Daylily afficionados - help, please?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Within Gardenology, we have the ability to create sub-groups of terminology. This featurette was actually built for daylily terms, but we never quite got around to filling it out.

Well, I spent some time this week putting more of the terms I was familiar with into their own group:

Now we need your help; if you're a hem grower, collector or admirer, can you please look at this list and:

1) tell us if we need to correct any of the entries;
2) add more terms (or tell us what should be entered);
3) add better definitions if necessary; and
4) add some photos for illustrative purposes.

Any feedback or information you can give would be most appreciated!


Ripley, MS

I looked and all I could think of is prolif-I am sure there will be more, you know us daylily folk, we invent words if we have to-lol
This is a great help. thanks

Excelsior, MN(Zone 4a)

Rebloom, nocturnal; I'm sure there's more to come.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Wanna add 'em? I would really like for more contributors to share what they know ;o)

If you want, I can add the entry, and you can add the definition....but adding an entry is easy as pie.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

How about polychrome, stippled, plicata(I think that is another word for stippled) diploid

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

If you'd like to add them, that would be great! I *think* plicata is a botanical specific epithet in Botanary.

But plicate (or plicated) would be an appropriate form of the term for Gardenology.

Bad Axe, Mich., FL(Zone 5a)

How about POLYTEPALOUS, meaning a daylily that has extra petals and stamens. They also have extra ovary compartments which is reflected in seed pods having extra seed compartments. They only have one pistil which distinguishes them from abnormal blooms formed by fusion or fascination of two otherwise distinct blooms.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

yep, that's a good one

Bad Axe, Mich., FL(Zone 5a)

There are subforms of daylilies which are actually subclasses of the officially designated forms. These are: CIRCULAR, TRIANGULAR, STAR, SEGMENTS RADIATE TO SIX POINTS, INFORMAL, FLAT, RECURVED, and TRUMPET.

Bad Axe, Mich., FL(Zone 5a)

Then we have color and patterns of daylilies.
SELF-all the same color
BLENDS-petals and sepals have the same intermingling of two or more colors
POLYCHROMES-flower segments have an intermingling or three or more colors
BITONES-petals and sepals are different shades of the same color, with the petals being the darker shade
REVERSE BITONE-same as above,but with the petals being the lighter shade
BICOLORS-petals and sepals are different colors. the petals are the darker color
REVERSE BICOLOR- same as above, but the petals are the lighter coloir
EYES AND BANDS-a zone of different color or a darker shade of the same color between the throat and the tips of the petals. If the zone occurs on both the petals and sepals it is called an eye, if it is only onb the petals it is called a band.
HALO- the zone is lightly visible
WATERMARK-i the zone is a lighter shade than the rest of the segment
CONTRASTING EDGES-some are lighter and some darker than the segment color
CONTRASTING TIPS-segment tips or only petal tips are a different color than the body of the segment
DOTS OR DUSTING-an uneven coloration and can include flecked,speckled, and stippled in appearance
CONTRASTING MIDRIBS-the center vein running lengthwise through each flower segment which is a different color or shade from the main part of the segment
DIAMOND DUSTING-tiny crystals in the flower's cells reflect light making the flower sparkle.
TEXTURE-the surface quality of the tissue structure of the bloom
SUBSTANCE-the thickness of the tissue structure
SCAPE-the stem of a daylily that holds the flower, low (6" to 24"), medium (24" to 36"), tall (over 36")

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Terry I did add bloom scar but I didn't see away to put it in the daylily category. Is that something you have to do or can it be done as they are entered?

Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

CMO- cool or cold morning opener. Not the same thing as an EMO- early morning opener.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks - I'm really hoping you'll each take a few minutes to add these yourselves, if you don't mind. It makes for much better/more interesting reading when all the entries aren't submitted by the same person (namely yours truly ;o)

Plus, I don't want to steal your thunder - if they're your definitions, you should get credit for them!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

ploidy, diploid, tetraploid, proliferation - I'm sure there are more that are already in garden terms, but I don't know if they should be moved or entered again, so I guess I have the same question as Mystic.

I saw a way to move a definition but I don't know what the TID ? is for the daylily category? I put "proliferation" in garden terms some time ago, if anyone wants to put it in with daylily terms please do so (there's a pic there, too). I'd be happy to add or move that one or others but I don't know how.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I moved proliferation.

Ploidy and tetraploid are categorized under "Daylilies":

Is diploid a term used commonly outside of hems? If so, it should stay in the general category. If its use is pretty much limited to daylilies, I can move it as well.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

All the various ploidy terms apply to different plants (and animals- humans are diploid). As to being used outside of hems, Iris and Hosta breeders use these terms too, maybe others. Maybe some terms should be in both categories, or given a different definition as they apply to hems?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Within the database structure, we can't create two separate entries for the same term. If there is a way to differentiate within the name, we can create two entries for slightly different names of any term.

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Hope this is the place to ask this but does dormant mean dying clear to the ground and evergreen, the leaves stay green all winter like some other plants? BEV

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes that's correct Bev.

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks HEM.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

You are welcome!!!

Fredericksburg, VA

Here is my contribution:

ENABLER: An enabler in most definitions is a Hemaholic who through his or her actions allows someone else ( a Newbie or other Hemaholic )to achieve an additioal state of Hemaholism.
ie. Gardenglory did you see all the new offerings on the LA this morning? You should go look!!!


Florence, SC(Zone 8a)

ROFL @ mosbyone.

We are all enablers. ;-)

Kannapolis, NC

How UFO, unusual forms?

Kannapolis, NC

Lining out.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

We have UF:
and unusual form:

We have liner plants:
and liners:

If lining out needs a separate entry, you're welcome to add it:

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Ok ladies,
You guys are definately speaking a different language...I'm sitting here...DUH!

I'm taking the Daylilies 101 class...ROFL

What's a "hem" grower/collecter/admirer?

I need an enabler to give me the scoop!

This message was edited Jan 27, 2009 2:41 PM

Fredericksburg, VA

A "hem" is a Hemerocallis = Daylily

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Shouldn't the correct written name be "day-lily" since they are not in the genus Lilium?

Edited to add link:

This message was edited Aug 2, 2009 10:06 PM

Bad Axe, Mich., FL(Zone 5a)

The American Hemerocallis Society spells it DAYLILY OR DAYLILIES.

Elizabeth City, NC(Zone 8b)

So does the dictionary dorothian. ;-)

Elizabeth City, NC(Zone 8b)

You could also add daylily rust and daylily rot.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Or daylily addiction.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

sorry for the belated reply

daylily rust is here:
Pictures would be helpful additions!

daylily (crown?) rot is not yet added; anyone is welcome to add the term and a definition.

addiction is sadly not limited to a particular genus (*grin*)

Hyannis, MA(Zone 7a)

Terry. I would like to see added to each daylily listed on plantfinder the category BUDCOUNT. This is a VERY important, critical really, descriptor of hems.

Bad Axe, Mich., FL(Zone 5a)

sandnsea2, are you taljking about the registered bud count, or the bud count in your zone? They can be quite different.

Hyannis, MA(Zone 7a)

Any listing of budcount will be better than none. Registered is fine.

Hyannis, MA(Zone 7a)

I think sellers oftentimes are against adding this descriptor.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I know for me bud count is very important and if we had but count for what zone it would be wonderful.
Thank you

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Sorry - I realize this request is really old.

Here are my questions:

1) Are there standard ranges for bud count?
2) Is there some normalized data that can be considered reliable and accurate?
3) Do we have some volunteers to go through and begin the process of adding this data to each entry? (We have over 38,000 entries in PlantFiles.)


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