What poetry grows in your garden?

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I have started a thread in the NE forum, because I didn't know where else to



Please post yours there!! Thanks!

Thumbnail by WNYwillieB
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

what a great idea for a thread! I'll go check it out... thanks for the cross-post!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I tagged the thread, too, so we could find it again ("Garden Poetry," "Garden Words & One-Liners" -- not sure about the second tag, if anybody has a better way to word it, LMK and I"ll edit it... was trying to describe those short blurbs that I love so much)...

I'm delighted to report that the tags feature seems to have been improved recently. It was really bogged down, but now tagging happens in a flash!

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