Tropical Storm Ike

Brandon, FL(Zone 9a)

Don't get me wrong, I love my dad dearly. He's a born in Alabama "true redneck" and I appreciate all his concern. Last time we visited him in early August, in Adamsville Tn( and if you know where that is you know what I mean) my husband spent 6 hours mowing his more than 3 acres on his riding mower. Our grandson was having a hissy just waiting for "papa" to get done mowing so he could "ride"
We'll go back again in November for Thanksgiving, have great food and watch the "Turkey Shoot" at the neighbor's house.
Southern living at it's finest.
Please, everyone in Texas and Louisana, stay safe!

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I have a headache.Got my supplies, water, batteries, food, propane for cookstove, generator filled up, gassing up vehicles tomorrow, still moving plants to protected areas. Only 25 miles east from Matagorda Bay, rural and not leaving. Living in a steel structure home well bolted down and feel safe. Just don't like being without electricity and running water. Every year it's like this but the last big one for me was Carla. thank goodness the kids are grown and live elsewhere, so I know what you mean about parents calling. For us, it's the kids calling. right now it's DH, me and Rinky Dink (chihuahua). I have lived on the coast all my life (70), but this is the most nervous that I have ever been. Maybe after a nights rest I will be over my headache.Tomorrows another day. Go to Mexico IKE........

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I hope you feel better in the morning, Susie.

NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

I think that some areas are going to get "hurricane fatigue" this year. Even cities that are far inland...but have to repeatedly get their emergency plan going, ready shelters and buses, cover expenses and such to help evacuees, all while preparing in case the hurricane remnants head toward the city. Who last year that didn't look so bad spawned storms that caused some really bad flooding here and other places. Down near the border, many places still haven't fully recovered from Dolly's wrath. I saw on the news that many in Baton Rouge are still without power after Gustav. I heard about some evacuees staying in San Antonio who weren't able to return home quickly enough, then said they would wait a bit and see where this one heads. I feel guilty for hoping Ike won't turn toward Houston and Angleton in Texas, where I have relatives. But there's pretty much people everywhere!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Sanita, I KNOW where Adamsville, TN is!! My in-laws live in Selmer, TN!!

Looks like Ike's going to hit the central TX coast, then head inland to San Antonio. I called my dad tonight to ask him if he was making a hurricane preparedness list so he could go to the store tomorrow. He's waiting.....Grrrr!! Then, Ike's going to head up my way.

However, we'll just have to wait and see.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

There is a video at the above site that has to be seen to be believed (note it may take a minute or two to load).

I've made comments about coming up to western Canada (definitely out-of-range here) after watching, from afar, a few of these hurricanes develop and now, after seeing the above, I'd be hightailing it way up north (or far to the east or west) if I was anywhere in Ike's general cone in a day or two.

I can't blow hard enough from up here but I'll turn all my fans toward the Gulf. Hoping it dissipates/downgrades very, very soon.

post edited because I just saw that they predict the storm will head somewhat north after landfall.

This message was edited Sep 10, 2008 12:13 AM

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I'm waiting till tomorrow to make reservations in Dallas. From what DH was told at work (the have a company that gives them info about hurricanes etc) a cold front is pushing in from the west and they expect Ike to contiune being pushed eastward which puts us in the right front of the storm. Yippie...If Houston evac's traffic will be terrible so we will leave in the middle of the night again. Keeping my fingers crossed that the morning reports look a bit better for us, but, then it's bad for someone else...catch 22.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

May God help everyone in his way if something doesn't change soon. Keep in mind he also helps those who help themselves (good plan re booking and leaving araness :)

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

araness.. yeah.. our weatherman on channel 12 was saying something similar.. and said Ike could turn N.. right to us! Once again.. wherever the nursing home takes my momma we will follow, and like you we'll travel at night too! Was a breeze traveling for Gustav.. but this one will be another whole different "ball of wax" ..I am afraid

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

To top it all off, there's a stationary front draped over the south central part of Texas. Depending on how that moves will also affect where Ike goes. Then, there's also the high ridge of pressure floating around somewhere near the panhandle. If it starts moving east, it'll push Ike eastward.


Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

We're back in Harris County where I was born and raised. When my DDH retired we moved to near Palacios and finally to Victoria. After having our big pier totaled in Palacios at the same time we lost some fence and trees in Victoria we moved back here where I feel "reasonably" safe. I wouldn't in Pal. or Vic. this go round. Hope that all of you down that way have it easy as possible and that we do too. There just doesn't seem to be any place that would be safer for us right now except up in WI where my DDH has family


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Let's continue this on a new thread, Hurricane Ike:

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I'm planning to leave. Arrangements are made for myself, horses, dogs, cats.

Blow-ables are stowed best I can around the house.

My nerves are not assembled, however; they're fried.

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