NE Georgia Mini-Roundup Oct. 18

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

DATE is now Nov. 8

Please see this thread if you are interested.

Here's a link to the info website:

This message was edited Sep 27, 2008 12:28 PM

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I DMed you. Hope I can work it out.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Laurel, I don't have a dmail from you. I'm giving this another week. If no one signs up, I'll cancel it. Becky

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Date on this has changed to November 8. I can't change the title on the round-up thread, sorry.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Is this RU going to be at your house? Can DH's come also? If so, I'm gonna try and get mine to come along.


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey JoAnn,
Yes it will be at my house and DH can come. Is he interested in woodworking? My DH will probably be in his workshop all day hiding from crazy plant people...


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Gee, I was so hoping that I could make this trip, since I'm not so far away, but we will be taking the trip of our dreames to our 50th state.I have always wanted to see the plants their.
I'm still rooting the peanut butter plants, and will have them the next time I can see everybody. I may have to mail them out. Good luck to all. Mike

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

My DH has always wanted to learn woodworking, but never got around to it. Quite frankly, I don't think he's the wood working type...he's more of a writer than anything else. He has a real talent for it. It's funny though because he works for a newspaper company and you'd think he'd be a journalist, but he's the assistant controller (accountant). Go figure.

I'd try the trip myself, but as I'm getting older I find myself becoming more fearful of driving to unfamiliar places. I checked it out on Google maps and it doesn't look hard to find. If I can work up the nerve to do it alone, I'll give it a try. I may have to go back onto Celexa. It does wonders for my anxieties. :-)


lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Mike do you still want a Dr. Suess brug. I will get a few cuttings if you do and root them this winter.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, thank you Jim, I still would love Dr.Suess, and if I can find it, I would also like Charles Grimaldi(SP).I think it has been a trying year for most of us, or should I say two years.Mike

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

I don't have CG. Wish I did

Lula, GA

I have plenty of Charles Grimaldi for both you "boys"!!!

Jim, Hi, this is my third season with the Adora brugmansia you shared with me and what a treasure. The widest-open blossom of any brug out there. I think of your generousity everytime I see her!

Let me know about the CG- I have rooted ones!

Brenda B

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

OOH Jim, I do believe people still care.Thank you so much Brenda.I'll be in touch.

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi Brenda, Yes that Adora is really a beauty, I lost mine last year. I had several that didn't make it through the winter. When you cut it back I really would appreciate a cutting. CG also. The Stained Glass Hosta you gave me that you said was so pretty has really been a beauty. Probably the prettiest I have ever seen. Thanks again.

Mike I have you covered on the DS.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Everyone,
Only 2 weeks until the RU. If anyone else can join us, please let me know.

I've added new info on lunch, so please check the Roundup thread.


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

We have a temporary website up at The site will be constructed over the next 2 months
All tenured vendors will get a page dedicated to their products. I need to know if you will be participating in market next year and if you desire to page or 2 for your products. If so, you will need to start to send me content including any logos, product descriptions, text and pictures that you want on your pages. By the time the market opens, we will have an online store online featuring all of our products.

(Zone 7b)

OMG! I cannot believe i missed this a DG roundup in my own state and i missed it.
Sorry have plans next weekend i'm so sad :(

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Harmonyplace, So sorry you can't come. I have been lurking in the poultry forum and would love to meet you. I'm sure Laurel would too. We'll keep you posted if we have another one in the spring. Becky

(Zone 7b)

Yes please keep me posted i will be there with bells on and draggin my DH!

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Looks like I won't make it to the RU after all. We've got a church workday starting at 8 a.m., then the City of Winterville is having a Veteran's Appreciation Day at Pittard Park around noon. I'll be thinking about y'all!


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Don't forget to count Steve, the stealth gardener.

Sorry you're not able to make it JoAnn.

I'm exhausted. The masons just left. The chimney, interior fireplace, and hearth are finished! The woodstove is hooked up for winter. The home invasion is almost over. Onto a new roof, after a little, much needed break.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

JoAnn, Sorry you can't make it, but it sounds like you will have a very busy day.

Laurel, I've been counting Steve from the beginning. Dave is looking forward to showing him the shop. You really need a break from all the construction. Hopefully the new roof will go faster and smoother. I saw the chimney pic on another thread. It really looks great.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm near tears with relief and joy tonight. Can't believe what a big, deep breath is happening. The work is spectacular! I actually drew, stone for stone, how I wanted the interior to look and they replicated the drawing. Okay, control freak in charge here. The photo shows the interior being finished. The mortar will be very light when it dries and the stone will stand out more. I'm looking for an exterior shot next.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

One more photo , though off thread topic, of the exterior (hours before the scaffolding came down). The former flower beds and shrubs that are no more (:)) are several feet under rubble. It will be a while until things are restored. I appreciate each day what it must ake for the Katrina families to rebuild lives. This is so inconsequential by comparison.

Thanks everybody here for being so supportive these many months. You are the best!

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Dahlonega, GA

Boy, that sure did make a difference !Wish I could have been there to watch and learn ,but my project kept me home . Day late and dollar short . s

Dahlonega, GA

I'm going to bring enough seed starter trays and little pots , from1 1/2 " to about 3" for everyone to take home a bucu of them . don't make me have to bring ANYthing back. If you can't use them , pass them on . lol sally

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi everybody,
Just wanted to say I had a great time yesterday. Had we (Laurel,&DH, Nicole and& me) not followed Danita to the Growers Outlet in Logansville, I WOULD have not come home with much. As it is, I decided to get up at 7am this morning and start digging!!! No one to blame but me... Ah well it's another beautiful day.
Was good to see many DG'ers and thank you Becky & DH for hosting and thank you to all who made such lovely food.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Becky, I'm tapping a few words in your direction to say thanks to you and David for sharing your home with us. Steve (the stealth gardener) also sends warm thanks. To those that are older was good to see you again and, to newer friends, it was great to meet you. There were folks I had never met that I wish I'd had more time to get to know. People were so generous with their plants. Thank you. Hopefully we'll have a chance to be together again soon.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Many Thanks to Becky and David for hosting!!!

I was wonderful to see/meet everyone!
(I wish I had been able to get to know many of you better. I get easily overwhelmed at social functions. Thank goodness for the name tags or I'd really be lost!)

Thanks to everyone for the great plants and the fabulous food!


P.S. Several people asked for the cheesecake recipe. I need to type it up(right now it's in my dad's handwriting which is barely decipherable) and will post it this week.

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Let me add my thanks to Becky & her DH, Dave, for hosting this event. It was very nice to see "old" and meet new DG friends. And the food! so good. I stopped at a Kroger and got a Rot. chicken for my DH as I was too full to consider dinner. Today we hiked at DeSoto Falls and Vogel working off some of those multiple desserts.

I researched the new plants I "scored" today and am excited about them. Thanks to everyone for their generosity. And I love seeing other gardens. Becky's greenhouse was inspiring (which is dangerous!).

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Wish I could have been there. Sounds like a wonderful time. Where are the pictures and did Coby take her glasses off before the snap of the camera?

This message was edited Nov 9, 2008 7:37 PM

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

A great big huge thank you to everyone who came. What a wonderful group. Who knew we had so many gourmet chefs in the group! The food was fabulous and the company the greatest. Great plants were traded and given and I think digger supplied pots to a lot of you. If you all are willing, I'm considering a repeat in the spring sometime. I couldn't have done it without all the help. More later.
Those who took pictures, please start a thread in the Roundup Pictures forum. I know I saw cameras, but don't know who had them.

Thanks again, Becky

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I'll post mine when I get home.

And to those of you who laughed at the dogwood tree I dug for Mrs Bronx: Beware!

I have your name on a list. And you will pay LOL


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh, I thought Becky did that and I was going to revoke her gardening permit. Maybe it's because you intended it for Mrs. B's raised bed? Who needs roots on their dogwood anyway? I grow mine for the flowers, leaves and berries. ^..~

Guess that puts me on the list.

Dahlonega, GA

This was my first trade get together and heard so much about Becky and dh ,that I felt I already knew them . I was absolutely thrilled to get to put faces with the names I'd come to know . I want to thank everyone for the warm reception you gave my dear friend Shirley, you have another future dg er with her . she was our treasurer in our local gold mining club and was awarded a charter membership , but didn't run again due to small time politics . she won't tolerate little people with big egos and she will be a great member. Her dh was a board member. I have a problem remembering all the names and what face goes with them , but who could forget danita and lillymercy , two great kids .of course,Pam,what a sweetheart ,and I'd have to go back over the threads to remember all the names . I think they call it old timers. If I had known about Bronxboy and his Dw, I'd have asked them to bring me a hugh bucket of collards , it's my favorite and would have paid a good price for a premium product . just remember me next time !Just too little time and so much to learn , but thank you Becky, you made a wonderful day for me. laurel is like a special friend , she's the first DG er I met and can't say how much help she and dh have done for me . love and hugs to all, named and unnamed thank you , sally

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Link to picture thread. Please add any you may have

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


If you ever near Lawrenceville let me know and you can come buy and grab a bunch


Gwen and I talked about hosting in the Spring. We'd like to do it provided the road is still here.

We came home to someone breaking into the large house across the street. Called the cops but they let them go because the county has a policy of not prosecuting. I guess the county thinks it's ok to send a message that you can steal from an abandoned house.


Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

BB, That is shocking about the police. Geez. What is civilization coming to?

So nice to meet you and the Mrs. You guys are the ultimate guests: you bring tons of supplies and food! I'm going to put you on my permanent guest list. And the fact that you are great cooks....well, that moves you up to the top!

Sally, you have such a big heart. I forgot to score some of your seedling time!

And we are all salivating waiting on Danita's cheesecake recipe. That was sooooo good.

Dahlonega, GA

cedar , come over anytime between now and the 20th and get 'em . If not , I'll hang onto them and you can get them in march or april when we get back . I have enough, you can take them all and share with someone else if you have an excess. bronx , I won't have time to do them justice now , we're gearing down on the cookin' am packing and getting ready to close the house down for the winter . will get back with you when we get back ,to save a bunch when they are ready next year.then you can give me a time frame ,ummm, ummm !I put some of that green stuff on top of laurels dip and it's sooo good Hurry up Danita , My son called me today from Tex. and I told him about the c.cake and he said hurry up too . dmail cedar. sally

Lula, GA


Thanks so much for hosting the RU- it was just right! Perfect! Great bunch of folks and OMG, the food was to die for!!! LOL!!! Gourmet! There are some great chefs in our crowd!

Had fun meeting new people, and seeing some old RU friends, and made out like a bandit with the pots from Sally- Sally, my DIL Sandy says much thanks for your generousity! Many thanks for all the swaps I did, I was busy planting on Sunday!

Looking forward to seeing if you want to do this again, Becky, next Spring.


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