Ooops....I did it again

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Just bid on 12 bantam buttercup eggs on

La la la la.....(preparing to sing)

Sprinkle, sprinkle, CF please,
Here I am down on my knees
Way up in the sky you fly
Sprinkling dust as you go by,
Sprinkle, sprinkle, CF please
Dust me like a gentle breeze.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

and 12 Delaware blue.

somebody stop me.

Hello, 1-800-hens off?

Clarkson, KY

Maybe you bit the chicken fairy and got infected. Serves you right, if so. Not that we don't love you anyway. Addiction is hard, though.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Holy cow, you just accused me of biting the CF!!! I can't believe you would do that, after all our special times on the chicken shuttle and everything. I thought we were all friends here. I feel so crushed! If anything happened here, the CF bit ME!! Not the other way around.

I'm going to go cry on my feathers now. Is anyone else growing feathers in odd places?


(giggle, I'm sure you all know I'm just playin' along here...)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I can hardly wait for an incubator...

I just got back from buying 4 Aracauna chicks and forgot to do the flip thing when I bought them!! I bet I ended up with 3 roos.... Flipped all 4 and 3 put both legs out immediately. :(
So that means I get to go back and get 4 more right? LOL

(Zone 7b)

Oh ZZ don't fret i don't want to get peoples hopes to high on the chick flipping no sexing technique is 100% ive got some from the hatchery that were sexed wrong.

This message was edited Sep 10, 2008 8:40 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh, yes indeed ZZ, in fact you should probably buy 6 or 8 more, I mean, make it an even dozen. Or a baker's dozen! 4 just doesn't cut it for "serious" chicken people like you and I. You want to have a whole yardfull of chickens.

I re-flipped my favorite light colored chick when I got home this evening. One leg out, right away. But yesterday it was both legs out right away. Day before that it was one leg out. I think that chick is very confused. I love it anyway. Just like you all love me despite my silly addiction.... ;-)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Now I have 4 RIRs, 4 Buff Orps and 4 Aracaunas.. and the 3 JGBA Roos catscan gave me! My neighbors are shaking their heads.. here goes another addiction! Oh well.. my son loves them too.. that is an important factor for me!
One of my RIR babiez flew up and got on my lap today! I was so freaked out that it could get up that high!

I want more aracaunas. they are darling!

(Zone 7b)

I try not to have too many at once because i don't want to neglect the ones i do have in favor of the others it is very easy to get in over ones head quickly and you can't return them.
I set my incubator with an amount i know i can handle Takeing into account what i will need for those future birds. I never put eggs in at different times because continusly opening the incu lets out warm air and moisture that the developeing eggs need and hatching eggs at different times you can't properly clean after a hatch because you can't remove the eggs in the incu that are due to hatch later this means the remaining eggs must breath the dirty air left by the first hatch and when hatched are exposed to what the others left behind. I pre plan my hatches and start up my incu and i generaly collect eggs for 2 weeks then set them i candle at 7 & 14 days and wait i usally get a 95 to 98% hatch with this method i then clean and disinfect my incu and put it in the sun to dry as this can kill any leftover germs i may have missed.

(Zone 7b)

Love your chick pics Claire and yes the light colored chick is the prettiest and you know your birds.
Congrats on the birds ZZ don't let anyone talk you into more birds than you want. My favorite are the aracana's i use to have some couple years back they laid blue/green/and pink eggs i had to get rid of them when they kept useing my porch as a toilet.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

OK, that is it. That is finally it. I can't do ANY MORE!!!

Just got 6 salmon faverolle eggs and 12 frizzle & silkie eggs. No more egg buying. I am cut off. Period.

i am such a bad girl.

Clarksburg, MO

Congrats Claire-

Watch when you put them in the bator. 3 weeks from today we will be at Jacob's Cave. I know because i just set some for a hatch for then.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

OH SHOOT!!!! I never thought of that!!!! Eggs being shipped monday, so soonest they will arrive is Wednesday. Hope that means I will be OK.

(hitting head on brick wall)

Belchertown, MA

CMoxon - just say no to chickens


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Teresa....if ONLY it were that easy!! LOL!!!

Belchertown, MA

Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery from your addiction !! :)

londonderry, Australia

there is no cure except the cf zapper which she already nows about and is formulating a counter defence product

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

Oh my goodness Claire, I have been away for far too long........exactly how many birdies do you have now? And you got an incubator too? And eggs on the way? Oh my! Chicky fever has set in and bad, huh? lol Good luck with your hatch! DH just set some eggs about 1 1/2 weeks 2 different incubators. I don't know that we really need the chicks, but I guess DH figured we have all these eggs we're not selling so why not?


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hi Christy - time flies!! I have exactly 22 adult chickens now, plus 6 that are around 8 or 9 weeks, plus 9 that are 1 week old. I do have an incubator - I bought an RCom 20 and I love it so much. It's so easy! I have silkie, millie, EE, and OEG eggs in it right now. I have other eggs on the way. I am completely addicted.

I am also in the middle of building a new coop... (these things happen!)


Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

The 6 you have......are those the ones that started as 10 that you got with their mama's? If so, my goodness the time does fly by! I don't think I've heard of the RCom 20....glad it's so easy though! We just have the el-cheapo model right now...turning by hand. That's alright gets the job done! How much longer until your 1st hatch? Oh, so eggsiting!!

A new coop too? You have been've 'accidentally' made it a bit too big right? lol


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh yes, the 6 I have are the ones that started as 10 that I got with their mama hens, and 2 weeks ago I gave the other 4 to a local lady who had posted to Craig's List that she would like to have some young chickens to raise. I gave them to her free because I was excited to share and knew I probably had too many!

The 10 that are 1 week old were my first hatch and it was overwhelmingly exciting and we had a "chicken shuttle" thread where I was Commander Moxon and everybody else was "ground control" and I was reporting on the status of the "life forms." It was very funny and everybody helped me through my first hatch.

So this will be my second hatch, the banty eggs and EEs and it should be in the next week sometime because they were set on Thursday Sept 28, so it was 2 weeks on Thursday, and I think banty eggs are sometimes 19 days, which could be on Tuesday! Wow!

Yes, the new coop should hold 12 hens, and I have materials for another one of those... ;-)


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yep that would be the ones, time has flown hasnt it. She gave 4 of them away I believe.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

oops cross posted :)

Lodi, United States

Moxon! Stop it immeditely! I go away for a few days and all chaos results.

Actually I am in the Sao Paulo airport waiting for my flight. Three straight days of CNN reports on Ike and the Presidential race. I had no idea you were in even worse shape!

They now have Chinese geese and Muscovy as well as Capybara on the experimental farm and they promise Peacocks next year at my request. The local chickens are small and game like. I was unable to find the nests......

It sounds like chicken fever has spread from Iowa to California. I am returning with a rare herbal remedy from Amazonia.

This madness must stop!

londonderry, Australia


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Catscan, it's all because I had some lovely red wine from Lodi the other day. And then I just lost all control...oh, and I won all the bids I made on eggbid. :-)

I totally want a capybara.

londonderry, Australia

congrats on the eggs from eggbid

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks! I got the Delaware Blues, the bantam buttercups, and some mixed color silkie eggs. Woo hoo!

londonderry, Australia

ahh you are lucky

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Will you send me a platypus egg?

londonderry, Australia


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Because I could hatch it in the incubator and have the only pet platypus in Iowa. It would also fuel my egg addiction. :-)

Too bad koalas don't lay eggs.

londonderry, Australia

you only see koalas ond platypus in the zoo

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

No way! I thought there were koalas all over. Don't they get hit by transport trucks sometimes? I thought you could look out your window in the morning and see a koala in your tree, and a platypus in your pond. I am very disillusioned now.

Now you're going to tell me you only see a kangaroo and a wallaby in the zoo. Then I might cry.

londonderry, Australia

i am sorry i am the one to tell you this but i think there are only somthing like 2 places in new south whales were koalas are easy to see i think u might find the odd platypus in a stream though i have never seen one and you only find kangaroos about 500k inland though there is a nature reserve near me that has a small population of them

This message was edited Sep 14, 2008 11:54 AM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Awww....that's just miserable. I am very disappointed with the Australian fauna distribution plan. Somebody needs to fix that.

Have you seen the kangaroos at the nature reserve? Are they big?

Can you buy kangaroo meat in the grocery store?

londonderry, Australia

only certain buthchers sell kangaroo meat i have only tried it once when i was at school and yess i haave seen them a realy big one is about 6 ft though i will be a bit mor honest there is a small population around my house as well by smal i mean there are only like 12

it is just in america you guys portray australia as you cant walk outside with out seeing one people who live in the city have never even seen one in there life

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, you know, that's what they show us on TV! That and the Sydney opera house, which is quite lovely. I have also read a book about the aborigines. now the truth comes out, there are 12 kangaroos around your house! That is really cool! I just would like a couple of those cute little wallabys hopping around. They look quite fun.

Gao, Mali

There is no Wallaby Fairy. Thank the Heavens!

Claire, keep your incubator temps down by half a degree.


londonderry, Australia

is some one getting jelous cf

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