Two color Butterfly Bush

Fredericksburg, VA

I have not seen this before. I have two totally different colors on one voluntier butterfly bush. Have any of you seen this before???

Thumbnail by mosbyone
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've never seen that--my first question would be whether you're 100% positive it's one plant and not two different ones that self-sowed themselves right next to each other.

Fredericksburg, VA

Thats what I was thinking until I explored a bit one white branch one blue just as it apears in the photo.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

I bought a "tri-color" butterfly bush several years ago and it did have blooms in blue, white and pink. I never found a good spot for it though, so it's been dug up & moved a few times and it is NOT a happy bush. The few blooms it had this year were all blue I think.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've seen the tricolor one too, but I believe it's three different colors grafted onto one rootstock, not something that could happen naturally. The other thing that can happen naturally is that plants can make a sport, which is where you randomly get a branch that has a different color flowers or leaves than the rest of the plant. So if you're positive both flowers are on the same plant that may be what's going on instead.

Hardin, KY(Zone 6b)

I have two purple and white, but they are on purpose. Two years ago, I ordered 25 bushes from the local extension office (great deal ~ 25 for $15). Since they were literally twigs, I planted them in bunches, four or five twigs to a hole. Some white and some purple, random thing. Now I have three all purple, and two of the mixed. I also have a tricolor that I ordered from Park Seed. It has the orange, purple, fuschia flowers. This was its first year so can't tell if I'm thrilled yet or not.

Fredericksburg, VA

I will try and get a closer pic. This is from seed from last yeas bloom. It is not a grafted plant . I almost pulled it because it is in the middle of a daylily section. It will be moved this fall.

Howdy Keewee, I got the same one you did from Park and was surprised to see it made it through the summer alive, AND still blooming. All mine (2) others have croaked from heat. This must've been a healthier one or I put it in a slightly better spot, than the others...this is a pic of the best i got for flowers this Summer.
I like the flowers well enough, but the bottoms die and go brown before they tops open so its dissapointing in that regard. Does that happen to yours??

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Hardin, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes Darren ~ my flowers react the same. After I ordered it, another MG friend of mine warned me "it's gonna look brown" and she was right. Yours is much bigger than mine though ~ do ya think it's because I moved mine 3 or 4 times? Finally picked a permanent spot on north side of deck, full sun in summer. I did water off and on because of no rain.
When I received my plant from Park, it was SO tiny ~ maybe 3" with two leaves. Pretty steep ($10) for a plant that self-seeds all over.
Here's something I've noticed ~ my b-fly bushes are HUGE and everyone comments on that, but you know what? They are all REALLY close to the house. Since it's so humid here, I'm wondering if the constant drip-drip off of the roof has something to do with it or what?

Mine gets a lot of water, so yeah maybe. I have a driphose under ground that keeps the soil moist (need that here, period.), lol -it helps with the Honeysuckle I have too. Above ground it would evaporate so I have mine 1 in. under the soil, anyhoo I digress!
I have my B.B. in a spot that gets only morning to noon sun, again, due to the heat. You probably need more sun maybe, and water, but have to watchout for the humidity for things like fungus' and rot, as the humidity is so higher there right? That drip off the sidde of the house might be it, or, it COULD even be that it is close to the house and a change in the temperature creating some reaction that way...hmmm...lots of possibilitiees. I would love for mine to self seed, I also fertilized it a lot~do you have earthworms in the soil that it is in? my soil is pretty rich, I would think yours should be too given your location? Different pic of same plant included~with Butterfly even, lol i forgot he was in there!

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Hardin, KY(Zone 6b)

I really like the idea of an underground drip hose. Even tho we are humid here, July and August tend to be almost rainless and it gets old listening to everyone complain about ALL the rain they're getting when we would kill for half an inch. In the spring, we get deluged ~ sometimes 6 to 8 inches at a time, which all runs off thanks to the hard clay soil. Yes, I have lots of earthworms and BIG ones too. Sometimes I mistake them for a snake if they are out and about. They do wonders for this clay soil, but mine is really ok as I have been amending for three years now.
I am surprised your BB's don't self seed. There's even one growing out the side of an old metal stove I have in front of the porch. Plus I have babies ALL over the place. I told my husband I am going to pot them up and put them down by the road in the spring for a dollar. Beats the $8.99 that Lowe's is charging now for a small one.
Let me see if I can get a pic of the one growing out of the stove ..............

Thumbnail by KeyWee

Wow thats great~!!! I Love these plants, and bet your self seeding is better some due to that humidity, Though i will see what happens next spring as I am letting more things do just that. With the exception of moving and occasional bub or 10 i am going to let nature have its way in my garden until I know it is a weed, it is going to grow. I will then see what happens to leaves that I recognize and so on. I quite think $2.00 would be good for beating lowes! lol...but watch out for root-rot with the drip hoses, I lost some lily bulbs this year due to it and a too-shady spot.

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