Dead branch or is the tree dead/dying?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Another view:

Thumbnail by pirl
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Would I follow the basic rules for rose pruning and remove all sprouts leading towards the center as well as everything below the joint?

In the future are there specific sprouts I should retain?

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

It looks like it survived the "amputation" quite well and is trying to fill itself in.
The new growth is definitely encouraging.

Since I don't grow JM's I would just leave the new growth and see what happens. If you think the new growth will eventually make up for the part that was lost, watch it and see for a while. Maybe try to retain enough new growth that will eventually re-establish the shape you want it to have and remove that which isn't going where you want it.

There is a house near where I live that had a nice JM in front. The house was sold and the new owner chopped the poor thing into a square. (horrors! ) Then the house was sold again and the new owner evidently hired someone who knew how to properly care for the JM and reshaped it. It's coming along very nicely now and starting to look like it SHOULD look...not a geometric blob.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, JD. I wish more of the new growth were occuring towards the top and not down at ground level.

Nice that someone stepped up to save the JM in your area.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

In reading over this thread I have to add that I never did receive a bill from Bartlett. When I called to tell them they said since they couldn't truly diagnose the problem there is no charge.

GardenSox: through a silly move on my part last August I ended up with a severe case of sciatica and while going through physical therapy they called a halt to the sessions since the thigh muscle of the "good" leg was atrophying and I then went to a neurologist who ordered many tests: CT scan, Chest x-ray, blood work, MRI, another CT scan. The results: "inconclusive". At that point I couldn't move my left leg an inch from the floor. Now, just by gardening, I can raise it about 2 feet. Still, it is annoying to go through so much testing to find out my brain scan was "unremarkable"! LOL.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

hi pirl - my sibs are dong great!

as for your jm - i would remove any new sprouts that are not going in the direction of the lost limb. and then try to have only one major limb grow out from there.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Great. It's always good to know plants are doing so well.

Thanks for your help, Bill. I did a very close inspection and there is one bud just about to break for a new limb and precisely where I want it.

How do I go about removing the other sprouts to try and root them?

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I agree with bill although not totally clear I would remove the two lower twig sprouts and leave the other larger sprouts and see what haps It is an interesting looking tree some might not like it I do I have several over the years requiring surgery and although distorted they look cool .. It definitely wasn't a Disease or it would long be history either a winter dieback or something got sprayed on it regardless of you feeling it couldn't have .. the tree looks perfectly healthy if it were any systemic problem it would be long dead ...Davidsan

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It does look "cool" to me. Right now it almost looks as though this was all planned and not due to dead limbs.

The man from Bartlett seemed convinced it was transplant shock. Now it must feel at home (I hope) since it's growing these sprouts.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Yah I'm not buying that explanation that effects the whole tree. Limbs die for many reasons maybe something in thee roots that fed that section of the tree were damaged who knows ... most Jms when wacked up from dead parts will eventually take ion a very distinct cool look some folks can't stand it and take them out and if it is really bad you've got to do that especially if just one sprig is left Many Dissectums also are different, they really don't ever look right when severely damaged with pom poms just pointing left or right...but most uprights will look fine in short time.. It is often obvious what causes a whole tree to die sometimes systemic sometimes abuse from the owner ( usually over loving it) not often you know what causes part of it or a single branch.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm just very grateful that it didn't die.

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