Alaska 2008

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Arrived home last nite at 12.30 AM after what felt like a 100 hr trip - since Seattle is 3 hrs behind we did go through a few time zones ^_^ - I am still struggling to get my "landlegs" back - my body still feels like it should be rocking back and forth - had some major catching up to do with work related issues and finally managed to sort 183 e-mails and answer about half of that ^_^ - I "go back to work" tomorrow - had a couple of projects waiting for me - which is good ^_^

Just uploaded all 429 pictures - they are a tad jumbled since I used 2 cameras and 2 cards - I will eventually sort them - - if you have the time, enjoy ^_^

I can definitely suggest Alaska as one place you MUST visit - we got very, very lucky and actually had 3 days of sunshine -
Glacier Bay - fantastic glaciers, fantastic weather and true beauty
Juneau - took a "the best of Juneau" tour - Glacier, a 3 hr boat whale watching trip which was unbelievably beautiful and a salmon bake - oodles of shopping - had no idea that one of the highlights of these cruises is diamond shopping
Sitka - 4 hr Otter & wildlife tour by boat - it is salmon spawning time and we saw tons of Bald Eagles - majestic and the nature was stunning - sea otters, seals and whales
Ketchican - we were 'sposed to take a float plane, but the weather was not cooperating so we took a quick trip on shore and meandered around town - the weather turned rough after that and half the passengers got seasick (I was not one of them ^_^)
Victoria BC - went to Butchard gardens - fantastic flowers and fireworks - they have the mildest and best climate on the west coast for plants

In between all of this we ATE way too much food (and indulged in some frozen concoctions) - the ship, the service and the food was top notch - my MIL also surprised us and had a renewal of vows ceremony set up for us (15 year anniversary) - that took place on Friday nite - it was such a nice surprise and truly special for us

Anyway - good to be home again - though I could have easily stayed for another week - "the kids" were happy to see us - except Thor - who is snubbing me and making me pay for leaving him

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Becky, I looked at all your pictures......Wonderful!!!! Loved the shades of turquoise in the glaciers. And the Alaskan Malamute ? , they are such wonderful dogs, I have 2 granddogs. And had one of my own many years ago.
Loved the pictures of the wild life, otters, so many, and the eagles!
Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed it so much.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG amazing...uttering and fantastically amazing!!!! Very, very special...she's a great lady!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I second that..."amazing" - whew! Just got done looking at all your pictures, incredibly beautiful! Brings back fond memories of the cruise we took down the Columbia River for our honeymoon - although the scenery wasn't anywhere near as spectacular as your trip. What a thoughtful gesture from your MIL and what an attractive lady! Of course her son isn't too shabby either :) Loved the "animal" first I didn't get it, just saw the "eyes" - then after the 2nd and 3rd ones I "saw" the animals. Maybe Thor's just jealous because he knows you were spending time with all those other "animals" including the beautiful Malamute! LOL

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Great pics, if I figured correctly pic #173 is awesome. Loved the eagle and otter pics. Wasn't Victoria and Buchart great? I haven't been there in 20 yrs. My grandma used to live in Edmonton.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sounds wonderful- Gotta catch up on your pictures later. Thanks for linking them

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