2008 Humungous Heuchera Hoedown Trading

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by plutodrive
Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I received so many wonderful, new varieties of heucheras from Medinac this week. Here is my new collection...

Carmel (2)
Peach Flambe
Lime Ricky (4)
Pino Gris
Raspberry Ice (3)
and my Sparkling Burgundy!

I love them all! I even have more than one of some varieties, too! I really love the colors. Pino Gris will be a new favorite of mine, too. I have attached a photo of my new potted up heucheras.

Thank you so very, very much Medinac! You are the BEST! And one more BIG thank you to Potagere!

Thumbnail by RatherBDigging
Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

'Silver Veil'

Thumbnail by plutodrive
Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

This is my collection...

Thumbnail by plutodrive
Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Sorry, Plutodrive...not realizing that you were posting, too...I apologize for breaking up your sequence of posts...you sure have some beauties there!

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Oh- no worries. It just means more eye-candy for everyone!

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Here's a picture of the very large sized plants I received from Plutodrive just prior to last weekend (sorry it took so long to post). They all are very, very healthy plants! My husband did a good job potting them up for me while I was away. From left to right they are: Green Spice, Citronelle, Mocha Mint and Key Lime Pie. Love them, thanks very much Plutodrive and thanks again Potagere for doing all the arranging and brainwork.

Thumbnail by medinac
Saint Louis, MO

This thread is so quiet now that Potagere is on vacation. I am posting the beauties I got from RatherB.

Thumbnail by truongr
Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

They are looking great for you...I can see they have a good and loving home!

Hope Potagere will consider doing this again next year, maybe in the spring? [hint...hint...] Hope vacation is going well for him.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Here are the great plants I got from Carolyn22. Soon they will be nestled into my holding beds for the winter. Not to emerge until next April. BooHoo!

I hope Potagere had a great vacation.


Thumbnail by frahnzone5
Saint Louis, MO

Yes I hope Potagere will do a repeat Humungous Heuchera hoedown. We need him back online...

Well, hello all!

I am back from homeleave; and very happy to be here, too! I am also modestly pleased to know that I was missed.

I reviewed all the postings and it seems that everyone got their plants and was happy except bluepoppy.
Bluepoppy, did you ever receive your plants from bisa80? Did I just miss the post? Where was I?

Oh, yes, I was in the States, playing with grandkids and kids. They may be 37 & 39 this year, but they are still my kids and we still play!

But, you know what? I got stuff from this swap, too! Well, some of it was just from friendship and some of it was from new friends in this swap. And OK, some I bought for myself!! But the photo shows the new plants I brought home, most of which came from you!

In the center is Heuchera richardsonii, a species Heuchera that is a parent to some of the plants we all love, but a plant that is now hard to find as a garden plant. Thanks, Felisa!!!

Then, clockwise from about 7PM, we have:
Sparkling Burgundy: a plant I have wanted, so I am happy to have this baby that came from a difficult parent, traversed the US of A, migrated to Europe in a suitcase and was then left alone by a jet-lagged gardener (moi) for several days before being potted.

Beaujolais: a great plant

Pinot Gris: are we on a wine tour here? I've heard they even make wine in Illinois! Thanks, medinac!

Southern Comfort: I've never seen a heuchera with leaves as big as this one's parent!

Heucherella Kimono: I have to say that I see little to distinguish most of the Heucherellas, but I do like this one's silver patina. Exactly what I am going to do with it remains unclear, but I couldn't resist.

This message was edited Oct 13, 2008 10:23 PM

Thumbnail by Potagere
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Glad you are back in France safe and sound. We all missed you. The plants look in great shape despite transversing a continent and an ocean. Can't wait til next year's swap!


(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Welcome Home! Glad to hear you had a nice trip and a great time playing with your family!

Saint Louis, MO

Excellent. It's odd to welcome you home when you are in a different country. I guess it's welcome home to Dave' s garden!

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