Blooms in a belgian summer

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Carlos, how lovely they all are. Marie Louise really caught my eye today, what a beauty. I remember when you were keeping all your hibicus on a balcony; is this a new home and garden?

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Gorgeous. I love the sport of Audrey. That color catches my eye easily.

Mol, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Thanks Jennifer, Robert and Brugie

Alice, yes, this is a house with garden that we bought last Winter. We lived before in an appartment. This is the first summer the plants are into the ground and I'm quite impressive.

Ivana, here you have antoher look of the garden once I cleaned it. As you say the plants are triple - or more - in size in just two months.



Thumbnail by carlo05
Mol, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Just to add the first bloom of Nightfire (I have two plants).



Thumbnail by carlo05
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

How wonderful that you were able to get a place with a yard so your hibiscus babies could go out and play. You must have excellent soil there because they are very happy and healthy plants.

Your Nightfire is stunning.

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