What is this?

Newbie to your forum, I hang out in the Southwest Forum where we are all 99% VERY Friendly like you all are! (smiling....)

I came looking for some AF information and got stuck here on Vanillaman's thread....read the whole thing!

This is going to sound crazy but I am a muralist and am always looking for different flowers to paint. Your specimen is VERY different but I saw this flower in a book within the past month! Or at the least, it's cousin!!! I remember it because I loved the red dashes and dots in the center, thinking it would be a "happy" flower for a child's garden I will be painting next month. I sketched it into my design tablet but did not add it's name...I never do. What are the odd's I would pick your thread to read?

I have dozens of books but the minute I can find it again, I will let you know. Perhaps there are other flowers with red dashes and dots though...

This was a great thread to read!

Ottawa, IL(Zone 9a)

Hi Vanillaman
i took the seed out & put it in sand, i hope it takes, keeping my fingers crossed. lol

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

I think that's better mrsbonnie, but if they don't grow I can send you more, lol!

That is so funny booplants, and I seem to be hearing Twilight Zone music at the moment. Please do let me know if you find that photo again. There are other flowers with similar markings. Check out Miltonia orchids. A lot of them have what they call "waterfall" patterns that are similar to my still unidentified Achimenes. Possibly those are what you saw pics of.


hahaha Twighlight Zone...
I checked the orchids...nope not it.

I am about 95% sure it's your bloom or really similar. I will stack my books up on the couch next week and browse them...it's going to bug me a bit until I find it. I could have seen something similar though.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I think this is the appropriate thread to show this weirdo strep leaf. See where the baby is coming out of the mom leaf halfway up. I have never ever seen this????? Have you?

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Williston, ND

ive had that happen,just take the baby when its a little bigger and pot it up
sometimes that happens on my plants growing out in the open,
I had one onetime send up a basket(the leaf) and the basket sent stalks of flowers up
it was kinda strange but cool looking


Wytheville, VA

I have seen it twice. Not altogether uncommon.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

It is kinda cool looking! Jim, are you still working as hard as you were? I don't know how you do it with 4 teenagers and your plants. You are amazing!

Kivit................this is the first time I have seen it but I like it (lol)

Wytheville, VA

Aha! Now I know what my "Unknown" is!
Franken 's Dainty Lady!

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