March with your Black Dog in Greenbelt, MD Parade on Monday

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

There will be a "Black Dog Brigade" marching in the parade in Greenbelt, MD on Monday morning. This is to raise awareness for the difficulties associated with adopting Black Dogs. It is my understanding that this is likely to get local media coverage, so if you have a sociable black dog that you can bring along, this could be a great way to bring attention to black dog rescue. I intend to take my (mostly black) boy along and then enjoy the post-parade festivities in Groovy Old Greenbelt.

Here is the organizer's latest email update:


The big day is approaching, so I thought I'd share some final information.

Thanks to your great response, it looks like we'll have close to 25 dogs (if not some more at the last minute) of all breeds, shapes, sizes, and ages. What a great way to showcase the beauty and diversity of black (or almost black) dogs!

Getting there and ready:

The parade begins promptly at 10 a.m. Please be in position no later than 9:30 a.m.

We'll be parade position 82 (don't worry, it doesn't look like there are actually that many groups), and will be marching right behind the Prince Georges for Obama group and in front of the American Legion. There will be signs on street posts/telephone poles listing the groups by tens (like 50s, 60s, etc.) You can go to the corner of Lastner Lane and Crescent Road and give the parade position number and group name (Black Dog Brigade) to the parade marshall, and then go to the appropriate area.

Because Crescent Road, the parade route through Old Greenbelt, will be blocked off from the center of town, the best way to get to the staging area by Buddy Attick Park will be to enter the road from the other end of Kenilworth Avenue. (Check Mapquest for details.) You can park your car at Buddy Attick park. However, if the lot fills up, you'll need to par in the neighborhoods up Ridge Road and Lastner Lane off of Crescent Road.

I don't think we need to be regimented with our walking; I'd just suggest no more than 5 dogs across in order to allow them some comfort zone around them.

We'll have a banner that says "Celebrate Black Dogs, America's Underappreciated Canines" (and two volunteers who have offered to carry it. In case you need to find me, I'm 5'7" with short blond hair and glasses, and I'll be wearing a T-shirt with a photo of the cover of my book Black is Beautiful: A Celebration of Dark Dogs. Samba, the "cover girl" will be accompanying me.

Things to bring:

* Plastic bags in case dogs need to relieve themselves along the parade route.
* Bottle of water and a fold-up bowl. (Greenbelt Animal Control will have a booth/exhibit at the end of the parade and will have out some bowls of water too.)
* Pretty collars, bandanas, or "adopt me" vests if appropriate.
* Business cards for your shelter or rescue organization if you're walking an adoptable dog (in case anyone expresses interest in following up.)
* A camera to record the day.


Unfortunately, we will not be able to take advantage of the shuttle buses taking marchers back to the staging area. However, there are shortcuts back. I've printed copies of an aerial photos showing paths that should provide a much shorter return route.

Another option is to have a friend or family member arrive separately via Westway (you'll see it on a Greenbelt map), which is a side street just past the parade route, and then drive you back to your car via the detour route marked on the attached map.

And, of course, if your dog is social and doesn't mind crowds, you may want to hang out for a while and check out the community exhibits, food stalls, etc.

See you all on Monday!

Btw, the photo in this thread is from the cover of the following book. All profits go toward dog rescue.

Thumbnail by wrightie
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Why is it hard to adopt black dogs? Black dogs are so pretty.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

That came as a surprise to me when I first heard that they are the color least likely to be adopted. I guess they tend to be overlooked in shelters, but also - apparently - many people find them intimidating looking. Bizzah.

In any case, it is referred to in the rescue community as "Black Dog Syndrome" -- there are some explanations about it on this site, among others:

I figure that the more people become aware of the problem, the more black dogs that can be saved from euthanasia, so I'm trying to help get the word out.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is a schedule of events for the Festival, which runs all weekend:

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for posting. I hope there's a nice turnout. My own black is beautiful dog has not had enough leash practice to make this event tho. Bad Hubby? Bad Me?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm sorry to hear that. I had no idea. We certainly didn't have any more trouble getting good homes for our black puppies than for the tan or brindle ones. Maybe people up here are less biased about black dogs than elsewhere. I'm glad someone is doing something to help with the problem.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Nah, this is not an issue for cute little puppies, nor is it a geographical phenomenon. The problem relates to black dogs in shelters and rescues. Hopefully those pups of yours will never go that route though! May they be in their loving 'Forever Homes' now.

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