiful chicken and name it Harmony.

Will be prayin for a safe trip there and a safe return {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Clarkson, KY

20 bucks says they're partying and wine-ing and dining and chickening riight now!! Just winding down and no pics posted...

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yea really. Cant wait to see pic's

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Sounds like they are having a wonderful time. I wish could have gone. Major envy going on here.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

same here. We will have to wait for Claire to get home, Shelia didnt have her camera.

Clarkson, KY

Oooh, that 'having to wait' thing --I like it NOT.

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