Too Many Wasps

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey Gang -- I have too many wasps in my yard and garden this year. I don't mind a few, bc I know they're part of the natural order, but something's outta whack. Anyone else having a problem with an overabundance of wasps? Any ideas about why? And of course, any suggestions for getting them rid of them without hurting bees and other beneficials?
Englewood Water Dept sent someone to my house to change out the water meter, and the poor guy got stung. He says dryer sheets (like Bounce) in the corners of a garage or shed will keep them out. Anyone know if this is for real, or urban legend?

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Trisha, are they the blue/black sort or the yellowjackets? (We use the traps for the yellowjackets). We are trying mothballs by a tree to keep some insects from bothering it (suggested by a neighbor). Do you think they might deter your wasps? Anything is worth a try!

BTW, we had the blue ones nest in a birdhouse one year. Bad news! Al waited until they were all away one day and he used a power washer to clear up the nest. We stayed indoors for the day....

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

get rid of any sunflowers you have, becuase they really attract wasps and hornets for some reason. Also check to make sure they haven't made a nest in the siding of your house.

Wasps *eat* other insects, like aphids. I leave them alone for that reason especially, but sometimes it is unavoidable if they have a nest in the wrong place.

Missoula, MT(Zone 4b)

We had a lot of yellowjackets last year. This year we hung a couple of traps, and they don't seem as bad. Next year we're going to try following the directions and hanging them in early spring.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I have a wasps nest somewhere every year. They help with the apids and the catapillers in the green ash but not all luv them. Hanging a small brown paper bag from the eave works here. They think its another wasp nest and keep out of the territory.

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

I have the blue-black wasps, but not too many and they seem to be beneficial. The problem ones are the yellow-jackets. I have a large apple tree that sets fruit, but the fruit doesn't usually get to full size or ripen fully. The apples at all stages of ripeness provide food for all sorts of critters, including wasps. Cutting down the tree is not an option! But I can see that it is part of the hospitable environment for the wasps. I don't mind *some* wasps, but this year has been really bad.
I plan to get some traps, and I'll keep in mind that I should put out fresh traps in spring when the weather warms up. I really like the idea of tricking the wasps with a "decoy" nest -- that's really low-tech and no impact to any beneficials. This is the first year I've had a lot of sunflowers, and they're at the edge of the yard. I'd hate to give them up bc they're attracting goldfinches ;-) We'll have to see about that suggestion...

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Our wasp problem was outta control last year when we bought our house. We had a nasty old swamp cooler on the back porch that was full of the little darlings. There was even a wasps nest inside the front porch light!

First thing we did was take out the swamp cooler. My darling love cleared out the front porch light over the winter. Then we took out several ginormous juniper monsters this spring.

The wasps still came to the front porch, but in ever smaller numbers. I thought they were in the veggie garden, but I think what I've seen are bees, not wasps.

So, from my limited experience, get rid of their hidey holes and nests, and they move on. Great idea with the paper bag, Dahl! I like the lady bugs we bought this year for aphid control, although they too prefer the veggie garden to my front flower beds.


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