Bokashi, too much info maybe?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Because we are plagued by wild pigs and my labrador who loves bokashied garbage, we have cut the bottom out of a large rubbish can and dug it into a 2' hole in a planting bed. That is where we put all the 'finished' kitchen waste when the 5 gallon can gets full. I also layer other waste in it as piles of fallen fruit etc. DH put his hand in it the other day and said it was HOT! We may have to put more rubbish cans around...DH (a Chemical Engineer and a skeptic) is slowly embracing this EM technology - at least for garbage!!!

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Mermaid, I just absolutely chuckled at the image of this extremely shiny coated fox racing around on bokashi health!! Just read another thread where someone is going to put their poorly pooch on a 'raw' diet - maybe I should suggest to just let them eat bokashi! Our fox will attest to its health giving qualities.

We do nothing about controlling fox other than letting the terrier set up a bark and chase within the garden boundaries. I see it as a fair trade off that he keeps my terrier in trim by running him around abit. One night there was a particular racket going on, and I took the torch down to see what he was barking at. Fox and terrier were face to face at the fence line, both panting and at a stand off. Because the terrier was so close the fox couldn't get a good set to jump the fence. Then they both looked at each other as if in agreement, the terrier looked away, the fox jumped, and then terrier went back to barking. A definate gentleman's solution. Because we don't keep poultry, the fox really hasn't seemed a problem (and he does deal nicely with the squirrel ground nests) so I don't consider this a real problem - more of a surprise and hands on hips sort of moment. Just funny really - never dawned on me he would find it so yummy! Putting chicken wire down while it is fresh is not a bad idea - I'll try it. although I'm suddenly feeling a little mean.

Aloha, nice idea about the garbage can, not high on the aesthetic rating, but I can see where it would be effective.

Tucson, AZ

Try spreading some hot pepper flakes on the top of the area where you bury stuff. I have heard this works for rabbits.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Ohhhh, poor rabbits (not)!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Hot pepper flakes will make a canary's feathers turn brighter colours. Perhaps the pepper and Bokashi will give you a brighter fox?

How is your crafty side? A little garbage can art to improve the aesthetic rating?

Check out the can from the Bronx zoo!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

We bury ours down about 2-3'...most of the can. Kinda looks wierd!

Tucson, AZ

Yes, the other answer is to bury the wastes deeper. The wire will work as long as you cover enough around so the animals can't get under it to the food. They will still make a mess digging it up.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Might make some interesting garden art!!

mulege, Mexico

Hi - DG members can get a 10% discoundt at Use the code DGarden (case sensative). I don't know how long this will last so tell your friends and get your orders in.


Tucson, AZ

The promo code won't expire by the way.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Good point Eric. Thank you for letting us know that the promo code is still valid.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Thank you, too, Eric! I just ordered more rice-bran Bokashi with the promo code.

Tucson, AZ

Sweet CCG,
Some time when I'm up on the Cape, I'd like to meet you. My mother lives in Bass River.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Sure, Eric. D-mail me when you're coming up. I'm really close to Bass River.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, I know this post is sort of old. I just got done reading the whole thing, can you use paper shred the same as you would use sawdust, or bran? I have not started Bokashi yet, but I will soon. Thanks Leah

mulege, Mexico

I think so. Eric says they have even made it with sand. I think paper would work fine.


San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm using newpaper in my Bokashi buckets, although I'm not innoculating the newspaper. I just spritz the scraps with AEM, then press them down with a folded page of newspaper and close the bucket. The newspaper absorbs the extra liquids in the bucket. I like having a clean piece of newspaper to press on to compact the contents of the bucket. Seems to be working fine. The worms eat up the paper along with the rest when I bury the bucket contents. They seem to enjoy the sports section.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

The only problem I see with shredded paper is that when you moisten it, it would be hard to get it uniformly saturated with the AEM and the same would go for when you dry it.... If the shredded paper where then cut into little pieces, like confetti...maybe that would work.

Sand? Interesting!

I tried it with Peat but it was not too successful as the peat absorbs SO much ...and is it completely absorbed? Hard to tell.

Wheat Bran is so easy to find...and so cheap....

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

GM...really interesting!!!! Do you layer the shredded paper with the kitchen waste?

GM...reread that and now understand. Great way to use newspaper!!!!

This message was edited Apr 11, 2009 4:34 PM

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Used coffee grounds are easy to find and cheap too.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I layer a folded whole piece of newspaper with the kitchen waste. I don't bother to shred it. I've done four buckets this way. Beautiful white mold in the *finished* buckets when I'm getting ready to dump them in the ground. I think compressing the contents helps it ferment better. I used to use a paper plate to push everything down. That would get messy. Now I just layer in a newspaper section. It makes it easy to compact. The newspaper gets soggy over time and the worms chow it down.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Brilliant - absolutlylutlybrilliant!!! Thanks GM! I am desperate for more bokashi for my gardens so this would do it!!!! I have been trying to compost computer shredded printouts...and there is just too much binder in them!!!

Tell me, please, how long does your AEM last mixed in a spray bottle. Man, that would eliminate the whole bokashi dance.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Carol, I am going to assume you use bokashi on your hoya, is that correct. I am just trying to find something we already have like paper shred. I will try that, see what happens. one less thing that will be thrown away if it works. If not I'll be using coffee grounds, most likely. Here the city recycles lots of stuff but they only take paper shred if it is in a box or paper bag labled"paper shred". I've been to the recycle plant and seen the sorting "process" I don't see how they'd would even have time to read the box. I think they'd just throw it away. Leah

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hmmmmm,, I don't use Bokashi on/in my hoyas. I just use it to process the kitchen waste and the garden waste. Sometimes i spray down my greenhouse with AEM...

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I should have been more specific. That may have been what I was referring to, I haven't learned all the terms yet. Thank you for your response

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

On second thought...sometimes I mix a bit of the innoculated bokashi in with my soil...when i remember. Haven't seen it do much in the the ground it sure does!!!

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