I have frog eggs!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

My frog population has been on a roller coaster ride all summer, I started off with 7 went down to 3 then two, one and then 3 again. With the rains we have been getting, some very heavy at night, frogs have been on the move. My one frog has been hanging around and finally called in a few others. Yesterday when I got home from work I had a surprise of a mass of frog eggs.
I'll be looking for movement to see if the courtship was a success.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

How cool! I don't think I've ever seen frog eggs before.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Ladygardener, In Orlando we had a water trough with a fountain in a little garden. We had watched a frog for some period of time sitting on the edge of the trough and jumping in the water to hide when we came into the garden. One day I saw there were many, many tiny tadpoles in the trough. We were having the exterior power washed, some siding where the trough was replaced, and then painted, so we bought an aquarium and filter, got all the tads and eggs we could with a net, and set the aquarium up on the kitchen counter. It was amazing to see them actually getting bigger inside their egg sacs and finally hatch into teeny tiny tadpoles, and then they developed legs as they lost their tails. Incredible swimmers! Well, the painting took much longer than anticipated. It may have been a month before we were able to set up the trough again--I can't recall exactly. We took a few of the largest froggies (about the size of your 1/2 your thumb) and put them back in the trough, and the smaller ones we put out in the lake. I wondered whether we had done the right thing and whether we might cause a froggy explosion, but no such event occurred to my knowledge. I'm not sure I'd do it again, but looking back, it was a fun learning experience. Enjoy! Oh, and we never had frog eggs again that I know of. Maybe the fish ate them all.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Do you know what kind of frogs they are, Chris? I have bullfrogs in our ponds and leopard frogs. I got a picture yesterday of the little baby bullfrog that's been sunning itself on the lily pads for weeks. He's so cute.

I found an eensy, weensy tree frog in my kitchen sink the other day. He was so tiny - about an inch long. I have no idea how he got in the sink but I took him outside and put him in a tree. I didn't get a photo of him. Wish I had - he was so cute.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hart, I think they are Green frogs, yes that is their name and they are the color green. Their sound is like someone plunking a banjo string.
Here is an interesting site, and you can also listen to their call.

Did the frog in your sink look like this little guy I found in my lily one morning?

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sounds like it's bullfrogs. They have a pretty distinctive, twangy croak.


My big ones sing every night, hoping for more girlfriends.

No, I guess not. There is a green frog that sounds like a banjo. LOL I don't think we have those here.

I think it might have been a spring peeper

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ladygardener, We have a tree frog that lives in our swimming pool. This is the second year we have had one there. Very tame, a couple of weeks ago after a rather noisy night I went out and found the swimming pool filled with frog eggs. LOL
I tried to relocate them to the box pond but I think the gold fish ate them as fast as put them in there. Not sure if any of them lived haven't seen any yet.
BTW, I have two buds on my Water Lotus.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

They are very cute those baby frogs... I will say it is no fun when you get your pool just right after opening it for the summer and the next morning the whole top of the pool is covered with eggs.. Or when you are swimming and you feel something go by your nose... Yup they wanted to swim with us... Our land has creeks on two side so we had a really hard time keeping them out of the pool...

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

It is cool and rainy today, I went out for a quick look at the eggs, some of them are changing from a dot . to a long dot ' so I guess something is happening. She laid the eggs at the very shallow end which it is filled with water hyacinths, the fish don't go near that end as it is so shallow. So I feel that more eggs have a better chance of making it.

That is funny hearing about the frogs in the pools, I'll have to ask my friend at work if she had any in her pool.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

It's not like I don't have two small ponds here. You would think they would like the ponds better. Last year you could almost always find him floating around the pool on my GS plastic boat. LOL
This year he seems to like the floating noodles, if I leave a few of them in the pool he is almost always sitting on one of them.
Here is a picture from last year. It swam right up to JR and climbed on.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Yup that looks right... What a fine looking young man there...LOL Do they have the type of feet with little suckers on them? Ours always did...LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh yea, Those little suckers. LOL
I haven't seen any of your posts for a while. I've missed you.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh life here is always going and going.. I keep waiting for it to stop and I am hoping soon it will... Not complaining.. Mike who some have met moved this past weekend and loves his job... I am so happy... He did come home this weekend to play golf with us...LOL Then the other son and his wife are having problems so I called DIL up told her to come over and we needed to chat...Well she is on her way to the Marine base in NC. So I hope this works for them.. So that is a little of why I am gone... I have been on AV forum as I am big into streps now... I love them...LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Holly, that photo is precious. The frog is cute but the expression on your grandson's face is adorable.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly what a picture, your 2 amphibians are handsome guys!

Took a picture of the eggs yesterday, have some squealing around in the mass, they may start to go to the bottom of the pond so this might be the last picture for a while until they get bigger.

If you look at the red stem you can see the heads and tails better.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

So cute! I raised a few tadpoles in a tank once when I was a kid. So cool. Haven't been able to find any in ponds. Probably because I no longer put on my oldest Keds and go squishing into the nastiest woodland puddles I can find.
And your containers are super in the other thread

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally I may have told this story before about the first spring for my pond. My first priorty was to add frogs, so off I went bucket in hand to the creek that I would take my daughter fishing when she was little. The best places where in some shallow areas through brush and over big logs. When I got there, paydirt! A bunch of tiny tads just there for the scooping. With prize in bucket I made my way back and to my pond. I watched these little guy grow and get legs and become tiny frogs. Then one day they started a mass migration, "get back in my pond" I begged. But they didn't listen. Turned out they were toad tads,or possible Spring peepers or tree frogs, not pond frogs.

I really think these eggs are the green frog as two green frogs were staying in this area of the pond and one looked a bit plump to me the day before I spotted the eggs.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

LOL,- what we do for our little friends! Anyway- you probably gave them a boost over being out in the wild. I hope these are the green frogs, and they can learn to stay put!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady what fun you must be having watching them grow. I have been lucky to have frogs but no eggs for me to watch. Several years ago we had tadpoles in the birdbath pond and the pump would pic up the tadpoles when they were small and pump them up into the birdbath top. I was out there all day long trying to move them back down to the pond bottom. I'm afraid the the birds got more of them than I did.
You are right about my amphibians Jr is a wonderful swimmer and has no fear of the water. Of course I have had him in the pool since he was born. My other grandchild Lily is the same way. Shes about 17 months and loves the water, too.
Hart, That look is so funny.... I just love that picture.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I never would have noticed this wood frog at work yesterday if it hadn't jumped. How does it get around in those holly leaves without getting stabbed?

Thumbnail by claypa
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Clay that's a good ?. I also wonder how my frogs can eat yellow jackets and not get stung. The wonders of nature!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

You know - every time I see the heading for this thread I see "I have frog LEGS!" - I know - totally OT and I love little frogs - even when they scare the begeebees out of me sitting in front of the door ^_^

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Becky, I'm not even going to comment on how delicious those little legs are. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just "found" this thread....Ohhh I love froggies!!! Even when weeding and watering and they jump out unexpectedly. I'll never forget finding what we called a polywog (big jelly mass of eggs) in a creek while trying to find salamanders. LOL I had the novel idea that they'd do great in my fish tank with my guppies. Oh they did great alright until they starting hatching and jumping out of the tank...not sure mom has ever forgiven me for THAT one...LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

so I'm not the only one here whose childhood was wasted on playing in the creek? YAY

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm a Patuxent Green Branch homey. We used to get in so much "trouble" for coming home late and muddy. So much fun. I get lost when I go back there, I don't recognize the place.

This message was edited Aug 15, 2008 1:19 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Froggius heart-attackius--he jumped out of a bag of daffodil bulbs that was hanging on the shady side of my shed all summer . Had great sticky feet andd sure was squirmy!

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

and these bright yellow patches inside the thighs

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I just melted when he clung to me like this!! sooooo cute! he loves me too. I gotta make a pond/vernal pool next spring.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

What a handsome guy! Did he change color from a brown to a gray green or is that just the lighting?
Isn't nature wonderful, so many shapes, sizes and colors.

I haven't seen you tadpoles, but I have a lot of water hyacinthus that they can be hidding in, I have been slowly removing some of the hyacinthus for the fall. May find some tads before I finish.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

He was a light gray when I found him, and just seemed that he darkened a bit and his patches showed a little more after a few minutes- so he was pretty much gray toned. The pattern looked a lot like a toad to me, but he was very clingy like a frog, and not as chunky as a toad. Here he's on the inside of a large bucket.
I would love to have tadpoles to watch. Gee for ten bucks I could get a kiddie pool and put it under my maple tree corner next spring...

Thumbnail by sallyg
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Did a little googling, you might have a Gray Tree Frog. http://www.photography.inkart.net/planet_earth/north_american_frogs/gray_treefrog/Gray-Treefrog-02.php

(I'll post this-Come back and edit in another site)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_tree_frog This shows the yellow under side of leg.

My sister one time sunk an old dish pan in the ground to grow, I think water mint in her herb garden, in the spring when she emptied it she was surprised to find several dead frogs in the bottom that apperantly froze to death. If you do make a temporary pool, you could drain and release the frogs to another water source in the early fall.

This message was edited Sep 6, 2008 10:46 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks I agree
and yes I would want to bear in mnd if my pool wouldn't be the same as a real one and not to let them freeze

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, Sure looks like a tree frog to me. We have a few that live in our swimming pool and they do change colors a bit depending on what they are sitting on. Ours tends to be pretty white as it sits on the white ledge of our pool a lot. They are very friendly little things.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

such cute babies!!!! Makes ya wanna kiss em and look for a prince doesn't it? LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ooooooh Chaaaaaaaantelllllllllllll pucker up ! ♥ ♥ ♥

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

ROTFLOL....awww he's wearing my favorite shades...green and brown...looks like he's got a girlfriend already though...just my luck!!! ^_^

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That one looks very Kermit-y, the same expression on his face!

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