I have 25 chickens from Southeastern Mass. Sick! I need help

Clarkson, KY

Was there a difference in the time of day that the birds were out? More moisture on the ground could have activated the fertilizer which would make it affect whichever group ate at a wetter time.

Lodi, United States

Do you think the CF would like a nice box of Brazilian chocolates?

Lodi, United States

But wouldn't it be activated by their saliva? Maybe it "swelled up" and became more obvious the longer it was on the lawn--so the later birds noticed and ate it?

(Zone 7b)

Hadn't thought of that grow

(Zone 7b)

I thought fertlizer disolved not swelled.

Clarkson, KY

My thought was that it may have been eaten when absorbed into water, but not as granules, but either way it could account for the difference.

Lodi, United States

When I get fertilizer wet--it first swells up then dissolves.

(Zone 7b)

Wait This happens at my house my husband when he uses the spreader it gets in our dogs water buckets and we have to remove them before he fertlizes. Could it have gotten in some water and they drank it?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

please, don't send those to the CF. you love ME too, don't you?

Clarkson, KY

Most definitely TF, but are you less dangerous or MORE?? Hmm?

Lodi, United States

Okay. I relent. You have a box of chocolates and a nice article on an English organic farm (pay special attention to the article) on the way.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


Dighton, MA

The chickens are let out in the early day, and it is moist from the dew. But no they are all intiled to the same area .

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Hey there Tamara, save some of them for me.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

cemba33 can you post the ingredients off the label of the fertilizer? Maybe we can spot a chemical in it that is harmful to chickens.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yes that would be helpful for all.

Gao, Mali

CHOCOLATE??? for me?

Dighton, MA

This is a picture of it url i=my bag covered 5,000 sq ft i don't think that matters.


Lodi, United States

CF--the chocolates were not up to your high standards. I sent them to tf--I'm sure she would be glad to share--if you will condescend to visit her.

Your Most Obedient Servant,


This message was edited Sep 16, 2008 7:00 PM

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

cemba33 I can't see the ingredients list on the bag.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

best i can guess, since it says to keep out of ponds lakes and streams, it is NOT wildlife or chicken life friendly... but with help they should recover, doesn't sound deadly. i hope.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

well my first reaction is get rid of that product!! They recommend calling poison control if you get it on your skin, swallow it or breath it in!!! Not something you want around your body or your family or your animals!!!

I think that fertilizer is the cause of your chickens being ill. Some of them may have breathed it in, some may have eaten it. Hard to say which. I can't even say how to treat them beyond the dandelion treatment which is suppose to detoxify.


Clarkson, KY

And maybe plenty of water with electrolytes. Balance has to be messed up. I'd think...

(Zone 7b)

Rest plenty of rest and keep them warm and dry the electrolytes and water sounds good too.
You may have too just wait this one out.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

and when they get over it, their is a powdered vitamin product you can put in their water, along with minced garlic...

Kennewick, WA

I have a theory based on experience with ducks... It is possible that the affected chickens have botulism. Do they have access to any scraps out of wet containers such as compost sitting in liquid? I had some ducks that were exposed this horrifying neurotoxin and 2 of the 4 died. They knocked the lid off of a container that I carried out to the garden routinely when it was full. It had been sitting a couple of days and was liquified. I felt like the worst animal owner on the planet. Only 2 were very slightly affected and fully recovered. With the fertilizer issue - it is possible that the chickens had varying amounts of it and some reacted and some didn't based on amount consumed...?
I feel for you.

Clarkson, KY

If it's not Marek's then it seems poisoning is likely and that having lasted this long (5 days since your first post?) they should have a good chance of recovering and are merely cycling the whatever through their systems. Any updates??

(Zone 7b)

I agree if it's been 5 days they should recover completely when all of it leaves thier system.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yes, katscan botulism IS BAD. sorry for your losses...

Lodi, United States

Katscan! Yipes my identity theft revealed. We need to talk--I've said and done things in your name you should know about before everyone piles on you with rage and recrimination. Dmail me.

Dighton, MA

Well, there still slow. I don't know, I am just wanting it out and I have been giving them some vitamin powder every other day.

Lodi, United States

Botulism had occurred to me as well. Mainieac seemed to know about it as a taxidermist.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

mine were LAST poisoned [that i know of] over six weeks ago. their immune systmes are weak and many are still sick, some just getting it.

be patient. they ain't gonna get well in a week or two.

londonderry, Australia

hopefully they get there strenggth back soon

Dighton, MA

So just wait. My mom hates to see them like this, and I put down that rooster because my mom didn't want to see him like that. Not eating.

(Zone 7b)

It's okay cemba we all have to do these unpleasant things at some point i guess it goes with the territory.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i know. i really do understand what you are going through...

Dighton, MA

They are walking around a little more in the year today : ].

Clarkson, KY

Hooray!! Yippee!! All cheering for 'em here!

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