Flame tree (Delonix regia) any tips on growing this tree?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aloha Rob! My comment, though funny, was a direct jab at Randy. Our discussions cover the gambit, and we can go on and on and on. No topic taboo, and we have a hard time understanding those who are not understanding, capice? Kinda like "I am only intolerant of intolerance". Carol is equally loquascious regarding any and all topics, and only turns off when meaness rears its ugly head. So obviously the three of us (and any other visitor to Carol and Bob's botantical wonderland), would be sitting around drooling with our brains on the floor. Ha Ha. That you laughed at my comment is an indication that you would be a wonderful addition to our gab-fests!


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm glad to hear that! I am always looking for like-minded, humorous people! ; )

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I haven't been around much lately, but you could say that in a way the TZG forum is my baby, so belately Welcome! Drop in any old time (as I see you have!). We be a pretty good bunch!


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks! :- )

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, where is my brain!? I know it was here just a minute ago! Hmm..let me look on the floor!

wish you were here...Having a lovely morning rain!

There's property for sale near here...hmmm...

Clarence, NY

Here's a pic of a Flamboyant from last winter. The C. pulcherrima is more like a huge shrub here, and called Pride of Barbados. I'll show you both in bloom tomorrow.

Ike, I can tell you they are pretty hardy. My Flamboyants and Australian Pines were the only trees to survive hurricane Hugo. They are over 70 years old.

This message was edited Sep 15, 2008 2:53 AM

Thumbnail by DebSTX
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

How gorgeous Deb. Where was this picture taken? It really reminded me of Brazil..

Clarence, NY

Thanks Rob. Ike, I'll throw up a couple of pics of Flamboyants and Pride of Barbados to show you the difference. Here in St. Croix they just grow with no help. I would listen to the guys who live in the same relative zone like rjudd. I know he's really hot with plants. My problem is I have a baby plant just like yours, but I just assumed (without research) that it was a Tibet or other legume because the leaflets were so big. I better get reading...

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Clarence, NY

Here's a Pride of Barbados, Ike.

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Clarence, NY

Here's a Pride of Barbados flower, Ike.

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Clarence, NY

And another one of my Flamboyants. I'm at a bit higher altitude, above the Salt River, than alot of Cruzans, and my trees and flowers seem to respond a bit differently. Flamboyants lose virtually all their leaves, and are left with brown hanging pods. In this pic, just after blooming, the leaves are still green and rich as are the fruits. Way past peak bloom, but I love how the ground is covered with a "red carpet" of old blooms.

If I were you, Ike, I'd just go for it in the warmest, secluded part of your property. If nothing else, what a great experiment. I do that win or lose all the time! You want seeds, w/e, I'll send them to you. Just do it, man!

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hi Deb, Tks for all the fotos and suggestions. I have another ten flamboyants in pots which are growing like crazy. As I was not sure if the seeds would germinate I sowed around 15 seeds, they have all grown. What to do with them !!

Thumbnail by ikebana67

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