Chinese dogwood, Cornus Kousa "Big Apple'

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Thank you Bug. That's what I'll do. Pam

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

any left? hubby likes fruit trees so this would be cool to try. thanks

Greensburg, PA

Hi all. I've been going over the seed supply for C. mas (found some more) and have enough left for two people. Someone sent me a d-mail a while back asking if I had more and I told them I did not think I did. I've been looking for that mail and have not found it. If that was you, please d-mail me again so that I can make you happy!

Im, I think you already have my address, but if you do not, please d-mail me.

I also have a supply of small dried fruit that should have seeds in them. These were the ones that did not mature to edible size and fell to the ground, but should have seeds in them. For some reason I kept them, don't know why. If anyone else out there would like to have these to try, I can pass them on as well. Otherwise I will pitch them in a week or so (or perhaps ws?) No guarantees as to number of seeds for the dried fruits.

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