Food thread for Fall Gold Plant Swap

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Just to help keep our organization thread, well, organized... I figured I'd put up a separate thread for food arrangements for the fall plant swap I'm hosting.

From the organization thread:

Bring an appetizer or sweet to share, if you'd like. We won't have a set meal time; we will just "graze" from the buffet all afternoon. Please, finger foods only. We're keeping it simple by keeping it utensil-less. If all you bring is a smile, that's fine too -- just come!

I'll keep a running list on the next post of what people are planning to bring. There are no hard and fast rules here, but if you have an idea of what you might bring, let us know. That makes it easier for other folks to decide what they might like to bring along. I'll make a few things, too. If you are having a hectic week, just bring yourself and don't worry about bringing a treat. Nobody has ever starved yet at a Mid-Atlantic event. :-)

In keeping with our "Go for the GOLD" theme, I think I'll make lemonade and whirl up a batch of pina coladas. If you have a favorite soda, etc., that you'd like to have, you're welcome to bring it. If you'll be drinking anything harder, please do so early on and/or have a designated driver.

Thanks! I'm all excited already... :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Buffet Items:
Scotch Eggs (Miatablu)
Buffalo Chicken Dip, chips & celery (Holly)
Layered Mexican Dip & tortilla chips (Lisa)
Mmmeatballs (Critter)
Watermelon (Critter)
Bruschetta & bread (Critter)

Dessert Items:
Chocolate Chip Cookies (Nutmegnana)

This message was edited Sep 14, 2008 1:36 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll come up with something to snack on. I'll have to think on it and let you know.
Scotch Egg? I'll have to look them up they sound wonderful.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'll be happy to bring a fruit and a veggie platter (courtesy of Teeters) - including toothpicks so no utensils are needed ^_^

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll volunteer to make chocolate chip cookies. Not gold but the best I could come up with . . .

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Bringing Scotch eggs and probably something else. You know me. Must feed people :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh, chocolate chip cookies are better than gold! :-)

Miata, you and I are alike in that regard! You're going to spoil us, making those eggs again...

Becky, one or the other would be fine... With a little luck, I may be able to fill in with some peppers from the garden. :-) Ooh, I could make chocolate ganache for dipping fruit into... what do you think?

And I forgot to mention -- I do have toothpicks! They even have cute little festive tinsel tops on them.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Ohhhhhhhhh - chocolate ganache - I'll bring the biggest fruit platter I can find! I'll even cut up some pound cake and we can have a makeshift chocolate fondue! I'll search for a recipe I have for white chocolate ganache to go with that ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Somewhere I think I have a mini crockpot I bought with the idea that it could be used to keep ganache warm for chocolate fondue... I have an actual fondue pot, also... but chocolate ganache can also be room temperature without setting up (especially if thinned with a little cream)... white chocolate has a tendency to scorch, I've found, so room temp might be better than a fondue pot for it. I'm partial to dark chocolate, myself... I have some in the pantry, so all I'll need to pick up is some heavy cream. That caramel dip they sell next to the apples is pretty good, also... :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Sounds great ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, so I'll put you down for a big ol' fruit platter, and we'll coordinate on the sweet stuff to accompany it... :-)

I know I need to get my own contributions on the board... Jim is making noises about "must have mmmeatballs," so I think those are a given. If the garden is still giving tomatoes, I'll make bruschetta to dip up with bread. Otherwise, it'll be tortilla chips on the platter with salsa... hmm, maybe I need tortilla chips anyway so we can sample hot sauces...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, I'll bring a Buffalo chicken dip w/ chips and celery.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yum! OK, was falling down on the job... I added all of these to the post near the top. Thanks, everybody! Menu is looking good! :-)

Glenwood, MD

Critter, would a layered Mexican Dip with tortilla chips be good or do you already have something like that?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lisa, that sounds wonderful! I think anything Tex/Mex will go brilliantly with pina coladas... :-)

I may have to think up some sort of Caribbean appetizer so we can try our latest hot sauce (recipe in "Some Like it Hotter" article this coming Thursday). If I've got some ripe jalopenos and serannos by then, I may have a fresh batch of "Leapin' Lizard" sauce (Tex/Mex) by Party Day also.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

So if I counted right there will be around 10-13 people right?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

So far, it's looking like a small group of about a dozen, give or take (depending on spouses)... but I got a couple of Dmailed "maybes" that haven't posted on the thread yet, so we'll see what happens in the next couple of days. I'll plan to do a "blast" Dmail with directions by Wednesday or Thursday (if anybody needs them sooner, just LMK).

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