Fall Open House and Plant Sale at RCN

Crozet, VA

Even though I am not sure if John and I will be able to go, I thought that I would let you folks know about this. There has been some interest in the past about some of us trying to go, but so far, no go. Several have been able to meet Debbie (rcn43) at some of The Plant Sales they attend around the state though.

There is an Open House and Plant Sale taking place this Saturday, September 27 from 9 AM til 4 PM in Lexington VA at Rick's Custom Nursery. There will be a clearance sale that will have items 50%-75% off. Ferns, Hostas, Perennialls, Trees and Shrubs for $5.00.

I am going to mark my calendar now.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ruby, you're such a sweetie :) I would love to see some of you this weekend but I'm afraid the gas prices are scaring a lot of people :( Weatherman says there's a 70% chance of rain - like I'm going to believe that? He's been saying the same thing all summer and we've still got a drought going on! Rick's keeping my hopes up, said the radar maps all show the rain staying east of the mountains and we should only have clouds :) The gardens don't look as nice as they do in the spring but they're not looking that bad and we got a lot planted this summer and have kept it watered - no thanks to Mother Nature!

The directions to our place are on the website http://rickscustomnursery.com/openhouse.htm, but let me know if anyone needs more information!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

sorry, not this time, but I'm sure I would love it!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gosh, wouldn't that be fun! Wish our schedule allowed it this weekend! :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I would love to go so much, but I have classes Saturday mornings that are back in session . . . . but the time will come, can't be too far off, when I'll get to see your beautiful gardens in person!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I couldn't open the link, maybe this will work:


I wish I lived closer, there are some nice shrubs there. I keep missing getting a fringe tree / chionanthus, it's kind of hard to find.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks claypa, I'm not sure what happened with the link. I wish you lived closer too! I could put you and your camera to work in the gardens :) Still a distance for you, but we'll be in Winchester, VA in a couple of weeks if you're up for a weekend drive!

happy, you WILL get here eventually, I just know it :) And with all the projects I've got planned, I'll have even more to show you!

Crozet, VA

Debbie, as soon as you know the date for the Spring Open House, let us know. Maybe with some advanced planning we can finally get a group together to visit your place. I have the same sentiments as Happy, one of these days!!!

Clay, my father in law gave each of the children a fringe tree last year. We have it planted where you can look directly at it from the kitchen window. It is a very interesting plant.

Sally, Critter and Happy - I miss you gals!!! Didn't realize how much until now. I haven't kept up very well with The MAG group, but see that I need to begin paying better attention to those who have served as very good garden counsel over the past couple of years.

Take care everyone.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You have some serious garden and plants there!!!!! Just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

And greenhouses to boot yet......Makes mu garden look like a drop in the bucket.....:o(


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ruby, as soon as I'm certain of the date of the Spring Open House I'll be sure to let everyone know :) It's all depends when our last show at JMU is in the spring but they usually schedule that event for Memorial Day weekend and our Open House is always the weekend after. A quick look at the calender and it will probably be June 6 and 7. We may be having a large group coming from Green Springs Garden Park next year and I'm pretty sure they'll be expecting a 'guided' tour. If so, it would be a perfect opportunity for everyone to visit. I'm always willing to pop into the gardens and answer questions but a tour would provide an opportunity to get all your questions answered at once. Of course, if it wasn't possible for everyone that weekend we could always plan another date and give you a "personal tour" :)

Gita, thank you :) Everyone's garden, large or small, is lovely and your little corner of heaven is no exception! We have a 'severe' problem, we just can't stop planting and the gardens continue to expand every year! I'm just looking forward to the day when we put a limit on how far they expand and have an opportunity to plunk myself down on my 'sitting deck' and relax and enjoy them. I keep telling Rick there WILL be a day soon when he'll find me sitting in my chair reading or knitting instead of on my hands and knees digging more holes! LOL

We were delighted with the turn out yesterday! There was a shopping frenzy in the first three hours of the morning and Rick had to make repeated trips to the nursery to replace the plants that sold out in the first hour! The rain held off until almost noon and by 2:00 the field was too wet and after Rick had to drive two vehicles out because the field was so muddy, we had to close the gate. However, we posted a note and told people they were still welcome to "walk" in if they wanted and sure enough they still came! We always dread it when rain is predicted. The field will only hold up so long and after so many vehicles the ground starts giving way and even though you can get "in", there's no way "out"! Regardless, it was a wonderful first Fall Open House and we're planning to do it again :) Unfortunately our friend who usually takes some great pictures was so busy as our 'parking attendant' he didn't have time for pictures :( I'm hoping to get some soon however and show you the new plantings in this area - my 'sitting deck'. This photo was from earlier this spring and it's really starting to shape up! Now if I can just get the copper arbor finished that will go over the deck I'll be happy :)

Thumbnail by rcn48
Crozet, VA

Such a serene settting.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Glad you had a good turn-out despite the weather.

Are you making the copper arbor? That will be so nice as it ages. I really like that look. I do hope you get to sit on your deck someday and enjoy your gardens.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

RCN, Congrats on a succesful and adventure filled event!! Next spring sounds great for a personal tour. How much do any of us get to enjoy our seating areas????

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

so true about sitting areas not being sat in!! How many times do I plan to relax awhile but end up getting up to fool with something. I have a lounge chair that gets sat in about four hours a year.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Jan, yes - I've been workingon the darned thing since last March :( The sudden illness of our pup, Phoebe, the end of March stopped me short in my tracks on the project and then, spring, summer, well you know how it is! LOL I just need to get Rick to help me flip it so I can glue the joints on the other side and then the true test comes - will it actually work? I'm seeing some possible problems in my design and I may have to alter it a little after it's actually up but at least it will be standing over the deck! I've taken pictures along the way - do's and don'ts, etc. - and plan to write an article over the winter to encourage DGers to make their own :)

I actually did get a chance to sit and relax Sunday afternoon after taking ton of pictures in the gardens. I'm working to get them all in order and hope to post some in the morning :)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I finally had a chance to post a few pictures of the "sitting deck". I've got more to post but this at least gives you an idea of the area: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/908662/

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, I was so wondering how your open house went. So glad it was a success. Sure wish I could have come, well one of these days I will get there. LOL at the parking issue, when the kids were younger we did a lot of horse shows parking trucks and horse trailers in pastures that by the end of a rainy day could be a real problem getting out of.
Can't wait to see pictures of your copper arbor when you get it finished. I'll saw the thread on the sitting area when I get more time I'll be checking it out. What little I saw looks lovely, I want to go back and really read it all. Holly

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