Frost Dates and Irises

Raleigh, NC

now you've made me envious, you....Rat? I've had Breakers for years and nary a rebloom.

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Luck, now if ya'll southern folk would kindly keep these monster rains to yourself my "Immortality" might just open it sent up 6 bloomsalks for its first time bloom, I received her last year from a friend in northern Michigan.

St Joseph, IL(Zone 5b)

Nice Breakers. Mine was beautiful this summer so not sure if it will rebloom this fall. ???Laura

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

I received "Breakers" last year and it grew and increased well and sent up a bloom stalk in that fall only to be frozen by a heavy frost so this fall was its "maiden" bloom.

Raleigh, NC

now, if'n you're a'gonna use that term, you need to spell it right. it's

y'all not ya'll. (giggle)

we need all this rain. we're in a drought down here in the southeast. those Texas folks are hogging it all.

seriously, with the flooding, I really feel for them. We lost our summer place overlooking the intercoastal waterway in Fran. It wasn't much, but it was a peaceful retreat. I hope they don't lose all their sand on beaches. really big storms tend to strip the sand, beaches not so nice without it.

Hurricanes are seriously hard on trees. the heat and steamy surroundings afterwards are tough to endure for humans, plants and animals even without flooding, but far worse with flooding from disease potential.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

here in my area of mt. we can get frost as late as june 5 and as early as Aug. 1st. Have seen snow if july and august also. My dahlias were black proof of that. Thank goodness we have nice weeather after the first frosts in fall and can keep most things going if we protect them through that frost. We had some freezing last week and used old sheets and tarps all over the place, also using the bean pole and other taller items to keep weight off plants. I did save a lot of my new iris that got planted late and hope to keep them going awhile yet. We watch the weather like hawks this time of year.

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