dependable rebloomers/north

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

Attached is a list of rebloomers I pulled from the internet.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

debsroots, I checked the link and found several of mine and a few I did not realize were rebloomers that I have also. thanks


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I have only had one iris rebloom here in zone 5 ( now reevaluated to be zone 6). That was Romantic Evening. I didn't know it was a rebloomer and almost fainted. It did it twice and never has done it since. I have quite a few other supposed rebloomers, with no rebloom at all.
I am told that Belvi Queen is a reliable rebloomer here in the Santa Fe-Los Alamos area, but so far I don't have it.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

I don't think I'm going to have rebloom on many of my reblooms like I had last fall. I found a scape (one) coming up on Immortality and one on Lo Ho Silver this week. In my earlier post, I mentioned Sugar Blues, which has two blooming and another one coming up, and three on Fast Forward. Last year at this time, I had bunches of rebloom scapes - it looked like spring bloom all over again. I have pictures from last year dated 9/1 and 9/4 with pictures of my reblooming irises.

Could it be that this spring they all bloomed heavily again and they are taking a rest this fall? Perhaps. Could weather be playing a factor. Maybe that too. We are in our normal August heat/drought and I'm hoping for rain today, since there is a chance of it in the forecast. I do water, but only enough to keep things going, due to the high cost of water and sewage bills in our township. All my plants are mulched to conserve water too. But to me, any rebloom at all in the fall is a plus, since my daylilies are winding down, and I am enjoying whatever I get.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I think rebloomers like extra food and water just before rebloom time -- whenever that is!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

fickle things these rebloomers. I just can't help myself and keep buying more. Maybe our weather will be real nice a few years and i'll be able to enjoy some. I have Throb and it tried to rebloom but last minute wilted and the stalk died. A lady in a warmer region wants it so I will let her try it and hope she gets it to behave. I did'nt think it was a rebloomer either. Maaybe that was from the weather??

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I buy rebloomers if I like them on their other merits, but not because they are rebloomers. I have lots of them, but they never rebloom.

Baton Rouge, LA

Nola's Iris Garden has a cold climate reblooming set that's on sale right now. Their special includes quite a few of the cultivars others have mentioned in this thread. They're still taking orders, but I'm not sure for how long (there's no cutoff date on their website that I could find). Here's a link:

Hope that helps! Ev =)

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

EV=) I just went on Nola's Garden and Yes I have more on the way now. The puchase of a farm is not far off. thanks so much as 3 of them in the rebloom collection I had looked at elsewhere.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I have one of them -- Istanbul. I know people who have several of the others. I am not sure they bloom here. I haven't had Istanbul long enough to know.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

There are rebloomers that bloom again shortly after completing spring bloom.

That's the kind I have. I received it from a friend who lives in zone 3 Little Fork, MN, where it dependably reblooms for her (and me near Minneapolis). No name. This is a pic of the first flush of bloom in early spring (began May 14). Flowers are short stalked, 8-12 inches. As Laurief says, there is a very short rest before it begins blooming again (June 14). Flowers are then "long" stalked, 14-20 inches.

I have seed from them if anyone would like to see what happens.

Thumbnail by Leftwood
South Hamilton, MA

Your description of height makes it tall for MDB Velvet Toy. However the shape of the flowers looks like it has I.aphylla ancestry.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Could it be one of the older intermediates or borders forced by the cold
spring to bloom quickly with shorter stalks & leaves then have a second
bloom during warmer weather with near normal height? I would think
mid may in Minnesota would be quite cool. We can have frost in early
may here in southern Illinois.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

All I can say is that it blooms with this pattern of heights every year regardless. The first flush is very early with cool weather, and blooms similtaneous with the MDBs. The leaves become quite large, 14-18 inches.

This pattern of rebloom, does it come from a particular iris species or group of species?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

My iris germanica, (the 'species' iris germanica, not just using iris germanica as a name for bearded iris), blooms like that. It's the first iris to bloom here.

According to Irises by Claire Austin

"This vigorous plant often produces a second flush of blooms later in the year."

Ms Austin says if it ever was a species, iris germanica (linnaeus 1753) is now likely to be a hybrid of many wild irises.

But here's a picture from Superstition, where I got mine. I think it's similar to yours, Rick.

Raleigh, NC

is this the one with the intense heavenly scent?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It is beautifully scented.

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