Chrysanthemum seed

Nashville, TN

I have several colors of mums. I have tried in vain to find
what the mum seeds look like. Does anyone have a picture of
the seed, or a good description. I have read articles on
collecting seed, but I don't want to send worthless chaff as a seed. Any help would be appreciated!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I am not sure about the seeds, but you certainly can take cuttings. Take about a 3-4 inch cutting, strip the lower leaves(leaving only about 2-3 leaves will be fine, place the cutting in very moist soil and wait about 2-3 weeks( I use my birdbath, so they are always moist, since the cats have chased the birds away, it is also in the shade). I have been very successful with this method. You could use the rooting hormone if you want but I have done it without and still got bunches of cuttings to root!

Nashville, TN

I appreciate your taking the time to answer my post.
I am planning a mum garden for this fall.

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