Ooops....I did it again

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)



Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)


londonderry, Australia

oh yer i heard they show kangaroos hopping accross the harbour bridge while kevin rudds lawn is infested with emu's LOL if any one has ever been in sydney it is a very big city bothing that rival NY or anything like that but it is pretty big

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I haven't been - would love to visit. But would also love to visit "the outback" :-)

Darn thing is, I hate flying, and going there is a REALLY long flight...

Lodi, United States

I hate flying too. I have all sorts of coping mechanisms. The best is sleep deprivation for 48 hours before the flight. I have slept in some of the largest airports in the world. Just wrap your arms around your carry-on and loop your feet through the wheely thing (I do all carry one--cause I hate the stress of figuring out if they have lost my luggage). It is like some sort of weird hallucination. Every time you wake up there are different people around you and your dreams are really strange.

I am sure I have seen kangaroos in the Sao Paulo airport.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

rotfl... sorry, you poor thing. now you can fly to Ohio & see wallabys

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

ROTFL at the kangaroos in Sao Paulo.

I take two different kinds of medication and a glass of wine. It takes the edge off slightly. My doctor said in his 20 years of practice he has never known anyone who can take the dose I have to take and not be asleep within 15 minutes. It blows him away every time. Most people take 1 pill of this stuff. I take 3, plus the second med which enhances the activity of the first. The glass of wine enhances both, and is the only way I can get on the plane.

Of course, it probably doesn't help that I am generally resistant to meds. I had a procedure done last year to look in my upper GI tract because I had problems with acid reflux. Anyway, it took the normal dose for a 400 pound male to put me under for it sufficiently, and apparently even then I was trying to talk with the tube down my throat. For the record, I am 5 foot 10 and a size 12, so nowhere near a 400 pound male. The doc said she hadn't seen anyone so resistant in years. And my dentist needs to give me 4 shots every time I have a filling done. I just don't go numb without a huge dose.

Lodi, United States

You sound like my son--medication wise. I, on the other hand, go under beautifully. They have to half the dosage of everything narcotic. It makes prescription meds last much longer. Sort of a gift, I think.

londonderry, Australia

i love flying cant beleive you could hate it LOL

hah you guys pronounce emu as emoo and we pronounce it as emyou LOL bit of subject i am gonna go sit down now LOL

Lodi, United States

No, we say: eemyou. It must be the Brits--or the Canadians?

londonderry, Australia

on the simpsons it is like emoo LOL the simpsons cofuses all HAH

Lodi, United States

Or the Simpsons--not to be confused with real non-animated Americans:0)

londonderry, Australia

LOL what can i say i still watch the simpsons now lol i have ever since i was a kid and i still like it pretty sad huh ROFL

Lodi, United States

No. I love the Simpsons. Lisa is my role model.

londonderry, Australia

is homer the classic american

Lodi, United States


(Zone 7b)

I'm a family guy fan Can't get enough of Stewie and wanting to take over the world my DH can make the Peter laugh perfectly [yes it gets REAL old]. Poor meg just can't get a break;)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Canadians and Brits say eemyou too. But I have heard some people say eemoo, in fact I just asked Kelly and he just said eemoo and I collapsed laughing. Oops. He says Iowans say it that way. I say only some Iowans say it that way. I have always said eemyou.

I don't watch TV much and I really don't like animated TV. Although I like the movie Chicken Run and that's animated (and Wallace and Gromit). I think I'm one of the strange minority who find the Simpsons to be entirely irritating.

Clarkson, KY

Me too. No matter how many times my brothers explain how funny it is.

Emu -both pronunciations are used here (in this nation)

(Zone 7b)

I love animated movies i feel like a kid when i watch them loved Ice Age it was funny.

Simpsons>>I vote No>>>American dad No>>>>>>Chicken Run got on dvd

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh yes! Ice Age was hilarious, I loved that! I also liked Monsters, Inc. At least I think that's what it was called. It was from Pixar, with the big purple monster and the little green one...Mike Mukowski or something like that.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


yeah those shows irritate me, DH loves them. me and the kids LOVE chicken run and wallace and grommit!

i say E-MOO. always have.

(Zone 7b)

Nope tested it out no emoo here we say emew

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Pop or Soda? :-) We say pop.

Lodi, United States

Soft Drink--or, if pressed, Soda

(Zone 7b)

Down in these here parts we say co-cola as in just like jeff foxworthy says it " we a goin to the store do ya want a co-cola well what kind of co-cola ya want.

Lodi, United States

I was going to put that in too--my Tennessee relatives always said "coc-cola". And when you left they always said: "Ya'll come back now, here!" I loved them so much.

Clarkson, KY

definitely soda, if not co-cola. Pop is almost as bad as when Nana said weenies instead of hot dogs -Sorry Clairey-poo (p word)

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yep we have weenies and pop here.

Clarkson, KY

Well we were NOT allowed to talk like that! Rewd and crewd

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yes, really crewd LOL. coke and hot dogs here. and e-myou apparently fo rnatives aroudn here. i am NOT native...

myself, i say eMOO, dogs, and soda pop... but i am too integrated

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)


Clarksburg, MO

Okay new question.... do you say wash or worsh. It is soda, hotdogs and e-moo in Missouri.


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

wash and e-moo and yellow, not yeller unless we are talking about the dog.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Eemyou (or emew), hot dogs (or corn dogs, which are huge in Iowa), pop, and wash. But that's just me.

Many Iowans say eemoo and some say worsh. Pretty much everybody says pop and hot dog.

One thing that got me when I first moved here was people asking me in stores if I wanted the receipt "in the sack" and where I came from, that had a COMPLETELY different meaning. I always respond, "Yes, in the bag please".

Clarkson, KY

I think worsh is a bit old school. My evil stepmother said it and I cringe even TYPing that....word...

(Zone 7b)

co-cola, emew, warsh, yella , fixin, fussin, needlin, and yall come back ya hear

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yall come back now

(Zone 7b)

Oh and forgot Weenie's on loafa Bread with soured krout

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

What's needlin'? Is that like sewing?

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