How's your Tiramisu and Miracle coloring? and couple others

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

This is the one planted in early July. These were teeny little plants and I didn't know if they would even make it, but they seem to be making up for lost time!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Miracle :( I hope I won't still be disappointed next spring! This one is BARELY showing any color and the foliage has some sort of 'funk' on it :( This one is planted in the same area as the first Tiramisu.

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

And planted in the same area as the second Tiramisu - healthy but not much color :(

Thumbnail by rcn48
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Stormyla - Thanks for posting your pics. I've always liked Bronze Wave, haven't been able to find it here yet. You're right about Mocha's beauty not coming across in pictures. When I bought my Pino Gris, they were tri color and just gorgeous, they've kinda lost that as the weather got colder which I though was strange. I don't know if my planting conditions would make a difference as far as the coloring change in Miracle and Tiramisu. Tiramisu was bought probably in June and sat in their pots all summer and the Miracles were tiny babies planted in Miracle Gro potting soil and raised throughout the summer. I just planted all of them the last weekend of September. They get a bit of early-mid afternoon sun. They really started to change with the nights dropping to 40's and days in the upper 50's to low 60's. I planted them in a bed where I rototilled cotton burr compost in so they are in nice soil too. I thought I was in the coldest area until I saw StPaulPeg's zone, and hers are taking on color nicely as well. I'm convinced it's the cool weather.

Stormyla and rcn48 - I'd love to see your pictures of Prince of Orange. I've never seen or heard of that one either. rcn48- What's your temperatures been like?

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I'll try to remember to get a photo of Prince of Orange and post it. I don't know why but the name suggested "orange" to me, wouldn't it you? When I post the picture you'll see there's absolutely nothing "orange" about it! LOL Our temperatures have warmed up, however for the past two weeks it had been pretty darned chilly (and windy!) with most nights hovering around freezing. Last week we actually two nights with temps down to 25 degrees! Back up with overnight lows in the 40's this week so I still have plenty of time to plant :)

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

rcn49 - Uh well uh, yes.. that's the color I expected with a name like Prince of Orange!! Now I'm even more interested to see what it looks like, even if it isn't orange! I wonder why they'd choose that name? Boy, 25 degrees at night... that's much colder than we've had here. I think our lowest and first frost was just last week and was around 32 or so, it didn't even kill all the annuals - my annual geraniums are still going strong and I haven't had the heart to pull them out yet. We're to have a high of 74 today. I'm actually looking forward to the cold weather, my allergies are killing me!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Medinac and RCN, There is a touch of orange on the leaf edges of Prince of Orange and it is becoming more pronounced, so maybe the cool weather will bring it out.

Here's Amber Waves.

Thumbnail by stormyla
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I just love this Geisha's fan.

Thumbnail by stormyla
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Ooops, photo mix up. Here's Geisha's Fan

Thumbnail by stormyla
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Southern Comfort, these are small plants, but the leaves are hugh.

Thumbnail by stormyla
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Tiarella Crowfeather

Thumbnail by stormyla
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Heucherella Alabama Sunrise

Thumbnail by stormyla
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

The Prince of Orange

Thumbnail by stormyla
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry that first photo that I posted was not amber waves. That's another Pinot Gris. Here's Amber Waves

Thumbnail by stormyla
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

stormyla - Thanks again for posting your pictures. I looked at the first Amber Waves and thought to myself it looked like Pinot Gris...then saw your last picture - at least I feel I'm getting better at identifying some of these heuchs. I like Geisha's Fan but I also really, really like the picture above it - your tag says Quilt... something. The coloring on Quilt... looks much like the tag on Beaujolais. Can you tell me what that one is? Those are two more I have never seen or heard of. Thanks for posting Prince of Orange. It almost looks like the undersides may have a hint of orange.

Potagere picked up Southern Comfort on his trip to the US and made the same comment about the leaves being huge. I just picked up Alabama Sunrise this year and it's turning a pretty reddish pink with the cooler weather, I really like it... the coloring on yours is very nice.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Medinac. That purplish one is Quilter's Joy. I really like it, but think it is going to be a relatively small one. I've got 3 of them planted in different spots and they are all on the small side and haven't grown noticeably over the summer.

Prince of Orange is also starting to get orange spots on the leaves.

Your comment about Alabama Sunrise is interesting. Mine was mostly green in the warm weather. Now it has taken on that very dark purple veining. However the Tiarella Crowfeather was a brilliant salmon color with gold markings until it got cool. Then it turned green and burgundy.

I have a Stargazer Venus that is very Salmon colored. I'll try for a photo later. The color changes of all of these seem to be very random.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

very nice everyone-i see some trades i need!!!!!!!!!!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

DG is banning Co-ops. Check the co-op forum now to get in on the last co-ops.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Just reporting in, still no Miracle!!!! Just a faint coloring of rose around the leaf edges, not much change from the beginning of November.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Stormyla - Glad to see you still checking in. I can't believe yours hasn't changed much? They should be good next year though with another growing season. Mine are all under snow now and hadn't progressed much in color since my pictures. This first snow was a heavy, wet snow. I hope my shrub roses will spring back up, they're kinda limp looking right now. Supposed to get another couple inches this weekend. It's been really cold and I'm already tired of it!

Had some guys come in to clean my air ducts. They mananged to smash to smithereens two of my Peach Flambe's with either their vacuum hose or their feet - or both. I didn't specifically point them out to them so it's partially my fault. But, I'd think they would have seen them right there in front of them. Errr! Not a leaf left on them! They WERE finally so nice and full. Must start all over with them now. Ding-dongs!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Medinac, So sorry about your Peach Flambes. Those durn workmen!

It's snowing now, but a very wet snow. It probably won't be around tomorrow. Today, I noticed that my Molly Bush seems to have grown about 4" all around in the last month. I thought they would have stopped growing by now. This week I sunk the last 4 unplanted Heuch's in a whiskey barrell for the winter.

Last week all of the beds got topped with composted leaf mold. This week all of the beds got a layer of Mushroom soil. Tomorrow I start topping them with this year's shredded leaves. It seems that gardening chores are never done! I still have 2 other projects in progress and need to get started on 3 or 4 more.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Stormyla - Boy, you are a busy one! That's great that you can still be out there working! Wow, your plants are still growing.... is the weather normally like this for you or has it been warmer than usual?

Today it was around 20 and we got a few more inches of snow yesterday. Do you buy the bagged Mushroom soil or can you get it bulk locally? We have a source near here that has it in the spring only in bulk. We take our pickup and get a load, it really makes a huge difference. That's what I need to do first thing in spring since I need new hardwood mulch anyhow.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Medinac, It's frigid here this weekend, but yes, we often have fairly mild weather up until just before Christmas. We may get a couple of cold snaps, usually one in Oct. and one in Nov., but they generally only last 4 days or so. Some Decembers are cold, but more often they're not. I have bulbs pushing through the ground again this year. We got about half an inch of snow last night and the wind today has been fierce. Had to go out and rescue the christmas light figures. Generally the ground doesn't truly freeze until January. I just finished bulb planting last week.

Mushroom soil, I used 12 scoops, or 6 - 8' pickup fills. I'm afraid to put it down in the spring. It is SOOOO hot. The steam just rises off of it. I've read that it should only be applied in the fall as it will burn emerging plants in the spring.

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

So last year I wanted Tiramisu (or Miracle) SO badly, but I just couldn't bring myself to order online what I knew would be little tiny 4" plants for more than twice what I'd pay for a gallon in the nursery. I must have read this whole thread 2 or 3 times, jonesing for them. So all Spring, Summer and Fall I asked at all the nurseries around here and even tried to talk several of them into special ordering, but none of them wanted to. All I ever find locally is a plain dark purple except I did get Caramel at Lowe's, which did fantastic.

Well, this year I decided to bite the bullet and order them since that's obviously the only way I can get them (other than maybe a trade here on DG, but I'm not good at those). Luckily, I did the online survey and at least got a free shipping credit at Dutch Gardens. So I just placed an order for 3 Tiramisu, 3 Georgia Peaches and one Stoplight. Wish me luck! I hope they're at least decent 4" plants. I think I'll put two of the Tiramisu's and Two of the GP's in the ground where the rest of my Heuch's are, and make a pot with one Tira, one GP and the Stoplight in it.

Oh, I was excited to find at least one of the newer varieties at a local nursery last weekend. Although it wasn't one on my list, it should have been. I picked up three gallon size Silver Scrolls and they are GORGEOUS! Then yesterday, I saw Raspberry Ice at my grocery store's garden center of all places! I didn't get the RI because it looked very similar to the SS except I think its flowers would be different.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, wow, I'd forgotten about this thread!
Spring update-My two Miracles have been shrinking but the Tiramisu are doing well, or, they were mis-tagged and the Miracles are doing well and the Tiramisu are shrinking...There would be a more appropriate symbology in that order, anyhow, lol! But I'll keep watching them..

PeeperKeeper, glad you are finally getting the Heuch's you've been wanting. :) I don't have Silver Scrolls (and it is a beauty!) but I've got Raspberry Ice and it's become one of my fav's because it blooms its head off (for a Heuchera, anyway). The flowers are pink and pretty large for a Heuchera, with repeated blooming off and on all summer long.

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

See, Susybell . . . now you're gonna make me go back and get the Raspberry Ice!

I'm getting so addicted to Heuch's from looking at pics on the web but so frustrated with the lack of selection locally. They didn't even have any at the Zilker Garden Festival where there are usually lots of vendors with native, rare and unusual plants!

Also, the deer around my house didn't get the memo about Heuch's being deer resistant. They think anything I put that much Liquid Fence on must be really good. For now I've got them covered with bird netting which doesn't show too badly. I'm hoping our puppy will run the deer off when we start letting her stay outside more. I'm also hoping she won't decide to dig in the garden, lol.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Lol, peeperkeeper, go for it if they're a good price-there's always room for just one more.....

edited because it sounded different than I meant it when I re-read it without the headache I had when I wrote it...... :(

This message was edited Apr 8, 2009 8:51 PM

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