Heron pics

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

We saw nene while we were in Waimanalo (Oahu). I remember joking that they were canadian geese that had somehow managed to fly to Hawai'i. Being smart birds, they never returned to Canada, got rid of their black turtle neck sweaters and the rest is history.

Geese can easily become aggressive. They acted as watchdogs on French farms. One way to get rid of the tax collector was to release the geese. Geese... HMMMMM..... Tasty....... (drooling a la Homer Simpson). Nenes are a protected species. Everyone knows that the forbidden fruit tastes much better than the rest.

Take care, all.

Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

Sylvain~that is funny!

Some pelicans watching me sneak up on them

Thumbnail by Gardnerkett
Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

Outa here

Thumbnail by Gardnerkett

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