What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today pt 8

Victoria Harbour, ON

Let us know "M" how that pie turns out..15 minutes...now that's my kind of desert..

Winds are strong today, trees are just swaying from side to side, dark sky, odd drop of rain..only 8 minutes left to my day and heading north, sure hope I beat the storm..will be in Barrie for most of the afternoon though, registering for workshops (painting projects), need wool and a part for my electronic knitting machine by then I'll be ready to head home financially..lol..

Drats thats not nice Ann, takes some of the fun away from the trip doesn't it worrying if you'll be stranded, now wasn't that nice of the gentleman..look forward to photo's

Fall craft shows are shortly coming..try not to miss any..I keep saying I won't buy, just getting ideas as to what is on the market but my car is always full...once I left money at home, thought that would work, nope, by the end of the day I had borrowed from all my friends and paid them when we got home, paid them more than I had put aside for the show..lol..so that theory of 'can't spend what you don't have with you' just doesn't work..

Time to start closing down,
Enjoy your day!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Here's the "Cheescake pie' recipe .

Either make your own Graham wafer crust or use a pre made one .. shortbread pre made crust also works.

Soften 1 large brick of cream cheese ( used the mic .. no long though) .. 2 cups (plus a bit) it's half a one Litre tub of Cool Whip (I use almost the whole thing) and .. 1/3 cup of icing sugar .. stir those ingredients together til smooth and blended .. pour (plop) into the pre made (or home made) pie crust .. to the top of that add your fave canned pie filling .. I have tried, cherry, blueberry, raisin and raspberry .. I tend to think you can use Lemon .. am unsure as to pumpkin but I am going to try it for Thnksgiving .. then .. stick toothpicks in the top so that saran wrap won't stick to the filling .. refrigerate .. and .. voila .. EASY dessert and YUMMY as well :-)
This morning I ended up putting the left over Cool Whip on top ..

Off n runnin .. doin laundry .. KNEW I'd slide it in there somewhere !!! LoL


Victoria Harbour, ON

sounds delicious "M" going to pick up ingredients in the morning and give it a try...thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to give us the recipe..just think "M" when you are retired you can post recipe's galore..lol

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Thanks Marilynne, I just gotta give it a try too. Sounds great!


Nummers - I think I'll make this for the Fall Supper our church puts on @ the end of September!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I can promise you that the results are way 'Nummers' .. my son always says "..Tastes like MORE .."

Betty .. ME and recipes go hand in hand .. I have books and books and can, at times, get lost paging through them. I go looking for a specific recipe and inevitably end up with 4 or 5 to try out :-)
Course now with the internet access .. well .. I have FOUR binders filled with NEW recipes .. one is desserts, one entrees, one soups and appetizers and one is miscellaneous .. guess it's 'my THING' :-)

Would loved to have slept in .. but am too 'wired' re the beginning of this Hospice Course .. it starts at 9am and I forsee me sitting patiently in the parking lot at the College at 8:15am ... LoL

Hope everyone enjoys their day/weekend :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

Good luck "M"..nothing like being wired for sound!

Although the weatherman said sunny with periods of overcast, think the overcast has taken over..dull outside so getting my act together as to what I'll undertake 'inside' today..

Did go dust bunny surfing under one of the beds to take out the electronic knitting machine..few new babies arriving within weeks so could be knitting, or the machine could be knitting while I take on more important tasks...

Marking down required supplies for the pie..yummy!

I've a zillion cook books as well by DH was the cook , since he passed on all I do is leaf through his books, find a good recipe and then call the restaurant next door for take out... again more important things to do than cook..for me-for one!

Hope it's a sunshine day in your neck of the woods...wether weather wise or just plain enjoying what comes into your day!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Now that I've organized myself to work indoors wouldn't you know the sunshine is out..

Got everything accomplished this morning that needed to be done..have the pie supplies guess that's important and mailed off another 'swap' thought I'd have the 2nd one done to do so today as well but just not moving quick enough, have to go hunting in the bushes in order to have last of materials to finish it off...so maybe early tomorrow I'll go hunting...

Remember Cathy broke 2 wasps nest, well they have one the size of a saucer started again..went to hardware store for spray but he had the neatest things..says he's sold 400 in August..you get 2 in a package for $14.98 and one will do area of 200 sq. ft. apparently when wasps see these nests they leave as they are very territorial..so am hoping it will to the trick..will put the other in the tree near the friendship garden...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hort Society plant share this morning - we were very lucky as rain was predicted earlier in the week but that happened yesterday and this morning was sunny and pleasant.
During the spring plant share it rained constantly and all the rules were abandoned!
Lots of plants although I have seen more with much bigger crowds. I was actually one of the volunteers and I took in 16 plants. Volunteers get to pick 2 plants before the share opens . However I claimed I didnt want any so never bothered to look. Then from 9-10 members bring in their plants- they get a ticket with a letter and when their number is called get to go thru and pick up same number of plants. When everybody has gone thru it is thrown open to all and people can buy plants for $2 each.
I was working on the ' quality control table - checking that all plants were OK to sell ( no noxious etc) and labelled and a lady walked up with amongst others 3 huge Hepaticas! I snagged them on the spot even though it was past time for us to get our freebies! And they are already in the ground!
Also picked up a couple of purple leaf Oxalis at the end - not sure where they will go but I'll find a little corner somewhere.

Had an interesting afternoon out at Spruce Meadows on Thursday mostly shopping( didnt buy anything!) but watched a bit of show jumping also.

Our trip north to Vermillion on Tuesday is cancelled as somebody volunteered to go get the dog tomorrow - she lives in Olds an hour or so north of here and I will go up there tomorrow evening and get the dog from her. Glad not to have to do that long drive. It will be interesting to see what this guy is like - apparently he is an escape artist but that may be just because they dont have a fence so he is put out in the yard on a chain all day. My yard is pretty secure so hope we wont have to do that .

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Carol .. I wish you luck with the pooch .. nice you didn't have to travel to get him :-) The plant sale sounds as though it was a success, glad the weather held out for you.

Betty .. am gonna scout around for the 'Faux wasp nests' .. we are having and increasingly bad problem with them this year. We have yellow Jackets and some hornets .. know where one nest is and have hung a trap next to it and 'dispatched' literally hundreds .. but .. they keep appearing .. I have been stung twice and am NOT happy .. gosh that hurts !!! Good thing I haven't a sensitivity to their stings !!

My brain is swollen :-) The Hospice Workshop is amazing .. there are 40 of us, but, I can forsee losing some who were not aware of some of the things that 'could' happen doing 'end of life' volunteer work. A nursing classmate and her colleague pretty much laid that all out yesterday. I tend to think that that's a good thing. Better to know the bad spots you might encounter right at the beginning of the course as opposed to the end.
It was a long day .. BUT .. lunch was awesome LoL!!! Am considering phoning the caterer to get the recipe for the pasta salad that was served .. it was truly delish .. I do believe they must have used olive oil in it .. all I know is no one disliked it, and THAT is a major plus :-) I find that folks either LOVE a pasta salad, or, they wouldn't touch one with a 10' pole ..
Another full day of training today .. then we start 3 hours every Wednesday evening til Nov. 12

Best hit the shower ..



Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Happy Monday .. :-)

BRrrrrrrrrr .. cool one here .. the furnace has been on since about 4am .. no doubt I'll see some frost when Lilly goes out.. still pretty dark .

DH picked up more beets and some blueberries at the Country Market on Saturday .. so .. looks like I'll be pickling and baking .. must remember to wear black or navy !!!
This afternoon if it doesn;t rain .. I am going to cutback the Phlox and Bee Balm and MAYBE the Oxeye .. they're all looking rather drab and ikky.

My neice had her baby on Friday .. joining the world to grow up with her big sister (18th month old Abigail .. 'Abber Doodles).. is 7lb 12oz Victoria Grace ...
Betty , has your neice had her baby as yet ?

I best make another coffee to take with me when I take Lilly out .. can't find my gloves .. sheesh .. I swear there's a gremlin living in this house and it's hiding stuff on me !!!!

Have a great week ..


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning,

We're back from Lancaster. The car ran well other than the starting problem and that was fixed with a temporary override while we were there. The only disappointment was heavy rains on Saturday from Hanna which washed out a self-guided covered bridge tour and sure put the damper on the car show at the Grimes Airfield Golden Age Airplane Museum. http://www.goldenageair.org/

We drove our cars up there through scenic areas in Amish areas around Lancaster, but it started to rain heavily about an hour after we all got there. Rained heavily enough that once we got back to our hotel, the overflow hotel, about two miles from the site of events, and requiring a short bit of Interstate driving, we decided to leave the car there and take a taxi to the banquet later in the evening. Even considered staying an extra day, but an Internet search showed that the weather would be mostly clear on the way home and it was until about an hour south of Ottawa where we crossed the border.

Today looks good. sun is coming out. Have a number of things to do to get caught up from being away.

Have a great day.


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" went outside on the back deck to have my coffee this morning and I could see my breath...think it's time to cut down most of same as mine are straggly as well.. do bee balm and flox grow also from seed? should I save them or not bother?? never know which plants to save seed...guess I should research right? No, "M", Danielle is waiting patiently, originally her due date was Sept.11th and then they said no, Sept. 2nd..let's hope whatever it is it's not Sept. 11th..looking forward to having another baby in the family....

Ann, sounds as though you both had an enjoyable trip, thank goodness the car worked well on your return trip...was looking back at d-mails yesterday from when I first started on Dg...you were my 2nd d-mail, told me about the Canadian group and gave me a lot of encouragement re starting my gardens...I've come a long way and mostly due to DG members such as yourself...thank you...

Fancyvan, you get the dog tomorrow don't you..guess you have everything prepared...do you ever fall in love with some you are helping and keep any??? that would be my problem..I be keeping them all..guess you have to distance yourself...

Well we got to work 1 hr. late...Hwy.400 was closed again due to a truck accident. - nice way to start a Monday morning..we stopped for breakfast and I went to Home Depot to purchase a saw blade then continued our trek in...originally they said it would be closed for 3 hrs. so being 1 hr. late wasn't too bad...

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi again,

Thought I would let you know that I posted a bunch of pics from the weekend on Coffee - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/900844/

Victoria Harbour, ON

Love the photo's Ann...thanks for the link..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Harley arrived last evening - I drove out to Olds to pick him up. He is almost 2 years old, dont know a lot about him except he was out in the yard on a short chain a lot of the time ( no fence) And he really does not know anything ! But he is super friendly.
This morning another foster mom came over and we gave him a bath and a groom - he had mats the size of eggs behind his ears! He certainly looks a lot better.
He has gone home with Norma who will foster him as he will fit in better with her dogs who are much younger than mine - somebody to play with!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Very pretty boy...

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

He is very cute! It's hard to imagine anyone not being able to look after him he is standing so nice for you!
I know that Shelties are very quick to learn so he will be on track very quickly with his knowledgable foster mom.

My DH would like to know if the Caddy is a 51? If not what is it please. He is a car nut and builds high performance engines at our shop so he watched your trip with great glee. Seeing all that great iron in one place got him talking.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann actually pretty difficult to get those pics! He is really still a pup and has a wonderful time now he is loose in the yard to wander and run and jump - and mark everything!
He comes quickly when he is called but the minute you put your hand out to touch or take his leash he runs away - typical untrained pup I guess. On the other hand in the house he stays close to me and puts his head on my knee and wants lots of pets!

Here is a face shot. He has one blue eye and beautifully tipped ears.

This message was edited Sep 8, 2008 8:21 PM

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

fancy - how wonderful that he crossed paths with you and will have a chance to make a good companion for someone.

Ann - the Caddie is a 55 Coupe de Ville. Had originally belonged to the wealthy inlaws of DH's Aunt in Portland, OR. When they passed on, it came through the family to DH who was interested in it; so we know a lot of it's history. Paint on the top is original. The yellow was repainted 10 years ago. If you or your DH is interested, I put a slightly larger selection of weekend pics up on SmugMug at http://www.violaann.smugmug.com/gallery/5921085_hUHJe

This morning I head to our church to go over and adjust the handbells before we use them on Thursday and I've got a student this afternoon. Must also tackle another room that is overloaded with paper. Never did do that yesterday.

Have a great day.


Victoria Harbour, ON

2nd morning in a row, Hwy 400 was closed, poor lady broke down, walking near her vehicle and struck by a truck..so prayers please for her family...

Fancyvan I have a border collie who I got under similar circumstances and have never regretted taking her in..she's getting old now though..keep saying I won't get another when she's gone, but lordy I'd be tempted to take him in...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Prayers being offered Betty .. what a horrifying thing to have happen .

Ann .. the pics are just wonderful .. we sold our 1968 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am last year .. I loved it .. it was a dream to drive .. but .. an 8 cylinder 403 cu inch engine .. pretty pricey as far as gas goes .. it went to a very nice young man who is doing his utmost to keep it up .

Grade 12 'gurls dinner' tonight .. actually looking forward to it .. had coffee with an elementary school friend this morning .. haven't seen her in 2 years .. her husband is a Psychiatrist who sits on the Board of our local hospital .. he also interviews criminals bound for penitentiary and still incarcerated here .. he was one of the Psychiatrists who interviewed Paul Bernardo .. guess everyone has their niche ...

I best get on with some tidying ..

Take care

PS .. Harley is SWEET :-)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Now this morning sure was a shocker, wouldn't doubt that many of my flowers will bid me good day...things are looking rather sad..that's what you get for living in the north, but not as 'north' as you "M"

Do hope you enjoy your night out with everyone..

Drove myself in this morning and will for the next 2 days..Suzanne is anxiously awaiting birth of new grandchild so at any time she may leave the office so I'd need a ride home..this way, there is no worry as to when the call will come in..

Monday it was a transport accident - Hwy 400 closed, yesterday it was a woman who broke down, got out of her car and a transport hit her, she's critical so Hwy 400 closed, then last night near the office Hwy 401 collector lanes closed .. at 3:00pm they believe a woman in a Lexus shot someone and on the highway he went, well this morning they are thinking that the man tried to jump out as he was being shot..imagine..so the lanes were closed, all hwys busy as to accommodate all the traffic so it's been a fun week traffic wise...left home 1 hr. earlier than normal and thought I'd just take me time, enjoy the ride in...heavy traffic, stop and go closer to the office but here without any problem...

Last night had several 'swap' packages and a 'just because' package and cards from DG friends...how marvellous..sure made the end of the day more precious...

Today is quiet so I've got my wool and the crochet blanket I'm doing for the new arrival and that should entertain me for the day..tonight after I teach class I'll get materials ready for my class tomorrow night, beautiful piece which is an insert for cabinet I had made...with Paul out of the office tomorrow and Friday I'll bring it in and spend time getting more done...quicker I get at it the quicker it will be done...don't know why on this project I'm procrastinatin...happens sometimes..guess it's the amount of work involved...bet it will be at least 40 hrs. of painting..detail/detail..

Do hope you all enjoy your day, that this fall weather is yet to arrive in your neighborhood...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Good luck with all your projects Betty .. I truly am impressed with your tenacity .. I am kinda 'wishy washy' re projects .. I start'em and inevitably leave them half completed :-(

I watched the very extensive news coverage re the 'body dump' on the 401 .. goodness gracious .. one wonders about the moral values of people .. but .. once drugs or whatever becomes involved death seems not far behind .. scares the heck outta me.

Dinner out last night was GREAT :-) I sometimes lament the half hour drive in .. but inevitably come home full of stories and bolstered by the warmth of the friendships I have with these women. Four from the grade 12 class went into nurses training together as well .. so .. it's kind of a 'double blessing' and we stay in that loop too.

It was way cool here this morning .. but NO killing frost .. things are kind of static with regards to anymore VERY cold weather .. in fact the weekend is looking to be 'picture perfect'.

Got a 'hair do' today .. same old, same old .. one of these times I am going to do something SHOCKING !!! LoL

Sure do hope the baby arrives soon Betty .. my niece, Sarah, was overdo by a week (2nd daughter) .. am attaching a pic .. includes the family ( Dad, Mom, Abby and Victoria) .. only thing is .. you can't SEE Victoria Grace !! Will send 2 .. one will show JUST Victoria :-)

Enjoy your evening


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Victoria Grace :-)


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Oh my, what a beautiful little pink bundle of joy!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Peony order arrived yesterday afternoon just after I finished getting the 'new' bed ready. ( I took out a small mugo pine which left me with about a 6x6 space to replant! )Been replanting and shifting, this morning planted two peonies there and also made a short expedition to the greenhouse after I decided the area needed some spring bulbs!
Some more plants to go in there but not until spring.
Planted the other 3 peonies in the front beds.
Lovely warm sunny day today and yesterday too. Hope this holds for a bit.
Heres the replanted bed ( minus the sticks where I put bulbs!)- doesnt look like much yet come spring should be pretty nice.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm sure it will be spectabular in the spring as it looks so pretty at this time...

Very cold here as well, not quite sure how to dress.. so layers it is..trying to find some crickets that have made my laundry room their home, guess the cold brought them in..they sure are annoying when you are trying to sleep..up I go, trying to find them and silent they are...smart little critters...

We had good news today, seems Paul has found an office in the city for the men who live in the city to work from and an office in Barrie for we ladies and he, suppose to be signing leases today and Monday..would mean I have but a 35 - 40 minute drive to work..oh happy days...so cross your fingers all goes through..apparently the Toronto office is available mid October but the Barrie office not till Nov. 1st. but that still should be before the snow falls..with both not sure that changes have to be made and can only be done once we are in or if they'll be made ready for us to move in Nov.1st.. regardless all are looking forward to the move...let's hope nothing falls through..wouldn't that be smashing...

I'd drive myself in then except for on blizzard days...that way I'd be free to come and go as I please..sometimes I know I hold Suzanne back as she probably would visit her son in the city or go shopping after work and I, I just want to get home...now Paul did say though that when we move we'll work full 5 days - no off Fridays at 1:00 but our hours would be 9:00 - 4:30 so even though I hate to give up my Friday afternoons it means we won't have to leave home until 8:15 vs. 7:00 and would arrive home around 5:10pm versus 6:30 - 7:00 pm...more time in our day..just think what I shall be able to accomplish..lol..

Hope you are all enjoying your day..
loved the photo's..don't you just want to squeeze her!!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Brrrr, "Blizzard days"... Reminds me why we go to Arizona in the winter.

We are having a little heat wave down here in the Southern Interior. Made it to 26C yesterday and 28C is the forecast for today. Been watering like crazy!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

North Western Ontario 'heat wave' is expected starting tomorrow .. supposed hi temps of 21+ from Friday til Monday with overnight temps not falling much below 10C .. that just means the beautiful flowers will hang on :-)
Course to get there .. we are putting up with a MAJOR "Quack Quack day" .. seems to be we're getting ALL our summer rain in one day !!! Started about 1am and is continuing .. ah well .. it's good for the well :-)

Betty .. fingers AND toes crossed re the new offices .. what a blessing that will be .. specially when the "S WORD" happens ..

Babies ... gotta luv'em :-)

Off to work a culinary miracle LoL


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

TGIF .. hope everyone has a STELLAR weekend ..
It's going to be warm (and hopefully sunny) here this weekend .. can't beat that.
No chance of frost ..always a good thing!!



Victoria Harbour, ON

Love the baby photo's "M" she's adorable...nope, still no baby, almost think she got her dates wrong and was trying to rush things..so we and I am sure 'she' is waiting patiently..

Don, we'll all be considering visiting you in Arizona this winter...not looking forward to it..

On the muggiest day of the year, wouldn't you know I decide I want turkey tonight so have air going to compensate for oven ...

Had such a wonderful day with Starzz (Carol) on Friday, stayed longer than had planned but she's just a pleasure to visit with..think if I ever make it to heaven, her gardens will be right up there ...OMG .. gardens are all set in an apple orchard with decorated rooms of hardscape and flowers/shrubs..the most beautiful gazebo made of tree trunks..gardens just went on and on..if you want a view, go to the following link..probably starts around the 140 post or so..worth viewing her gardens...


Do hope you and family are all out of Ike's harm..it's so muggy and still here today, know they are calling for severe storm, mega rain..so all will have to be on the lookout..

Best get supper all organized instead of playing computer..lol...

Enjoy your day

Victoria Harbour, ON

Finally the sun it out, watching those walking by the office window, all seem to have jackets on so not the muggy weather we had yesterday..family was coming over yesterday so I decided a turkey would be in order, well it was sooo muggy, air still, eerie type of weather so while turkey was cooking thought I'd best put on a/c...couldn't understand why it wasn't cooling the house..this morning while downstairs on the computer I could hear the furnace going off/on/off/on so guess while the air was on the furnace was on so both fighting against each other, and then, I wonder WHY my hydro and gas bills are so high...dah...

Hope you are enjoying your day...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Full moon tonight ... a BLUE MOON .. happens every 2.7 years .. whatever ..
Weather here has been fine and dandy .. not too warm .. and agreeable humidity .. as well .. NO FROST .. we skated by last night and it looks as though we will tonight as well !!

Betty .. laughing re your AC/furnace dilemma .. happens here frequently .. the mornings are now so cool that the furnace comes to life at about 3am .. then .. as the day wears on and it heats up .. POOF .. the air goes on .. drives DH nutso !!!

Tuesday DH and Lilly and myself, are heading into the Boreal Forest .. DH is a hunter .. I USED to be .. but am not anymore .. I like the Partridge/Grouse .. but haven't the heart to do the shooting of same .. kind of lost my interest in it. Here in the northwest .. wild game hunting is a BIG DEAL .. I cook it .. but no longer hunt. I prefer to enjoy the changing colours and the chance to see any wild game that we may come upon (moose/deer/bear/lynx etc)

Off to dish out supper ..


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Supposed to be nice tomorrow. Was cloudy with scattered showers today. We got off easy though on the fringes of Ike. some heavy rain yesterday, but not nearly as much as was forecast.

I'm hoping to get in a bit of gardening tomorrow. The rest of the week will be taken up with teaching, volunteer commitments and then heading to our DD's inlaws cottage on Kawagama Lake near Dorset, ON. DD and family are in Waterloo area with his family and are heading to the cottage tomorrow. DD#1 and family from Ottawa will head there on Wednesday and we head up on Thursday with two cars in order to get them all to Ottawa on Friday. DSIL flies back to Vancouver on Sunday, but DD and DGD will be here for another week.

I learned today that a former member of my handbell choir passed away from ovarian cancer yesterday. She rang with us until about 1 1/2 years ago when her cancer support group became a conflict with bells. Her service will be on Thursday; so I will miss it, but we may find a way to toll a bell at the service. My group as a whole is rebuilding this year with several new people and a few have retired from the group; so the whole group playing w/o a rehearsal is not possible.



so sorry to hear about your group's loss, ViolaAnn.

s'funny you should mention hand bells. I was speaking to someone @ our church yesterday about having the opportunity to learn the bells once upon a time, and not taking advantage of it. I mentioned that I thought it would be great to learn. Unfortunately our church isn't a very wealthy one - rather poor actually - and we can't afford a teacher.
The church I belonged to before (in another city) had one of the choir members who knew how to ring them, and was willing to teach us.

They are so beautiful to hear.

- Susan -

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Tallulah_B - my church could afford to hire a handbell director, but they won't! The only music people who get paid are the organist and the choir director who acts as director of music. They are fortunate to have a volunteer like me who enjoys doing the bells. Don't know what will happen when I retire.

If the Alberta Association of Handbells has a Festival, that's a good place to learn a lot about playing. http://www.algehr.ab.ca/ I see a few choirs listed in Calgary as members. Maybe some of them would have people who would help you get started. (Do you have the bells?) The Malmark Handbell rep in Alberta is Camille Ream and I know the reps can sometimes be of help in obtaining bells

Any time you'd like to move to Ottawa and join my choir you'd be welcome.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Another beautiful day - 26C! suposed to last a few more days.
Yester day worked at LH and then had a Sheltie Rescue meet and pot luck. Our director is moving to Nanaimo and another foster returning to Ontario so we had a few things to sort out. Helen will continue to run the group from BC since most of what she does can be handled by email and phone and we hope that will work out.

Mostly in the garden today, one visitor - since the competition and my pic in the paper I have a lot of old acquaintances phoneing and asking to visit! A few things are starting to look untidy and I am clipping but most everything still looks good, no frost yet and none predicted for some time.

Eleanor, the foster mom who is moving back to Toronto goes Friday so has movers packing and cleaners etc so she brought Carter and Katy, her two shelties over tonite and they will stay with me until she flies out on Friday. I have looked after them before and they are no trouble to have around. Still it is a lot busier with 4 dogs than 2!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Everyone is seemingly busy .. and that's a good thing :-)

We again had NO frost overnight .. that BIG FULL MOON is sure a sight to behold .. and .. if the 'Old Wives Tales' are true .. the weather should change following a full moon .. looking at our long range forecast it seems to be a change for the better as the temps during the day are predicted to be 20C+ with nightime lows of just 10C .. makes me smile :-)

St. Pauls Anglican Church here in TBay has a rather notable Hand Bell Chorus (I think that's what it's called) .. their BIG event is always at Xmas time. Have only heard them in one of the Malls when they did a mini concert .. but .. it was very nice :-)

Carol I hope you enjoy your two furry visitors :-) I guess they'll be flying out east as well? I wish them all well .. safe flight..

I best get a picnic lunch together for today .. will make Lilly a cheese sammie .. she'll think I;ve lost my mind when I produce it for her to eat as she basically only ever gets raw food .. but .. it'll be a treat for her :-)

Everyone enjoy your day, and, stay safe ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann sorry to hear about the passing of your friend..as usual you are busy/busy..don't think I've been to a church where bells are played, how very interesting..

"M" lots of hunters in my family, I've never eaten wildlife, not my thing, be difficult to shoot these critters...love watching them but not through sites...

Fancyvan isn't it wonderful that you are being re-aquainted with old friends and that the highlight of their day of course will be to view your gardens....

Got up late this morning, not because I slept in but because it was freezing in the house, had turned off the furnace, shouldn't do it, should leave it a minimum and then if it has to come on more the better...my downfall, always playing with furnace controls..hot/cold/hot/cold..lol

Stayed in bed an extra hour which meant I had to rush, garbage day today so in a hurry going down the deck stairs which were damp I took a slip and hit my shoulder against the deck post..yuk, the minute I turn my head - pain galore in my neck and shoulder blade so must sit quiet here at work I guess, no crochet, no painting...not good...

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