Pick your three favorite irises

Philadelphia, PA

This site opened today. Take a look and tell me your top 3 irises

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

Yippee ! Thanks for posting this Mit. I've been in suspence waiting to see what was happening with the Blyths this year. So I guess we can still get a paper catalog. And WOW ! look at those beautiful intro's.....

My 3 favorites will probably have to be...
Audacious Amber
Colourable &
Taffeta Tantrum

LOL, and then my 2nd set of 3 favorites (cause nobody can just do 3) would be:
Lesley My Love &
Dance to Paris

Cherryvale, KS

Wow!! These are great!! 1) Luxuriant Lothario 2)Colourable 3)Arthouse 4)Into Temptation.. Thanks for posting!!!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Yes, thanks for alerting us to the new introductions by Blyth. It is indeed difficult to pick favorites, but I would go for :
Into Temptation
Audatious Amber
Smokey Whispers
closely followed by:

Art House
Tafeta Tantrum
Beach Dance.

I think
Love to Party
and Luxuriant Lothario
are also really special.

That Barry Blyth -- he has magic fingers when it comes to pollen daubing!

Of course they are all magnificent -- I wouldn't turn up my nose at a single one

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Here is a Blyth that I got as a bonus with last year's order from Australia. It is Tango Amigo. It arrived around the first of April and has been in a flower pot since then. It will go into the soil shortly. It is almost open today. When it is fully open I will post it again. I have two more 2007 Blyth Introductions with buds. I will post them as they bloom.

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
South Hamilton, MA

I like: Hysteria-Dance to Paris-Regal Knave. The last ones are similar so would have to chose between them. Beach dance is available through Keith Keppel.

Cherryvale, KS

I e-mailed Keppel and he will have these for sale in 2010. He received them in April and they are getting acclimated and making babies!!LOL How much does it cost to bring them in from Australia? I'm afraid my Scotch blood couldn't take it!!LOL Or maybe, I'd have to drink a bunch of scotch to loosen the purse strings!! I've tasted scotch before!YUK!

Cherryvale, KS

Good luck trying to pick just 3!!! LOL

This message was edited Sep 29, 2008 11:37 AM

Edgewood, NM

HMMMMMMMM difficult to choose, but 1. By Jeeves 2. Hysteria 3. Smokey Whispers but really like them all

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

I really like striking contrasts so I would favor

1. By Jeeves, 2. Downtown man 3. Regal Knave - Runnerup - Royal Orders

Then the combo colors of

1. Taffeta Tantrum 2. Luxuriant Lothario 3. Love to Party - Runnerup - Afternoon Colors

however, they are all absolutely gorgeous.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

It was expensive ordering from Australia. I am pleased that Keppel will now be selling Blyth's new intros. That should save a lot of shipping and the phytosanitary certificate. It was also very costly to have the US dollar devalued between the time I placed the order and the time it was ready to be shipped. Blyth's prices were in Australian dollars which, by the time he charged my credit card was a lot more US dollars than I had expected.
I think Keppel had Beach Dance for sale last year. I had been thinking I would like to have it.
Here is Tango Amigo on its second day. It is a little more brown and a little less rosy.

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Hard to chose, I like them all, I am a big fan of Blyth.

Philadelphia, PA

I'm having trouble trying to limit myself to just 3.
You're right everyone seems to be attracted to the Blyth irises. I guess I have to remove more grass for the new irises that will be coming next year

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

Well choosing only 3 for this year intros wouldn't be as hard if I could be sure to be able to get my 2nd set of 3 favorites from Keppel.

So a question to Mit and/or all you folks who keep up on this stuff.....Do you if all the ones that Keppel sells for Blyth will be 2 yrs later ? (as Nickysiris found out these will be 2010)

My problem is the impulse buyer syndrome.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

I have that problem too. I did order Blyths new intros last season and had shipping problems, so I many just start waiting for Keppel to intro them and also when they are imported they tend to act strange due to climate change, some may even bloom out. So when you purchase them here they are already acclimated to our climate. But 2007/08 Blyth intros will be introduced in 2009. 2008/09 will be introduced by Keppel in 2010. Cayeux's I have never have an issue with blooming problems. I guess his climate is similar.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Oh my.......if I have to choose just three......Audacious Amber, Beach Dance and Taffeta Tantrum!

Thanks for posting the link Mitt!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I had no trouble with shipping from Australia. I have had 3 iris so far bloom out of season, but not one has bloomed out. Of course, I would prefer to purchase them within the US, but primarily because the shipping from Australia is expensive. But acclimatizing them was no problem at all. The plants arrived in beautiful condition and the minute I put them in flower pots they began growing like crazy. Some are already in the ground. Most have bloomed out of season or will soon. So far no bloom out. These are strong iris and are also beautiful!

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Careless Whisper, Classicana, Regal Knave

Santa Ynez, CA

would have to be By Jeeves, Hysteria and Dowtown man

Beatrice, NE(Zone 5b)

Gates of Rome, Into Temptation, and Classicana.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Hysteria, Afternoon Colors, Careless Whispers

and all the others. Can't help myself!!!!

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

Hello Mitt,
The three I like are Colorable, By Jeeves and Taffeta Tantrum. Take care friend.

Kansas City, MO

The Blyth cultivars are sometimes really cool and stand out. My favorites that I have at home are Temple of Time, Louisa's Song and Sweetly Sung. Stop Flirting didn't bloom this year but I think it will next year. I am waiting for Terracotta Bay and Popstar that will be high on my list of must haves in '09.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Here is Copper Clouds, 2007 intro, blooming today. I received it around April 1 and it is currently blooming on the Australian schedule. The colors are wonderful, but actually a bit darker than the photo in real life.

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
Kansas City, MO

That is gorgeous, just gorgeous. I love the color. Did you order direct from Blyth for this one? I haven't seen it offered anywhere.

Do you know of any one or any group ordering directly from him?


South Hamilton, MA

My IB 'Charmed Indeed' summer bloomed, which usually means that it will skip a spring bloom here. Our club often group orders. Are you in touch with iris people in your area who could get together? The plants usually arrive in April & we pot them to put in the garden during our July planting time. Keith Keppel is growing his plants for distribution in the US.

Kansas City, MO

I do not know of a group in my area. I wish I did. Keith Keppel doesn't get all of Barry's intro's either. It appears he tries to be very selective and He imtimated to me in an email in '07 that he might not be doing this much longer, soooo, going direct might be the best before the Blyths retire.

Soon there will be another generation of hybridizers. We sure have some great ones now, but all that changes with time. We need to enjoy who we have now and take advantage of what opporunities we have now.

I will be getting Keith's catalog in the Spring(if he has one). There are still a few of Ghio's that I would like, too. OOPs there goes another list started...


Santa Ynez, CA

Just got the new Tempotwo catalog, oh my gosh, to drool over, simply awesome
I think I will break down and place a small order:)

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

Makj, I'm so anxious to get my catalog ! Glad to hear you got yours. So is it as nice as the previous catalogs or are they smaller this year.

Pajaritomt, very nice pic. Thanks for posting it. Those tale tale ruffles and beautiful form talks for itself (and the Blyth) don't they ?

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Thank you all for your kind comments on Copper Sunset. All glory goes to Barry Blyth. Yes, I ordered it from his catalog early in January, 2008. He shipped the order at the end of March by DHL and it arrived here in terrific good condition. I immediately planted them in pots and so far this is the third to bloom. Pretty Witch and Stop the Traffic bloomed in July. Tango Amigo bloomed a few days ago. And Lunch in Madrid appears to be about to bloom -- but it better hurry. Oct. 15 is our average last freeze date. The other two don't look like they will bloom this year and one has been badly damaged by a crew that was re-stuccoing my house. It will live but it will have to repair itself, I am afraid.
I encourge you to order from Tempo Two if you don't find what you want at Keppel's nursery. Blyth has shipping worked out very nicely.
Irisawe, maybe this is naive of me, but couldn't you join the Kansas City, Kansas, Iris Society? I don't see one listed for Kansas City, but undoubtedly the is a near Kansas City. They are involved in putting on the Kansas convention in May and are definitely quite active. Here is the list of tall of the AIS afilliates in Kansas and MO. Surely there is one, not too far from you. I suspect you would enjoy being associated with one of these groups.

Santa Ynez, CA

The catalog is awesome!!!!!! it is good sized, he has cut down on some iris, but there is plenty still to drool over,
has anyone had a hard time with the AG dept on shipping from Australia? I need to call them and see if I would need that form Blyth talks about.
Mitt, you really "fed the fire" here, you know it does not take much to get "iris people" going:)
Pajaritomt, so it didn't sound like your "travelers" had any real set backs coming from Australia, that was one thing I wondered about.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

No, makj, the travelers got here almost as fast as the ones I ordered from California. They were in terrific condition.

Santa Ynez, CA

thanks for the info, I think I will order from Barry direct, I can order some still from Keppel etc... but I would like to give Barry as much credit as one can:)

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I would like to order from Keppel, the ones he sells, but from Blyth the ones Keppel doesn't sell. But this is tough because Keppel's catalog won't be out for several months. I guess I could email him. Maybe he already knows what he will have on sale.
I doubt that Blyth would have, personally placed cultivars in this country if he hadn't intended for Americans to buy within the country. I don't really know how the financial part of all this works between them, but they appear to be friends first, competitors second.

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

I was thinking the same thing about Keppels catalog coming so much later than Blyths. I am still upset with myself for not ordering Ginger Ice last year from Blyth. I was thinking of emailing Keppel too. I don't know how he will receive the question thou since it's not asking about one of his .

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you. I don't think Keppel would go along with the deal if he weren't getting something out of it. I think I heard Blyth is selling Keppel's iris in Australia. I would simply send the email. My suspicion is that both Blyth and Keppel are getting something out of this or they wouldn't be doing it.
BTW, I have Ginger Ice, but it doesn't look like it will bloom until US Spring at the minimum. It is growing the least of all the ones I ordered.

Santa Ynez, CA

i think the "big boys" do a lot swapping and they probably learn a lot from each other, Barry talked about Black coming over to visit i think they probably all are good friends, share great ideas etc...i think it is great how most all the iris people i have talked to are very happy to hear how interested new people are about "getting into iris "

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

It is great how friendly the "big boys" are. I have met lots of them at convention and find them delightful. Last year I ended up on the tour bus with Black, Johnson, Blyth, and Keppel. Very interesting. I have had some very nice email correspondence with Roger Duncan of Superstition. He filled most of an order for me after they had shut down for the season but before they divided those particular iris. He really didn't have to but wanted to help out when I told him I didn't get an arilbred that I had ordered elsewhere and was eager to get that one this year. He really went to extra trouble for me.

Santa Ynez, CA

I have found the same, usually they will go out of their way to talk to you and make you get your iris "needs" :)
I have ordered from Superstition for a few years now and always they send wonderful stuff, and a pleasure to talk to.
the same with Keppel, always quick on email reply's and great at giving out info. Also sent me over to Snowpeake for MORE info for specific growing selling etc... Dee was great and extremely helpful, iris people in general are
wonderful people!!! :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Favorites--I'm not even going to try to limit it to three since these are so gorgeous and out of reach for me anyway:lol:

Afternoon Colours
Into Temptation
Luxuriant Lothario
Taffeta Tantrum
By Jeeves

Now I want to order from Australia:lol: Unfortunately I have to put gas in the car so that's not gonna happen:LOL:

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