CLOSED: Badoh Negro (Ipomoea carnea) for trade or SASE

Antioch, TN

LazLo!! Where have you been? I was worried sick about you not knowing if you were well. I made a posting and was asking for anyone who have traded with you to send you -"I am thinking of you" cards so you know you are missed.
Glad to hear from you and know all is well. Yes! that RA is no joke, I am feeling the pain also.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Do you have any seeds left for postage and SSAE?
If so could you send me a DMail with your address?

Greenacres, WA

Can they be grown in zone 5? I would love some.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Welcome back. I was certainly more worried about you than my envelope or seeds. And I second your call for all to vote. It is so important.


Chesapeake, VA

Welcome back, Lazlo.

Greenacres, WA

I hope that the votes will all be counted I have friends in CA that the votes they sent by mail were not even mailed out. In WA they have changed the voting to mail in ballots so I truly hope the ours get counted.

If anyone has any of these seeds left, I would like to try some. Will trade or do SASBE.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a zillion or so more of them to share.

Anyone who does not use the DG address exchange, please DMail me for the postal addy.

Thanks everyone for thinking of me. Warms me to the cockels of my little black heart!

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

My seeds, and the bonus seeds, arrived today. Thank you! Looking forward to the lagniappe. :-) Z

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

This seed offering has been renewed: Please use the link below . . .

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