Roll Call - after Hanna

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Did all of my DG family fare well? Water in the basement? Sections of gardens washed away?

How did Tropical Storm Hanna affect you and your neighbors? More importantly ... is everyone OK?

Check in here, please.

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Checking in, I have not been out to see the yard yet, will report back. For now, I have sun, warm but breathable air, and power. So I’m happy.

Great thread idea Candyce,
Thank you

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

You're welcome.

We just came in from 'short check' of the back hill garden, as Anna and I are both in our jammies still. The daylilies were almost underwater!! But, we pushed aside a small bern (only about two inches high) and let the water drain off. It always amazes me the power that water has to 'lanscape' for you.

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Nice of you to check on us, Candyce!

Sunny and breezy here. Lots of leaves and twigs on the ground, but nothing beyond that.


The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Well, you all are my extended family, after all!
Glad to hear that most everything is OK.

I still haven't checked the basement. I guess that's next on my list ...

(Edited for HTML mistake)

This message was edited Sep 7, 2008 9:22 AM

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

it wasn't as bad as I thought... just some branches down and a ton of leaves... lost a few tomatoes, straw flowers, and a couple of floppy dahlia.... a few containers fell over (we had them all down off the retaining wall though)

I really thought it was going to be a lot worse... and looks like my sub-pump we installed last year worked like a champ.. basement is dry

the buckets I leave outside to collect rain... were all overflowing... since they were empty yesterday that's pretty impressive

makes me really want rain barrels that's for sure

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

It brought us no rain , maybe a 1/8 inch based on what was in the dogs empty food bowls and virturally no sustanined wind. I need to get a rainfall gage. I had set the wind gage to record gusts over 40mph, but non recorded. . One local weather site says we had a 32mph gust.

I stayed up late to monitor it but finally went to bed for a couple of hours and then I got up at 3 am to check on things and I couldn't figure out why it was so quiet as I approached the door. I should have known nothing was up as the dogs were both sleeping soundly. Went outside and there was nothing more than a slight breeze and no rain. I will have to check and see if I missed it zooming through. But except for a few extra leaves on the porch, it was a non event. Hope no one has serious damage. We lost so many trees last fall from a storm that I don't want that again so feel lucky. Patti

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)


Glad it 'missed' you. I had heard that Nantucket was going to be hit hard. I'm so happy that the forecasters were incorrect in their assumptions!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Allison ~

We got about 6" of rain, and everything in the gardens looked a bit drenched this morning. But, I think that over-watering is the worst of it!

Glad you and yours are OK!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Not sure how much rain - but really not much of a storm. Thanks for thinking of us!

Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

Hi all - we got about 5" rain, slept right through it. Me and my garden are both grateful for that rain!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Nothing major as I thought...lots of rain very little wind. Everything here is peachy-keen. Thanks for thinking of us! ^_^

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Had about 3" of rain here down near Wilmington, DE. Not much wind. We get worse with nor'easters that come through. Bright and sunny here today.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

As I said on the weather thread, about 4 1/2 - 5 inches (I'm sure the gage missed some when the winds picked up. The house shields it in one direction). The wind was fierce overnight. Haven't spotted any damage yet.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

We got a whole bunch of rain (5 - 6 inches) and lost our power twice. The first outage was several hours and I felt so bad for the PSNH crew working out on our road trying to find the problem in the torrential rain. They tooted their horn at us when they passed by after restoring our power. Then we lost it again at 2:00 a.m., but it was back on when we got up this morning. Here's a wheelbarrow that was left out by the tractor......

Glad to hear everyone is ok so far! Candyce - how is your basement? My gardens look happy - like they really loved a Big Drink!

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

Yeah, water here in the basement on the Maine Coast. I knew that would happen, as it does with every major rainfall. Couple dead branches down and some hosta trashed because the slugs have bored holes in the petiole bases, weakening them. Not sure what our total was, but the wheelbarrow is full and it seemed like the torrential rain would never end. Please tell me I don't have to water now until next Spring?

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

We did get water in the basement, but not quite as bad as it has been for storms in the past.

Louise ~ sorry to hear about the power outages. That's so inconvenient!! But, I am glad that PSNH was up to snuff when it came to restoring the electricity.

Noreaster ~ don't know about not watering until Spring, but it sure would be nice, huh?

Pixie ~ glad to hear it wasn't as bad for you as it looked on the radar when I last checked. It looked like Hanna was going to pass right over you.

Victor ~ I had read your message on the 'weather' thread, and I was relieved to see that you were OK, as I had heard that your area was in for a bad time.

Sue ~ sounds like you and I had similar results from Hanna.

Jan ~ great to hear the results were manageable down there in DE. Yeah, we get worse from some Nor'easters, too!

Thanks for checking in!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Candyce if I played golf I might of been a little upset......

" The Riverside Golf Course in Portland is mostly under water as a result of the storm. The golf pro at Riverside, Ron Bibeau, says 12 out of 18 holes are flooded out, with the water 10 feet deep in some places. Bibeau says he and his staff know that they're at the mercy of the Presumpscot River, but he never expected the flooding to get so bad. "

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Haven't had a chance to go through the garden as I left early for the Old Rhinebeck Aerodome RC Plane Jamboree and got back after dark. Had some water in my basement but not enough to be a problem. Saw that the pumpkins had come down off the chain link fence - they are probably OK.

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Were you able to put them back up, Memory, or are you going to leave them down?

How was the air show?
Bill was personal friends with Cole Palin, who used to own and operate the show. In the 70's and 80's he would only invite top quality planes to participate. In 1982 Bill flew his stearman (radial engine) bi-plane into the private airstrip and participated in the air show. Bill used to do arial stunts with that plane.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

That's cool, Nance. I saw the show and loved it. I remember when Palin died.

South Hamilton, MA

3" of rain. some branches down but nothing major for us. I think that large branch lost in the area (north of boston) were mainly dead ones.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

How interesting, Nance! Were you on the scene when he was doing stunts? I'd be so nervous!!

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I looked at the pumpkin vines on the fence and they are probably dead anyway - but I assume the pumpkins will be OK - all they have to do is not rot between now and Halloween.

I thought the air show was great. The Farmer is still flying even though he is 83! I am so gullible - I thought it was really someone who couldn't fly at the controls! The biplanes throw out rolls of TP and then went back and cut them with the plane as they fell - pretty cool. They had the balloon pop, too. As this was a RC Jamboree, they had 8 1/3 scale WWI planes flying at the same time - only one german plane, so it wasn't much of a dogfight. LOL! One of the planes was a push propelled plane where the propellor is in the middle of the plane instead of pointing out the front. I thought that was amazing.

It was hard to take pictures and get the planes in the frame because they moved so fast. At the end of the day two biplanes flying in a tight formation came zooming through the landing strip with lots of smoke. The young man working said that one of the pilots was the captain of the airstrip and he had been somewhere else doing an airshow. Those biplanes (see picture) can fly 220 mph and they fly 3 - 5 feet apart while they do the show. They were impressive!

Thumbnail by AYankeeCat
Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Great shot of those stunt planes. Sounds like a really great time. Do you end up with a kink in your neck from looking at the sky the whole time?

DH's flying days were before we met. He has lots of pictures, videos and stories to go with them. I have to admit, I prefer it this way.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

On the Mid-Cape, we had periods of hard rain downfalls and wind that blew through the night, but nothing really serious. Some tall dahlias branches blew down, so I cut them and brought the blooms inside. And today (9/8) dawned so beautifully--sun, little humidity, the sky looks like "who ME? Cause any trouble? I don't THINK so!"
It was sort of a non-event. But thanks for asking.
I did "harvest" several rain-barrels of water (though who needs it now? LOL)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks for asking. It wasn't bad at all here. Not even any branches down off my bradford pear.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

We were lucky - almost 6 inches of rain - but so far (knock on wood) we have not lost electricity in any storm since we arrived in New England in 2002. I must admit, I NEVER saw rain like we have in Massachusetts when I lived in the Pacific North West!

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

I must admit, I NEVER saw rain like we have in Massachusetts when I lived in the Pacific North West!

Oh Michaela, that's funny. I SO agree. I used to be in Seattle a lot--supposedly the home of the Killer Rain--but nothing like what we have experienced since we moved to the Cape three years ago.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Out in the PNW is the rainy season just a constant drizzley rain from Oct. to May? Don't know. My DS's family lives in Portland and that's what it seems like down there. But, the summer is drier.

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

The good news is I haven't had to water my newly planted hosta gardens. The bad news is, all of the shrubs I had in post were scattered to the 4 winds in the back yard, none damaged, but scared me just the same. We had horrific thunder and lightning storms yesterday morning, enough that it woke me out of my night shift coma. Usually nothing can wake me up...woke me up out of a sound sleep. I thought something was being blown up :-/ All is well though :-)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Same here. Was working out in my basement (no windows) and heard a huge boom. Ran upstairs expecting to see something smoking! The kittens must have been really spooked.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Same here big storm passed through around noon time yesterday.

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

I was in the Hartford area and could not see to drive because it was raining so hard. Very scary.

What was smoking, Victor? Is everything OK?

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Whew!!! glad everyone is okay. As usual it skirted around us.

Thom glad you got your hostas in. Looking forward to Sat. at Wellsweep.

Those big boomers can be frighteneing.

South Hamilton, MA

Just one boom on a cold front storm. Nothing terrifying.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

No - no actual smoking, Nance, thankfully. I was just expecting to see it with that boom.

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Oh good.
I can just see you reaching the top of the stairs seeing the two kittens in a clenching embrace with those little kitty eyes the size of dinner plates. LOL

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Out in the PNW is the rainy season just a constant drizzley rain from Oct. to May? Don't know. My DS's family lives in Portland and that's what it seems like down there. But, the summer is drier.

Jan, you're right: rain in Seattle (in my experience) is gentle and constant during about six months. But the Summer is awesome: dry and sunny. They don't advertise this.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

If they did, more people would move there. HMM... maybe there is a method... lol

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