Weather screwy...Early Fall?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

The dew point on July 5, 2005. On that day the only place that was feeling the same heat/humidity as us was Savannah, Georgia (I didn't catch it over my province, thought of it too late, but I did catch the blob when it was over Manitoba.

This message was edited Aug 28, 2008 12:06 AM

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow Lilypon! That was a real extreme weather situation. Very scary.

Bigred, I think the neighbors understand. Make hay while the sun shines is what I would have said :o)

Rutholive, we've ben in the 50* to 55* overnight and it's cold! This morn from 4:00 am to 7:30 am we got 2 and 2/10'' rain. We needed it. At1:00 pm, the grass was absolutely dry. The gardens are wet, but not real muddy. It all soaked in. Crazy! I picked some nice tomatoes, but they haven't ripened very fast with the cold nights.

Lilypon, I could tell the humidity was rising yesterday. I've been out all week renovating a flower bed and it's been gorgeous. The clouds kept us cooler than we would have been. I see why we got so much rain.

Wow, three years ago and the humidity shifted a little from yesterdays map. We're pretty cloudy today. It's been in the mid 70*'s and low 80*'s all month. A very nice August for us.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Billy it's so good to see you posting! :) We treasured every moment of this summer too (mainly dry, temps closer to normal range and deliciously cool nights). I don't think I'll ever get over last summer (I'd more expect snow in July or August then the extreme humidity we felt for a whole month last year (and in early July 2005).

Still praying here for an end of September frost.

BTW I picked 3 cantaloupes today (and am just about to eat one :^)))

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks. I disappear and reappear. It's catch 22. Dave's has inspired me so much I'm out in the garden more than I'm on the computer talking about it :o)

Yum on the canteloupes! That is what grows best in the next towns. The sandy soil is perfect for melons.

We watch a lot of Nature and Discovery shows. The shrinking glaciers and polar caps is very distressing. (Trying not to be too current eventful.) I wish the weather was a little more stable. I know how I feel about my garden and flowers. I really feel for those who depend on theirs.

The heat is what's scary. Sometimes I feel so safe in my uneventful town in the midwest. We seem so anonymous to the world's problems.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

re sandy soil Billy that's exactly what we have at the garden patch (they always said here south hill soil was the best for gardeners...I've always gardened on north hill til last year).

Yep the north sure is showing unbelievable changes (and fast). Early this summer Inuvik hit 82 F one day (they really made a big deal about that on the news here because it's above the Arctic Circle (and very close to the Beaufort Sea/Arctic Ocean).

p.s. that cantaloupe was delish! :D BTW up til this century it was very, very rare that a cantaloupe planted from seed would make it to maturity here (last year and this year did........prior to that it was one summer back in the mid 60's that we had some ripen for us). Normally peeps would start them early in a greenhouse and then warm up the soil with plastic and then cover them with plastic and have a pop bottle with warm water sitting beside the plant. I did none of the above (even though we had a very late spring June, July and August were very warm....but not unbearable :).

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow! For you to be able to grow melons is saying something. It's been cool enough here all summer that they are picking the melons a little green just to have some to sell. The muskmelons aren't very sweet and ripe either. We haven't cut any we bought yesterday. I put it in the fridge to get cold first.

We've been lucky with the rain too. No rain scares me as much as the heat. We put in a hand pump and I pump water for my plants. When the power goes out, we still have water. I would really like to get one in the house. Talk about what goes around comes around. My great Grandma's would most likely be glad to never see another hand pump and I'm happy to use one. We still get our water from a sand point, but eventually the town will be forced to put in a water tank and pay for water.

Here I am pumping away!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

This is the set up for filling watering cans.

Thumbnail by billyporter

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