Tomatoes slow to ripen

Germantown, MD

My "big" tomatoes are very slow to ripen - if at all. My cherrys are doing okay though. Talking to other gardeners in my 'hood I don't think it is just me.

Am wondering if there is any nutrient or anything I can add to speed up the process. I scratched in some epsom salt about a week ago and hope that helps.

-Amy in Bethesda, MD

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I feel like I am seeing the same problem. I really need to get a good soil test. I think I'll go for the works- and figure out later what it all means.


We have just been through an extremely dry period. This has slowed down most garden growth. I have had more calls on tomato growth than anything else this year. The next problem will be cracking with new growth following any rains. Get ready to make sauce.

I kept one inch of water a week going to the garden which avoided any serious slow down here. We have a good well feeding an underground drip system mulched heavily.

Mulch alone will help this situation should we have another season like the last two years. Think in terms of mulching tomatoes for a number of good reasons not just moisture retension.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Mine are all in containers and it was the same way this year, same with my neighbor. Just picked them green and let them ripen on a window sill.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Jen, I did the same thing and they were fine. Most ripened in 1 or 2 days.

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