NE Georgia Mini-Roundup Oct. 18

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey BB, If you and Mrs. Bronx want to host next spring, I'm all for it. I'll be backup spot in case the road work is in the way. LMK what I can do to help.

I am so glad everyone had a good time, I know I did. Anyone else have pics to post?

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

So glad y'all had such a great time! The pics are great.

I never did get to go to the Veterans Appreciation Program at the park, but our church is so close to the park that we could hear the patriotic music. We have just renovated our Fellowship Hall and needed to make final touches and then we cleaned out the storage shed. Got rid of a lot of stuff. Anyway, someone donated a grand piano so my DH along with 6 other men and a rented truck went to pick it up. Well, it wouldn't fit into the truck so someone else had to get their trailer. It took them all of 4 hours to figure out how to transport it and finally get the piano into its new home...our Fellowship Hall. Those babies are HEAVY!

In the meantime, all the women got stuck cleaning! Yuck, I would rather have been with you guys. That food spread looked absolutely awesome! Then we found out that the men had stopped at the Veteran's program on the way back and got themselves something to eat. Grrrrrr!


North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi! I don't know how I missed this post! Thank you so much Becky and David for hosting and showing us your garden. I love looking at plants.

I had so much fun at my first mini RU and I'm so glad to have met you. Thank you Laurel and Stephen for allowing me to ride with them. The food was fantastic. The weather was perfect and the company was priceless. I came home exhausted and ready to take a nap.

I can't wait to see everyone again! I'm going to check out the photos now....

This message was edited Nov 12, 2008 9:01 AM

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Poor you Joann! What nerve of those guys to eat and leave the others out! Remind me to opt out of any future plans involving moving pianos. Sorry you could not join us.

And Lillimerci's msg reminds me: what is the difference between a mini Round up and a REAL one? I guess I didn't realize ours was a mini! It was certainly full in enjoyment.
Anyway, it was great and all my goodies are planted. Of course, I still have the 150+ daffodils I ordered.... but the DH is by my side with our "matching" drain spades.


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Pam, The only difference between a mini and a full round-up is the # of participants. I had to limit it because of parking. Usually we have 40 or more people and its at a public place like a state park.

You are so good, having everything planted. Most of mine are still in their pots. And don't mention daffodils, argh... I need to get DH's drill and plant mine. Maybe tomorrow if it dries out a little.


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Sorry for the delay, but I finally got the Cheesecake recipe up for you:

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! ^_^

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Gee, Danita, too late. Now I'll have to make it and eat it after Thanksgiving without sharing. LOL. It was really fantastic. We were just remembering your wonderful cheesecake the other day and I am not a sweet eater.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

That was a great link with lots of info on cheesecakes. I have yet to try my hand at it, but I just might try your recipe.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Danita, thanks. I went to the link on cheesecake info you included and using those tips, made my signature chocolate cheesecake --without cracking-- for the first time in the 25+ yrs I 've been making it. I was so excited! Now I'll have to try your recipe! Yum. Pam

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hooray for Pam!!! :)
I always look at that website before making a cheesecake to refresh my memory of all the handy tips. My cheesecake has a topping on it so I'm not sure if it cracks or not!
Hmmm, could we persuade you to share your chocolate cheesecake recipe? Mmmm....

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Looks like yall had a great time!

I've been off daves a bit and I just got back on and it's so motivating to see all the pictures of flowers in the middle of winter!



GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Susan! :)

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Danita! :) I saw the roundup pics! :) Looks like great fun..

I still have not cleaned up my garden and put it to rest for the winter.. I wish it was a little warmer.. I can't work outside in freezing temps!


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

It was a fun trade!

I haven't done anything either. It got cold so early this year. Brrrr!

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Danita, I will type that recipe up and distribute. After all, everyone needs more caloric food this time of year!!

I agree, fall seemed so brief -- where were the golden days of blue skies and 68 degrees? I made a couple of half hearted attempts at clean up but have concentrated on bulb planting when a sunny hour or two appeared.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

WooHoo! More Cheesecake! Thanks Pam!
Yes, all that cheesecake should give us a nice layer of blubber to keep us warm while gardening! :)

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